Dedicated Service Awards
Posted on Sat May 2nd, 2015 @ 11:42pm by Admiral Ricky Wegener
Good evening, all! Sometimes it's hard to believe that this sim has been active since May of 2011, or that some of us have been writing for around 13 years together! But these two things are a fact and we have to say that we have enjoyed every minute of it with you all.
Today marks the anniversary of several of our players who have been with us for a while. If you've taken a look at the awards page on the site we do have awards listed for time on the sim. Unfortunately, we cannot actually assign the awards to the writer's account so it has to go to your main character--but that won't deter us from giving them out! They are well deserved and we appreciate everyone who writes with us, no matter how long you have been on this sim.
The Dedicated Service IV (OOC) Award, for four years of consecutive service aboard Starbase 900, is proudly given to:
Major Patrick Smith
James Holbridge
Commander Patrick Leroy
Commander Sakkath
Commander Oralia Zeferino
Captain Li Hawke
Admiral Ricky Wegener
Additionally, the Dedicated Service II (OOC) Award, for two years of consecutive service aboard Starbase 900, is proudly given to:
Camille Ross
A big thank you to all of our writers and to those receiving an award today! Again, we truly appreciate each of you and hope that you are enjoying your time with us.
Thank you!
Admiral Ricky Wegener
Scott B.
Captain Li Hawke
Category: General News