New Member!
Posted on Wed Dec 12th, 2012 @ 9:49pm by Admiral Ricky Wegener
I'm happy to announce that SB900 has a new character in our ranks! Everyone please make welcome Aaron who will be playing Commander Anthony Davis. His character will be the permanent CO of the USS Hammond, the attached ship to SB900, and will be taking it out on missions of his own. However, when the ship is docked with 900 his character can be used to help any department on the station as needed. He will be outside of the normal chain of command on 900, so no one need worry about reporting to him on anything unless it directly concerns the Hammond.
Oh, and there's Captain El'Shar Blackhorse from Temporal Affairs, but that's just another character of mine. So no biggie there. LOL
Welcome to SB900, Aaron! I hope you enjoy yourself here. :)
Scott B.
VADM Ricky Wegener
Category: General News