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Fri Jan 6th, 2012 @ 4:41pm

Captain Claudia Drake

Name Claudia Drake

Position Dean of Education

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human/El-Aurian
Age 400

Physical Appearance

Hair Color Red (Greying)
Eye Color Blue


Personality & Traits

General Overview Considered one of the most gifted academics in the Federation, Claudia is benevolent and eccentric, an archetypal idiosyncratic academic in the style of Einstein. She almost constantly gives off an aura of calmness and composure, rarely displaying intense emotions of anger or fear; instead she appears content and whimsical throughout. Yet despite his benign nature, it is said that Claudia was one of the few people that the famous James T. Kirk was afraid to anger.

Personal History It is believed that Claudia Smith was born on December 28th 1986 in Sydenham South-East London, her parentage is not known as Claudia was left as a day old baby on the steps of the St. Phillips RC Church. As a foundling she was raised by Father Ignatius Smith and the Sisters of the local convent as they felt that she had been delivered to them by God. Claudia was educated at Our Lady and St. Phillips Grammer school where although physically small for her age she excelled academically. So much so that the Diocese agreed to fund her university education. Claudia began her university studies at the University of Lampeter where she studied BA in Archaeology and Anthropology graduating with a 1st Class Honours degree in 2008. She then continued her education by completing her Master of Philosophy in Archaeology and Anthropology at Balliol College (Oxford University) in 2010, before continuing to complete her DPhil in Archaeology and Anthropology Darwin College (Cambridge) 2013. Although now 26, Claudia was often mistaken for a local teenager due to her youthful appearance. This began troublesome when she undertook field work in Africa where many local Muslims students refused to listen to her directions as they deemed her “just a young girl".

On completion of her Doctorate, Claudia trained to become a Lecturer and taught at her first University of Lampeter, where she also became a prolific researcher and academic, being published over 300 times in her first 5 years in post. She was soon promoted from Lecturer to Reader of Archaeology and Anthropology (second in the department), where she took on the role of Visiting Reader to the British Museum. Also during this time, she went on several field-assignments with her students and was instrumental in the discovery of a a previously unknown, relatively advanced society in West Africa. Cresting on the success of the find of the Unbani Civilisation she was offered the position of Professor of Archaeology and Anthropology at Oxford University. At the age of 33, Claudia was one of the youngest female full Professors in the history of Cambridge.

Many students often mistook Claudia for a fellow undergraduate due to her youthful appearance, something she laughed off to 'good genes from the unknown donors'. While acting as the Professor and later Dean of Archaeology and Anthropology at Oxford University, she was appointed to the degree of Doctor of Letters for her extensive research and publishing in her field. While working as a Visiting Professor to Harvard University, and met her husband Dr Adrian Drake an Associate Professor of Genetics.

The two married in 2024 when Claudia was 38 (although looked no more than 20) and Adrian 43, Claudia agreed to move to the USA, and soon accepted the role as Dean of Archaeology and Anthropology at Harvard University, some 4 years into their marriage they decided to have children. As a geneticist, Adrian wanted to check both himself and his wife for any genetic variations that they may pass onto their children. It was at the point that they discovered the reason for Claudia's youthful appearance, her genetic make-up contained almost 50% unknown material. Initially Adrian wanted to publish the data and carry out research with his department, but after realising his wife would be the subject of world wide speculation and interest, he agreed not to. They also made the decision not to have children.

In 2030, Claudia found herself pregnant with her first child, somehow the contraceptives used had failed, Adrian looking and feel all his 49 years decided to move himself and his pregnant wife to his home state of Montana where he took up a position as Professor of Genetics at the State University. Claudia had a perfectly normal pregnancy, and on the 1st of July 2031 her daughter Marianna was born. Over the years Claudia began to age (albeit extremely slowly) and raised her daughter while continuing her academic research, by living in a academically isolated area she was able to continue her publishing away from the eyes of her former colleagues who would not notice her obvious lack of ageing. As her daughter aged and grew up Claudia took to using the latest advances in make-up and prosthetics to make herself appear to age in line with her daughter and husband, but feeling starved academically began to under-take distance degree courses in Linguistics, qualifying with a Master of Sciences in Linguistics in 2347, and a Doctor of Sciences in 2351, the year of her husbands death.

The death of Adrian at the age of 68 destroyed Claudia's world, she threw herself into field work and took up a post as Expedition Leader on a dig in South America, being that the world thought her a woman in her 60's but appearing only in her late 20's she continued to done the prosthetic masks and body suits. She headed up the expedition for close to a decade when rumblings of war brought her back to Montana to be with her daughter and grandchildren. Marianna by the graces of technology didn't age as slowly as her mother and was able to lead a relative normal life without having to explain her slightly younger appearance in comparison to her age.

It was in 2360 that World War 3 began, with 6/10 people killed Claudia ensured her family was safe before she allowed them to believe she had been killed in the attacks. Although she felt guilty at the deception she felt it was the only way her family would be able to survive without knowing the truth about her. In the aftermath of the War she was able to meld into the mass of people who had lost their homes. The lack of identification material was common, and she was staying in a small compound in Bozeman, where she worked as a teacher that she witnessed the first Warp Flight of terrestrial origin, it was also there that she saw her first alien. As the eyes of the world fell upon Bozeman she decided to leave fearing someone would recognise her and discover her secret. Although knowing of Alien life made her feel more self assured of her own existence.

She moved from the USA back to Europe via a large seafaring vessel as air flight was limited to the various militaries and governments of the world. The crossing took 2 months with various stops along the way, and in 2063 Claudia set foot back on her native continent. She acted the part of the refugee from the USA and took up residence in Utretch taking the surname De Jong as a personal joke and a reminder that she was forever young in comparison to the others.

