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Sun May 29th, 2016 @ 9:01pm

Lieutenant Commander Leto

Name Leto

Position Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Alpha Centaurian
Age 33

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9"
Weight 130
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Slim, athletic, on the tall side for a woman. She has recently undergone a change of outward appearance as a result of blown cover on Archadia.

Former Name: Nenita Quidley


Personality & Traits

General Overview Very happy and bubbly personality. She's almost always smiling and enjoys her work immensely. She makes an attempt to get along with everyone, but make no mistake--Leto has killed and has no qualms of doing it again if it serves the right purpose.
Strengths & Weaknesses She has a friendly and welcoming face. Most people tend to trust her immediately. She uses this against them, if needed, to get them to open up their defenses and let her in for the kill.
Ambitions One day she hopes to just give up her life in Starfleet and retire to a husband that wants a bunch of children. Going from a trained killer to caring mother, in her mind, would be simple.
Hobbies & Interests She runs and trains daily for her work. The exercise keeps her feeling good and gives her a natural "high". She is a sucker for old Earth movies, however, and can many times be seen going into one of the theaters on the base that cater to that sort of thing. While there, she succumbs to the call of the popcorn, candy snacks and sodas, then enjoys getting to run off the calories later.