New Crew & Holidays!
Posted on Tue Dec 24th, 2013 @ 3:46pm by Admiral Ricky Wegener
I'm very happy to see this application come in, but I would like to welcome a great writer to SB900: Les Brown! He'll be writing for Lieutenant Z. Talan, a security investigations officer. I didn't know Les was coming but I'm glad that he is!
Welcome to 900, Les!
Secondly, I'd like to wish everyone a very happy holiday season. There are quite a few that happen around this time of year and I don't snub anyone regardless of what holiday you're celebrating. So whatever it is you're doing, have a great holiday! And if you're not celebrating anything, I hope you're having a great Tuesday, or Wednesday, depending upon where you are. :)
Scott B.
ADM Wegener
Category: Out of Character