Updated SB900 Deck Listing
Posted on Wed Sep 21st, 2011 @ 11:48pm by Admiral Ricky Wegener
Good morning, everyone. Just want to let you know that I have updated the deck listings for SB900 here: http://starbase900.info/index.php/wiki/view/page/6
There are some additions to the deck listings that I will explain once some of my department heads approve or edit a Google Docs page that I have up, but essentially it's regarding the Security, Engineering, Medical and Science departments and the different locations for each on the base. For example, you'll notice Level 1, 2, & 3 security stations as well as the detention center listed. The other departments have something along the same lines and I will explain them as soon as I get the nod from those dept heads.
So...there you go! :-)
Scott B.
Category: Website Update