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Mon Nov 9th, 2015 @ 10:18pm

Lieutenant Tobin Ayo

Name Tobin Ayo

Position Chief Engineering/Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Joined Trill
Age 31

Physical Appearance

Height 6'3"
Weight 195
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Tobin is tall and muscular with long blonde hair and blue eyes. When on duty, he ties his hair back with a leather strap.


Father Ilan Miro
Mother Inara Miro

Personality & Traits

General Overview Prior to his first joining, and even after, Tobin was a very relaxed, placid type. His first symbiont, Xan, was studious and at the time Tobin received him, he was a blessing in disguise – rock solid at a tumultuous period in Tobin’s life. When Xan began to fail unexpectedly, Tobin received a replacement in the Ayo symbiont. Ayo was Xan’s polar opposite – he loved a good party, was outgoing and fearless. It’s been an adjustment for Tobin but Ayo’s uninhibited nature has been good for Tobin, who has learned the value of taking life by the horns, so to speak.

Nickname: Thor - given by one of the nurses on DS15 and it stuck, much to his amusement.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: His main strength is the ability to remain calm and centered no matter what’s going on around him or how chaotic the situation. Tobin is extremely capable and good at his job. He can handle a seemingly infinite number of details and projects. Tobin’s size means that he is generally seen as an authority figure and treated with respect. His compassion and understanding keeps that respect.

Weaknesses: Tobin’s desire to pitch in and help out whenever there is a need sometimes means that he overdoes it, spending long hours without sleep until the job is done and he is exhausted.
Ambitions Advancing in rank, while continuing to explore the unknown. He still has a thirst for adventure and wants to make the most of it.
Hobbies & Interests He swims long-distance, runs, and does strength training. He loves to read, primarily mystery and suspense novels. For a more visual hobby he is an avid fan of film noir. To relax, he plays the guitar (taught by Dr. Solis). He has a fondness for a good single malt scotch whiskey, especially when it's paired with friends and a good drinking song or a poker game.

Personal History Tobin was born in 2357 to Ilan and Inara Miro. Ilan, his father, is a member of the Trill Senate and his mother a Counselor. Tobin grew up like many boys with visions of the stars in his eyes. This longing for adventure didn’t wane in his teen years, though he did discover girls, who ran a close second.

He attended Starfleet Academy, one year ahead of his closest friend, and the girl who stole his heart, Gaelan Barros (Tor). His specialty was Operations and Engineering. He discovered the ability to multi-task at an amazing rate, a perfect talent for that department. He graduated in 2378 and returned to the Trill Homeworld to undergo assessment for joining. He was rejected, in part because the Commission was afraid his high-profile father would provoke claims of favoritism.

He was assigned to the USS Descartes as Operations Officer and promoted to Lieutenant (jg.) in 2381. In 2383 he was recalled home by the Commission as they had reconsidered his desire to be joined. He was given the Xan symbiont, and after his adjustment period, he departed home for the USS Tristar, as Assistant Chief of Engineering and promoted to Lieutenant. With this joining came a complete ban against seeing Gaelan, whose symbiont was the husband of one of Xan’s previous hosts. Both were very bitter about the separation but there was nothing to be done.

In late 2386, the Xan symbiont began to fail and Tobin was short-listed for a replacement. A tragic and stupid accident, in which Ayo’s host decided to party a little too hard and then test his non-existent wings from the top of a communications tower led to Tobin’s being joined with the Ayo symbiont. As Ayo had no previous associations with Gaelan, Tobin petitioned the council to lift the ban and they agreed.

He received his next assignment, and with the Council’s blessing, was given Gaelan’s location so he could give her the news himself. Much to his surprise, he arrived, found her, and discovered that his new assignment was on her ship, with her as his XO.

Three years is a long time to have no contact. Given the past, they had a lot to work out with all the changes (and a new symbiont for Tobin) in the intervening years. They got to know each other once more, slowly reforging a friendship.

When the call came in about a state of emergency on DS15, Gaelan immediately accepted. Given their need for officers, she recommended Tobin, and he agreed, taking it as a sign, perhaps, of things to come. Circumstances once again intervened, and Tobin and Tor remained friends but were not involved romantically. They settled into a comfortable relationship however. When Commander Gunnar was given command of the new Valhalla Colony in the Delta Quadrant, she drafted Tobin to oversee Operations and Engineering there. He agreed, unaware that Tor, who had suddenly left DS15 for reasons unknown to Tobin, would also be there.

Previous Hosts (Ayo):

Cosmo – a young engineer who died tragically after a party that got too wild. Cosmo decided he could fly and tested that theory from the top of a communications tower.

Lianne – Lianne was a famous artist on the Trill homeworld and the wife of a Senator (Russo Lin). She was fond of large parties and had a wide circle of friends, something that suited Ayo very well. She died in an assassination plot against her husband – the strike at him missed and hit her.

Baran – Baran was Starfleet Intelligence, stationed on Eden in the Neutral Zone. He was captured by the Tal’Shiar but his released was negotiated by Starfleet. He continued his Intel duties until he retired, eventually dying of old age.

Phoebe – was a prostitute before her musical talent was discovered and she became a favorite on Trill. This led to a fast-paced life that meant she burned out early, thanks in large part to Ayo’s no-holds-barred preferences. She collapsed on stage before a sold out crowd and died just as they reached the medical center.
Service Record 2375-2378: Starfleet Academy

2378-2383: USS Descartes,Operations, promoted to Lieutenant (jg)

2383: Trill Homeworld – Joined with the Xan Symbiont

2384-2386 USS Tristar Assistant Chief Of Engineering, Promoted to Lieutenant

2386: USS Armstrong, Operations Alpha

2387 – Deep Space 15; Chief of Operations

2388 – Chief Engineering/Operations Officer; Valhalla Colony