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Wed Jul 10th, 2013 @ 1:34am

Lieutenant Leona Aliso

Name Leona Corina Aliso

Position Asst. Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Joined Trill
Age 27

Physical Appearance

Height 5'7"
Weight 143
Hair Color Red
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Shoulder length red hair & standard Trill spotting.


Spouse N/A
Children N/A
Father Dr. Harlan Corina M.D.
Mother Ambassador Roslyn Hughes Corina
Brother(s) Arturo Corina- Federation Diplomatic Corps
Sister(s) PO3 Serena Corina- USS Hoshi Sato
Other Family Calude Hughes, Andrea Hughes, Bennet Corina, Shauna Corina

Personality & Traits

General Overview Leona is good at perceiving people’s attitude and motivations. She enjoys a good debate and sometimes will argue the other side simply because she can. She honors traditions and laws, and has a well developed set of standards and beliefs. When it comes to new concepts, she is more interested in the application of the concept rather than following the idea as far as possible. While she would rather not be a leader, Leona will step up and take control if she feels there is a need to do so. If a plan isn’t working, she is not against changing the plan to fit current circumstances.

In the months since the joining, Leona has become more spontaneous when it comes to her social life.
Strengths & Weaknesses Takes her commitments seriously, detail oriented, flexible. Leona is diplomatic and easy going, sometimes to a fault. However, should Leona get pushed far enough, she will push back.
Ambitions Once she becomes more comfortable with her joined status, Leona wishes to become a field docent. She has thought about participating in a first contact mission or two
Hobbies & Interests Gymnastics, Pool, Akido
While at the Academy, Leona had a Bajoran roommate who taught her how to play Springball. Due to the influences of the Aliso symbiont, Leona has begun to learn the Oboe and has shown an increased interest in parisses squares.

Personal History On August 19, 2360, Leona was born on the planet Thaipetha. According to the laws of the Procyon Confederacy, of which Thaipetha was a member, this gave Leona citizenship in the confederacy. Leona has maintained her citizenship in the Confederacy as it may prove useful in the future.
In November of 2360, the family moved to Deneb Algedi. They would remain there until March, 2362 when Roslyn became Ambassador at Large for the United Federation of Planets, and was subsequently reassigned to the planet Yasidir which was considering admittance into the Federation. This would be the first of many moves made during Leona's childhood including Delos IV & New Impetus.
During the Dominion war the children were sent to live with various relatives, far from the front lines. Soon after the war's end, the Corina's were reunited on Matalas Prime.

All three children formed close bonds with one another, and became self-sufficient at an early age as a result of the frequent moves and long periods of absence by one or both parents. When not in school, the siblings could often be found on the holodeck playing a friendly game of pool or learning gymnastics. As they got older those activities grew less frequent as they found areas of studies they were interested in and began to immerse themselves in. Knowing she wanted to join Starfleet, but unsure of what discipline to focus on, Leona shadowed personnel from various departments.
Service Record In 2378, Leona enrolled in Starfleet Academy where she soon decided on a major in security with a minor in flight control. In 2382, Leona graduated and was assigned to the Norway Class USS Jetanien. The Jetanien often worked with the Federation Diplomatic Corps in hosting events. As a result, Leona became a member of the ship’s honor guard.

She continued with the Jetanien until 2387, when the ship responded to a distress call from Starbase 463 which was being threatened by the Rthaeus Alliance. Leona along with a bulk of the ship's security department transferred over to the station to boost their security forces. They were successful in holding off the invading force but at the cost of 2 starships including the Jetanien.

Leona was then reassigned and soon found herself stationed on Starbase 900 as a security officer.

In early 2387, Leona took a leave of absence to apply for a symbiont. Her application was successful and she was joined with the Aliso symbiont.