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Sat Jan 19th, 2013 @ 1:38pm

Ensign Torven Rosh

Name Torven Rosh

Position JAG Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 25

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2
Weight 95kg
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Torven is not physically imposing. He is quite tall and of a good athletic build. His hair is cut short at the sides and he allows it to grow no longer than 2 inches in length on top before it gets a trim.

Torven has a clean appearance and does have a spanish look to him from his mothers side of the family.

He has no marks/scars or tattoos as yet.

Torven is predominently left handed but can use his right hand to good effect if needed.


Spouse None
Children None
Father John Rosh - Retired Barrister on Earth
Mother Maria Cortez-Rosh - Deceased Human Rights lawyer on Earth
Sister(s) Penelope Rosh - Single and younger than Torven. Currently undergoing selection process to join Starfleet as a security officer.
Other Family None of note

Personality & Traits

General Overview Torven is a fresh out of the box JAG officer. He completed his legal training on Earth and applied to Judge advocate generals office in the advice of his father. He was encouraged to get out and see the galaxy to broaden his horizons.
Torven is from a 'legal family'. He has never left Earth before due to his mother and father both being to commited to their work to take time off with the family. This is something that Torven has sworn never to repeat in the event of him having his own children.
Strengths & Weaknesses Torven is very driven and logical in his approach to life. He has been refered to as a Vulcan with out the ears by many of his peers. This is not however a major strength due to his awkwardness in social situations. He has a methodical approach to his work and a laid back outlook out of the office. Due to his relatively sheltered life Torven can be quite naive to the ways of the galaxy and its occupants, but is very quick to pick up things and learn from mistakes made.
Ambitions To progress for several years in the JAG service and then review his options around age 30. He has not thought much about it outside of this and likes to leave his options open.
Hobbies & Interests Torven is a keen sportsman and likes to keep himself very fit. He believes in his fathers mantra of a 'healthy mind and healthy body'.

Outside of sports Torven reads a great deal of past crime cases. He has an interest in criminology and hopes that his service in the JAG can be something of a working hobby of sorts. He envisions himself loving the work as it is an interest of his anyway.

Personal History Torven lived a sheltered childhood with two very busy parents and a younger sister. His sister was born 7 years after him. His parents were both very successful in their respective areas of the law and meant that he spent very little time with either of them. He does have negative feelings about this, but idolises his father and respects his advice.

Torven was an unremarkable pupil in the core subjects at school, but did show a good aptitude in history and doing investigation work for coursework. He has a good recall of facts and quotations, but really showed no passion for knowledge in maths, physics or any kind of subject no in some way linked to law or criminology.

On going to university to study law he came into his own. Education became a pleasure and he breezed through the relevant work set to him taking up several positions on student bodies. He worked closely with friends of his father in a law firm on earth to gain some 'hands on' experience in the field.

Socially Torven is something of a recluse. He does enjoy other peoples company from time to time. As mentioned his social skills are akin to a human vulcan. He is a well respected and valued member of a work team, but wouldnt be the first name down on a party invite.
Service Record Fresh out the box and ready to go...