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Sun Apr 24th, 2016 @ 10:48am

Ignatius Reilly

Name Ignatius J. Reilly

Position Civilian

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Goliath Tarantula
Age 4

Physical Appearance

Height 6"
Weight 6 oz.
Hair Color Black and Electric Blue
Eye Color Black
Physical Description She's the stuff of dreams: glossy black and blue hair, deep soulful eyes (all eight of them), and legs that just won't quit.

She's also the stuff of nightmares: fangs that are an inch and a half long; eight beady little eyes and eight super-long, hairy legs. Though her fangs are scary-looking, what drives most humanoids to scream when they see her is her size: she's larger than a dinner plate, with a leg span, from the left front to the back right legs, of nearly fourteen inches. When she rears back in a defensive attack stance with her front legs up, she 'stands' just over a foot tall. Thanks to silk-producing glands on her tarsi, she can scale walls and walk on the ceiling.


Spouse Jerry - a non-sentient tarantula given to her by a Collector
Children Has had one egg sac, resulting in over eighty hatchlings, most of which ate their siblings, reducing their number to ten.
The children were named:
Gilroy, Jr.

Only three survived the first month:
Ariadne, female, pink and lime green touches on black body.
Gilroy, Jr., female, red knees, black body.
Kahuna, male, black and blue like his mother.
Other Family Oralia Zeferino
Chance Conradi
Jackson Banning V
Eli Ziyad

Personality & Traits

General Overview Ever since being 'awakened' by a Tholian crystal and a burst of psionic energy (that's the going theory of how she acquired her intelligence and sentience), Ignatius has shown herself to be highly inquisitive - to the point of being annoying, at times. She will pepper a person with questions (usually Oralia), until that person is ready to scream. She's a chatterbox. She's a bit like a toddler: literal and into everything.

Assimilated by the Borg. Recovered with Oralia Zeferino, Dae Nalas, Patrick Smith, and Bryce Kendrick.
Strengths & Weaknesses S: She's... um... yeah, she has no strengths.
W: A fall from more than a few inches will kill her.
W: A smack on her abdomen will kill her.
W: She doesn't quite understand certain cultural phenomena, such as the bipedal females' tendency not to eat their mates, even when said mates are causing angst.
Ambitions To learn to read; to be able to tell the turbolift where she wants to go; to be able to use a commbadge.
Hobbies & Interests Burrowing; Arachnid Fight Club; Gagh; Cursing and Drinking Lessons with the Admiral, alternately: Cursing and Drinking Lessons with Jackson Banning V.

Personal History Originally given to Oralia Zeferino by a Ferengi.
Spider-napped by a Collector of Odd Things.
Rescued by Vic, Eric Edwards and Patrick Smith.
Hero of the Hammond for her efforts in thwarting the effect of a flower from Cha'ru.
Nanny to Kh'ali's baby.
Hero to Chance Conradi for saving his life on Enara Prime when he was captured by the Circle, foes of Eli Ziyad.