
  • 21 Mission Posts

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Sun Oct 2nd, 2016 @ 1:50am


Name Kaeli

Position Mercenary

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Romulan/Vulcan

Physical Appearance

Height 5'2"
Weight 110
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Violet
Physical Description Eyes: Violet;
Hair: Black, sometimes pulled up and braided in many small, long braids, otherwise varies by situation.

Identifying marks: Lower back: A small tattoo showing an ornate pair of wings denoting the House of Osa'ar; tattoo on her inner left thigh - spells out Jarad in Cardassian letters surrounded by an ornate border

She is usually seen in sleeveless shirts, loose pants, and bare feet.


Father Var'El, House of Osa'ar
Mother Cailin
Brother(s) Ronin, First Mate

Personality & Traits

General Overview Kali is the plotter, the planner, the one who can slip in to any situation to do what needs to be done. She appears tough on the surface, but can be much softer once you reach her inner self; however, she can be slow to open up. Once she does, she'll do anything to protect a friend.
Strengths & Weaknesses She doesn't fear much in the line of duty, but personal questions make her understandably wary, and she has trouble 'being herself' as a result of playing roles to accomplish what she needs. She possesses innate telepathic abilities, but keeps a tight clamp on them as she finds it distracting.
Hobbies & Interests Kali is a huge fan of Vic Fontaine, who she discovered at DS9. She is an avid collector of meditation stones and has some interesting and rare pieces acquired in her travels. Though she loves surrounding herself with plants and flowers, she has no luck growing them and this has become a long-running joke among her few friends. A confirmed coffee lover, she drinks it continuously - the stronger the better - and is particularly fond of raktajino. She doesn't like most furniture and uses big throw pillows instead, along with lots of candles.

Personal History Kali and her brother Ronin grew up on Romulus, the children of a prominent Romulan father and A Vulcan mother (kept a secret). Var’El promoted the controversial (and unpopular) cause of reunification. The family took refuge on Vulcan when Kali was in her teens. Both she and Ronin chose a much more free lifestyle than the one which had limited their father – they became pirates.