In the turmoil of the after-math of WW3 and First Contact, Claudia was able to make contact with a former student of hers that she trusted and informed him of the truth. While amazed the man agreed to help her gain entry into a new field of study. They both knew if she returned to her previous fields she would be recognised and the co-incidence in her looking like the famous Professor Claudia Drake would be too hard to explain. Thus they contacted a plan that would use her knowledge, they agreed to provide her with papers crediting her as a Doctoral Educated Biological Anthropologist (which was not a complete fabrication, rather they changed her name and date of admittance to the degree) allowing her to begin training as a Doctor. She underwent her training and after completion of basic and further training she qualified as a Junior Pathologist in 2070.

She had discovered during her training that her knowing she would outlive most people made her dislike becoming emotionally involved with patients, thus pathology provided her the challenges she needed both academically and saved her from becoming emotionally involved with people, as they were already dead when they arrived on her slab. Claudia worked in this position for over 15 years before she agreed to take part in a research project by a Vulcan Scientist, unknown to her at the time the Vulcan had taken full genetic scans of the participants in direct disobedience of his research approval.

Some 3 months later she was approached by representatives of the United Earth government and the Vulcan Science Academy who gave her a simple choice, go with them and know the truth about who she was, or life her life in darkness. Claudia jumped at the chance and relocated to the Vulcan Compound in North America where she learn that genetically she was only 50% human, the rest of her genetic make-up was from a long-lived species known as El-Aurians, and that it was her father who was not human. Filled with a sense of final understanding Claudia began to study with the Vulcan finally being able to live without fear of her past catching up with her.

Claudia left Earth for Vulcan where she was permitted entry into the Vulcan Science Academy where she felt more at-ease than she ever had on Earth, their pure search for knowledge inspired her to reach new heights of academia. She was eventually awarded the Master of Sciences (Vulcan Higher Doctorate) in Archaeology and Anthropology (and commissioned to the Vulcan High Command at the rank of Lieutenant), and was able to co-direct an excavation on the long dead world of Hnor where she first became aware of the Iconian Civilisation. She threw herself into the research for many years before the planet was lost as it's star went nova.

In 2161 with the founding of the United Federation of Planets, Claudia felt her home world would be ready to accept her mixed heritage. She returned to Earth and once again took up the role of Educator, once again becoming the Dean of Archaeology and Anthropology at Oxford University, at first some people found it hard to accept that she was the same woman who had occupied the same position close to 150 years previously and continued her research into the Iconian Civilisation. In 2174 the United Federation of Planets Starfleet approached her to aide them in deciphering some artefacts they had uncovered on what the felt may be a former Iconian colony. They were also unwilling to share the location and artefacts with a civilian. Given her previous rank with the Vulcan High Command Starfleet commissioned her to the rank of Lieutenant within the Sciences. Claudia stepped down from her Deanship, and took up the position of Drake Detached Professor (ironically named in her honour from her first stint at Oxford), which would allow her to remain a credited Professor but not to be bound by the rigid constraints of traditional academia.

Claudia headed Project Iconia for 33 years, where they explored and studied the remains of the Iconian colony on the planet named Drakes World in honour of her work there, before she was recalled to Earth to advise Starfleet Command and the President of the Federation concerning the V'Ger device, and latterly the Whale Probe. Claudia was considered to be the fore most Archaeologist and Anthropologist in the Federation. During this time she was appointed Professor Emeritus to several Universities including Starfleet Academy, Cambridge, Harvard, Vulcan Science Academy, University of Trill, Andorian Science Institute, University of Alpha Centauri amongst others. She finally officially retired from Starfleet in 2278 to continue her own research.

In 2284 she began a systematic exploration of 4 worlds with the remains of long dead civilisations which lasted until 2347 when she was once again recalled by Starfleet to active service to see if they could use any information from her previous research to help the Federation in it's war with the Cardassian Union. Sadly none of the information she provided then proved to be of immediate use, but Starfleet felt it was a good idea to 'keep her on the books' so to speak, and made a deal with her, she would nominally remain in Starfleet until her death. In return for this they would pay for and support all her research endeavors, in return for them using her skill when they felt it necessary. This would provide her with an income and allow her to continue her lectures at various institutes in the Federation as well as continue with her research at her own pace, not at the pace decided upon by the aforementioned institutes.

In 2334 Claudia was recalled by Starfleet once again, to head the Satellite Academy Programme.
Service Record 2008- Bachelor of Arts (Honours), Archaeology and Anthropology
2010- Master of Philosophy, Archaeology and Anthropology
2013- Doctor of Philosophy, Archaeology and Anthropology
2019- Doctor of Letters, Archaeology and Anthropology
2043- Bachelor of Sciences (Hons), Linguistics
2047- Master of Sciences, Linguistics
2051- Doctor of Sciences, Linguistics
2067- Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery
2070- Doctor of Medicine, Pathology
2101- Master of Science, Archaeology and Anthropology (Vulcan Higher Degree)
2131- Doctor of Science, Biological Anthropology (Vulcan Higher Doctorate)
2146- Professor of Science, Biological Anthropology (Vulcan Higher Doctorate)
2165- Bachelor of Laws
2167- Master of Laws, Law Relating to Archaeological Excavations
2301- Medical Doctorate (Return to Medicine Course)

2111 – 2161: Lieutenant – Vulcan High Command (Ministry of Science)
2174 – 2192: Lieutenant – Starfleet (Project Iconia)
2245 – 2273: Lieutenant – Starfleet (Professor, Starfleet Academy)
2273 – 2278: Lieutenant Commander – Starfleet (Science Advisor, Starfleet Command)
2278 - 2334: Commander – Starfleet (Detached Service)
2334 - 2386: Commander - Satellite Academy Programme.