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Mon Sep 26th, 2011 @ 8:36pm

Jono Rafaelas

Name Jono Rafaelas

Position Shop Owner

Character Information

Gender Male
Species human
Age 35

Physical Appearance

Height 180cm
Weight 91 kilos
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Dark Brown/Black
Physical Description Long limbed and in shape but muscles not overly massive. Hairy with a light to medium skin tone. Keeps his hair cut short and is usually clean shaven.


Spouse never been married
Children none
Father Martin Rafaelos
Mother Sophie Rafaelos
Brother(s) Martin Rafaelos Jr.
Sister(s) Ninfa Rafaelos and Flor Rafaelos-Saunders
Other Family Aunt Mimi and Uncle Jacques Leon

Personality & Traits

General Overview Thick skinned but sensitive and empathetic at times. Introverted when alone but open and talkative when engaged. An earnest listener always eager to give his opinion. He has never been one to revel in physical confrontation but will defend himself vehemently when forced. Although possessed of a sarcastic and sometimes silly sense of humor, he is usually serious and professional when working. Courageous with an adventurous spirit and caring nature.
Strengths & Weaknesses Seemingly at peace with himself. Loves life and all life. Weak to holo-novels and good food.
Ambitions To fulfill his commitments, both personal and professional, with honor, respect and dignity. To remain a good hearted human being living his life to the fullest till the end of his days.
Hobbies & Interests Exploring, holo-novels, reading, cooking, conversation and exercise.

Personal History Jo is the youngest of four children born to loving and capable parents in San Antonio, North American Continent, Earth.

At the very young age of five, Jo's psyche was traumatically and irreversibly changed by an unspeakable act forced upon him. That act influenced him, both consciously and sub-consciously, every day thereafter. Outwardly, Jo appears put-together and genuine and he really believes he is put-together and genuine but every now and then, when his mind is still and quiet, the truth creeps in and he remembers it is all a ruse. Long practiced and painstakingly honed over the years, it is a ruse he would gladly give up if only he knew what kind of man he really and truly would like to be.

Growing up, Jo never showed any signs of exceptionality and so, earned a somewhat average education as he progressed through his school years until graduation from Lilly Sloane High School in May of his eighteenth year. By the time he was twenty-six, he had held at least ten different occupations; arguably the least proper of which was as a food and beverage server at a holo-cabaret. People of many different species frequented the cabaret and amid all the colorful and varied patrons’ hungry for food, drink and entertainment he found a sincere desire and passion to someday run his own restaurant in space.

Jo learned how to serve food from alien cultures, how to prepare beverages from alien cultures, how to pronounce the names of food and beverages from alien cultures and how to use and maintain a replicator. He worked hard as both a food server and a bartender and absorbed much experience; for which there really is no substitute. He familiarized himself with Starfleet regulations; especially as they pertain to civilians serving on board a Starfleet vessel. Then, when the time was right, he petitioned Starfleet for a license to operate a restaurant on one of their star bases.
Service Record none