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Wed Feb 10th, 2016 @ 11:44am

Major Patrick Smith

Name Patrick John Smith

Position Detachment Commander (CAG)

Rank Major

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 30

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 11"
Weight 11 St / 154 lbs.
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Not the most threatening figure but still built and strong.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Deceased
Mother Deceased
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Uncle Robert (Bob) Smith

Personality & Traits

General Overview Shy Character to those who do not know him but to those who do his Irish Humour is visible.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Good tactical sense, Quick thinker with good problem solving skills.

Weaknesses: Can disagree strongly with his senior officers on issues regarding tactics and manoeuvres occasionally leading to confrontations.
Ambitions Unknown
Hobbies & Interests Music from the 17th-19th centuries.

Personal History Born and raised on Earth in Ireland not many people expected him to get into Starfleet. Living in the countryside he learned how to fly early in his teens (although frowned upon elsewhere in the world this was not the case here) flying transport sorties to more remote parts. Parents Died in a shuttle crash when he was 5 and has lived with his Uncle up until he joined Starfleet.
Service Record Once into the academy despite being expected to do well in Theory and exams it was in tactical situations that he excelled. Had it not been for that and his piloting skills a lot of his friends believe he would have failed the his 4 years at the Academy. However having passed he took an advanced tactical course for 2 years (not a piloting course as expected) and completed that with flying colours.

Past Assignments:
After Leaving Star fleet Academy he was given assignment however Star fleet will not reveal the identity of that Assignment. It is rumoured however that he worked on a new prototype 1 man craft.

~~~Newly Declassified~~~

Patrick served with Starfleet Corps of Engineers for 1 year as a test pilot after Graduation. Officially this stint lasted for 4 years however in reality after the completion of the Valkyrie trials Smith spent the period of 2380-2384 flying Black Ops for Starfleet Intel. With the new fighter and its advanced sensor capabilities as well as its significantly smaller profiles it became a lot harder to detect than anything else Starfleet had, especially when combined with a paint designed to reduce sensor noise left by the ship.

His assignment was to go behind "enemy" lines conducting reconnaissance missions often deep into enemy territory. After 2 years he was assigned to a squadron lead position consisting of two 2 craft teams. They began to perform missions intended to remotely access facilities to gain information. These took place in space and on planet surfaces. Missions were also conducted by ground teams with the Valkyries would provide cover and escort for the runabouts. In 2384 on one of these missions to {Classified} Smith and his wingman were shot down after a ground team was detected trying to infiltrate a {Classified} facility. His Wingman was killed in the incident and if not for the swift attendance of the backup team the evidence of the Valkyries and ground forces on the planet would have been discovered. After this and several other near misses by other teams over recent months the programme was discontinued and the personnel reassigned.

Academy Entry: 2376
Graduated from Academy: 2379
First Assignment: Starfleet Corps of Engineers: 2379 - Previously Classified
Starfleet Intelligence: 2380 - 2384 - Previously Classified
Starfleet Marine Corps Officer Training: 2385
Posted to SB900: 2386 - CAG

Extra Information known from during the cap in time relating to Starfleet Fighters.

Request for new fighter: 2379 - Valkyrie Class received the Go Ahead.
Valkyrie Operational: 2380
Around the same time Several new runabouts also were tested and came into service.