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Sat Feb 13th, 2016 @ 1:09pm

Marine Captain Thomas Franklin

Name Thomas Winston Franklin

Position Marine XO - 3d Marines XO

Rank Marine Captain

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 33

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2"
Weight 220
Hair Color White
Eye Color Red
Physical Description Franklin is an albino, a well-built, fit oddity whose odd appearance disconcerts friends and terrifies enemies.


Father Zachary Franklin (deceased)
Mother Sonia Loya-Franklin (deceased)
Brother(s) John ( clinically insane after murdering his parents. Escaped Shelter Island Mental Center on Delta III 10 years ago)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Tom is a gruff man who plays it by the book until the book no longer gets results. He is not afraid to say what he thinks, much to the detriment of his command or future in the Corps.
Strengths & Weaknesses Utilizes odd look to his advantage in combat.

Prone to arrogance

Guards inner feelings of guilt over failure to kill twin brother.

Personal History Thomas and Jonathan Franklin were born on Delta III. while his twin brother's skin coloring was normal, Thomas was diagnosed with albinism at 6 months old. John often defended his older brother from bullies at school.

2377 saw Jonathan franklin in an insane asylum for the killing of his parents. John had a psychotic breakdown and slew them in front of his brother. Thomas stunned his brother out of nostalgia and family ties, but realized he made a mistake when John abruptly escaped from the asylum and vanished.

Thomas successfully graduated the Marine Academy, selecting the combat engineer's track, but was switched to Command by General Duke Hauser. Franklin led countless missions in the Dominion War and rapidly advanced to captain's rank.

after a stint as Vegan embassy detachment CO, Franklin was selected to go to SB 900 and become 3rd Marine BN XO