SB900 Department Structure

Created by Admiral Ricky Wegener on Fri Sep 23rd, 2011 @ 7:42pm

These different types of department stations have been placed on the SB900 Deck Listing on various decks. Please become familiar with them so that you can utilize them within your storylines as well as their locations within the base.


Level 3 security station -- 5 to 7 man security center, manned by an Ensign and enlisted personnel. They would be spaced more sporadically throughout the station for quick response. They would be responsible for 5-10 decks to patrol. If they were to make any sort of "arrest" and needed to do paperwork, or something, there are no holding cells there so they would have to make sure their "prisoner" is well-behaved.

Level 2 security station -- 10 to 20 man security center, manned by a Jaygee and enlisted personnel. They would be spaced through the station but not as many as the Level 3's. They would be responsible for 20-50 decks to patrol, but there should be two placed in the Promenade due to the high traffic. These would primarily be seen in the Promenade and other high-traffic areas as well as one being on the same floor as either the CO/XO quarters or the VIP quarters, but still close to main OPS. The Level 2 stations have small holding cells for up to, approximately, 10 prisoners but one of the assigned officers would have to be reallocated to prisoner control.

Level 1 security station -- Only one of these on the station manned by the Chief of Security and all other security personnel. Officers posted here are assigned to random patrols all over the station to supplement the Level 2/3 stations as well as giving those personnel breaks, etc. This area also contains a training area (dedicated holodecks), R&D for security weapons/tactics, etc. 2-3 decks, or more, dedicated to the Level 1 section. There is a medium sized brig at this location able to hold up to 30 prisoners.

Detention Center - Five decks. Manned by a Jayjee or higher and 15-20 security personnel. Can hold around 100 prisoners, 5-7 people in a holding cell if necessary.


Level 3 Medical station (Named "ICC1", "ICC2", etc. for "Instant Care Center #1")-- Like the modern day "instant care center". The equivalent of a physician's assistant or nurse practitioner running the place with 1 extra nurse and 3-4 medical aides/medics (enlisted). One bed for quick sutures, etc., but nothing major handled here. Pretty much just a band-aid station. Spread throughout the station with 2-3 in the promenade.

Level 2 Medical station (They will be named for famous physicians throughout history, prior to space travel) -- Two doctors and four nurses with several aides/medics. Minor surgeries can be performed here. One of these in the promenade.

Doctor Mark Piper Memorial Medical center (Level 1 center named after, usually referred to as "Piper Medical Center" or "PMC") -- The primary medical center aboard the station. Numerous decks, equivalent of a modern day Level 1 trauma center. Numerous docs, nurses, aides/medics around. Long term stay, in-and-out service, major surgery, consultations, etc. When scheduled for doctor's visits/check-ups this is where the personnel would report. Also a large R&D section with docs/nurses working along-side science personnel to develop new medicines, treatments, medical equipment, etc.


Galileo Center (Main Sciences Center) - Chief/Asst. Chief Science Officer, multiple decks for experimental/theoretical science, applied science, R&D, hydroponics, etc.


Main Engineering - Multiple decks for maintaining the power system for the station, R&D, etc.

Level 2 Engineering Station - Manned by a Jaygee, junior officers and enlisted. Responsible for a specific section of the station for quick response and general, scheduled maintenance/upkeep of each section.

Categories: SB900 Info