Development Timeline
Created by Admiral Ricky Wegener on Thu May 5th, 2011 @ 9:11pm
2368: Starfleet issues a general design brief for a multi purpose Starbase capable of Starship support and construction as well as being the HQ for the sector it's in. The general idea is for a modular design capable of handling upgrades to starship support systems, weapons, sensors, and communications systems.
2369: Permission for base designs are approved and dubbed Immense class. Primary design is approved and briefs for the computer, weapons, starship support systems, and spaceframe parameters are sent out to Starfleet Design agencies for consultation. 2371: Starfleet places hold on Immense project. With tension building between the Federation and Dominion, Starfleet believes resources are needed for Starship construction instead. Immense plans sent to Avalon Fleet Yards. 2372: At the urging of several current and former Regula starbase commanders and one Marine General, Starfleet agrees to re-open the Immense project. Construction Engineers at AFY make several changes to the design, most notably reducing the size. The Immense class will now be smaller then the Space Dock class, but larger then the Regula class. Construction approved with a 10 year turn around. To speed up the project, two complete Engineering teams are sent it. 2373: Construction begins. Sensor and Comm arrays arrive on site. Starship support and construction facilities finalized. Spaceframe is designed and undergoes review. Construction proceeds on schedule. 2374: Fusion reactors arrive on site and are fitted, providing 34% complete base power. Crew living spaces begin fitting. Weapons systems begin fitting. Station Ops is designed and fitted. Shield systems are installed. Sick-bay facilities installed. Docking pods begin construction. 2375: Internal systems begin final phase. Power systems tested and regulated. Space doors fitted. 2376: Computer system now operating at 50% capacity. System expected to become self aware within a year. Space doors tested and warning systems installed. Gravitational and umbilical support systems installed. 2377: Final exterior work completed. Crew berthing spaces completed. Starship construction systems begin installation. 2378: Problem with starbase power supply found and an additional 2 fusion reactors are installed to correct power loss problems. Comm and Sensor arrays finish installation and are tested. 2379: Station Ops brought online and tested. Additional crew facilities installed. Shuttles and Starfleet tugs assigned to the station. Supplies start arriving and crew assigned. 2380: Final exterior markings applied and station is commissioned in a large formal ceremony. 2386: Starbase 900 commanded by RADM Ricky Wegener, TF-38 COCategories: SB900 Info