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Wed May 25th, 2016 @ 8:33pm

Commander Louie Rousseau

Name Louie Rousseau

Position Dean of Education

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age Apparent Age: 32 / Real Age: 169

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2"
Weight 190
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Louie is tall and muscular, reflecting his compulsion to work out and keep in shape now that he has a young body again. His brown hair is shorter and neatly styled, though sometimes awry as he runs his hands through it when thinking deeply. He always has a smile on his face that seems to hint at some hidden, inside knowledge.


Spouse Céline (d. 2269)
Father Etienne Rousseau (d. 2254)
Mother Claire Segal Rousseau (d. 2259)
Brother(s) Emile (d. 2276)
Other Family Jean-Lazare Rousseau (Uncle, taught Astrometrics at Starfleet Academy)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Louie is relaxed and friendly, the guy you've known all your life. He has an easygoing personality, a wicked sense of humour and a love of adventure. He believes in living life to the fullest, especially since he’s getting a second go-around. He is also something of a practical joker, but his advice is always right on target. When on duty, he knows business is business and gets the job done.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: He is very insightful, based on a long life, and his advice is good. He had a wide compassionate streak and is always willing to listen and help out where he can. He is loyal to friends and fearless in defending them and colleagues alike. He expects dedication in the ranks, and will not hesitate to pitch in as needed.

Weaknesses: Things in the Fleet changed radically while Louie was missing. He’s still catching up and at times gets frustrated with himself as he feels he should be able to get a handle on everything much faster. He sometimes feels like a fish out of water, and can second guess himself more than he should.
Ambitions Louie’s early ambitions centered around his Starfleet career and rising among the ranks. He served a full career before an unusual event pulled him through both time and space. He’s been given a second chance, and a second life, and now intends to get back to what he loves best: adventure and discovery.
Hobbies & Interests Louie had a keen interest in history, having lived so long himself. He spends much of his off-duty time catching up on the events of the years he lost.

Louie is an accomplished cook and volunteers his time in hydroponics to oversee the plants, as well as the herbs he uses in cooking. Growing up in a Cajun family, he has an appreciation for good food, and has a healthy disdain for anything produced by a replicator. He has stated firmly that good food feeds the soul, and replicated food is missing the vital personal element to do that.

Louie grew up on the Gulf coast of Louisiana, so he likes to recreate the bayou and go exploring when he has holodeck time.

Personal History Louie was born on April 1, 2219. His family all agreed that his birth on April Fools’ Day was most fitting. He grew up in the bayous on the coast of Louisiana, and became an experienced survivalist, a skill that would serve him well later on in a most unexpected way. He learned to cook from his mother and grandmother, who could make just about anything he hauled out of the swamps taste delicious.

His desire to attend Starfleet Academy was fueled by his uncle, Jean-Lazare, who taught Astrometrics there. He applied when he finished high school, and based on his uncle’s recommendation, was accepted. His tracking and survival skills, paired with his love of exploring, pulled him into Intelligence and it was a perfect match for him. He had a talent for Black Ops mission planning, which earned him the nickname Louie Le Noir (Louie the Black, a play on his activities and his Cajun heritage). It was during his freshman year that he met the woman who would both have a profound impact on his life.

That woman was Céline Valois. She was also a freshman, moving through the sciences division of the Academy. She was, at that time, dating his roommate. That relationship did not last long, however. His roommate was having trouble with his studies and departed mid-year without a word to Céline. She appeared at Louie’s door the following night, but was not too broken up by the news. He invited her out for ice cream, which was to become a long-standing sentimental tradition for them. They were inseparable, and eventually married upon graduation.

After graduation, Louie was assigned to the USS Maryland as a junior Intelligence officer. His promotion to Lieutenant three years later brought a move to the USS Prince, also in Intell. He served there for six years until promoted to Lt. Commander and assigned to a new ship, the USS Lakota.

He had a long and successful run on the Lakota, but time marched on. He lost Céline in 2269, and after that, focused solely on his career. Eventually in 2275, he accepted a post at the Academy, teaching Black Ops tactics. Louie retired in 2291 at the age of seventy-two. A late night call during the retirement party was to change his destiny forever.

An old friend of his and Céline’s called to invite him along on a trip to DS6. Given the empty days ahead, he accepted and went home to pack. They left the next afternoon. The best laid plans never run smoothly and they ran into trouble almost immediately. An engine malfunction caused an anomaly in the warp core. A rift opened in space, pulling their transport through. It emerged in the year 2361, in the Briar Patch. The surviving crew and passengers made their way to the Ba’Ku planet, where they spent the next twenty years living on the far side of the planet. The natives agreed to assist them and they agreed not to draw the Fleet back to the planet.

You can’t keep good men down, and eventually they were discovered in 2381 when a shuttle crashed near their enclave. They were instant celebrities. Despite his age, the space/time anomaly had an unusual effect – once more he appeared to be in his early thirties. He’d been given not only a second chance, but a second life. Louie rejoined the Fleet and after some time to adjust and begin re-qualifying, and catching up on all the advances, he hit the ground running. He served as special investigator of unusual phenomena for Starfleet until he was recalled by to serve as Mission Advisor for the USS Evariste. In 2388 he was recalled to SB900 to take over as Dean of Education for Starfleet's satellite academy . Destiny had come full circle.

Service Record 2237 - 2240: Starfleet Academy

2241-2244: USS Maryland, Intelligence; promoted to Lieutenant

2244 – 2250: USS Prince, Chief of Intelligence; promoted to Lt. Commander

2250 – 2275: USS Lakota; First officer; promoted to Commander

2275: Starfleet Academy faculty, Black Ops Division

2291: Retired; Departed for DS6, ship lost, crew and passengers presumed dead

2361: Emerged in the Briar Patch; crew took refuge on the Ba’Ku planet

2381: Discovered and returned to Earth; Louie rejoined the Fleet as Starfleet Special Investigator, rank of Lt. Commander

2386: Assigned to the USS Evariste as Mission Advisor

2388: Dean of Education, Starfleet Satellite Acacemy; SB900