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News and Tidings

Posted on Mon Dec 5th, 2011 @ 10:31am by Lieutenant James Holbridge
Edited on Mon Dec 5th, 2011 @ 10:31am

Jim was in a tizzy trying to prepare his class curriculum before Professor Drake returned from the Academy graduation ceremonies on Earth. He had planned and executed multi-wave strikes against Cardassian warships coolly yet felt apprehensive at having a woman who had been around for nearly all of Starfleet's existence looking over his shoulder. To tell the truth, his nose was still a little out of joint at having been unceremoniously stripped of his senior officer's position by the admiral. But he wasn't going to holler too loudly as Command had granted him unlimited access to any and all flight craft aboard the base. Jim had taken his old Redemption-class fighter bomber out for a spin for the first time since losing Politician, a truly cathartic experience.

Now as he was ensconced in his secure study, he felt like a fish out of water. How in hell can I teach these snot-nosed whelps to be me? he asked himself over and over. I'm a pilot; I fly, I take chances nobody else will, and I succeed because I know how, when and why a craft does what it does. If half the ass-kissers in the corps would follow my lead, they'd be double aces too! Jim leaned back and sipped at his glass of OJ, now lukewarm.

=^=You have a message from Professor Drake's officer=^= the intercom announced.

"Display text on my viewer," Jim ordered.

The personal monitor switched on and Jim saw the message in LCARD font glaring at him. Report to Captain Drake's office for consultations. Captain?!? When did she get promoted?? Jim wondered to himself. He gathered up his pads and exited the study, only to be tackled at the knees by his daughters.

"Where ya goin, Dad?" demanded Kim, sitting on his chest, her hands on her small hips.

"I have an appointment with my boss!" Jim smiled trying to get free of his daughters' grasps.

"I thought you were boss, Daddy!" Kayleigh Holbridge, Kim's twin sister, added.

"The admiral gave me a new job," Jim explained.

Kim wrinkled her nose. "He looks mean! Why does he boss you around?"

Jim laughed out loud. "Because he is in charge, that's why"

Before Kim and Kay could ask more questions, little JJ Holbridge charged into the room and landed on the pile of human, screeching "Banzai!" at the top of his little lungs. Jim felt the impact and winced as his son's feet crunched his tenders. Jim closed his eyes and began cussing under his breath.

JJ rolled away, his bottom lip pooched out. "I broke Daddy again!" he exclaimed as he began to cry.

Jim rolled over towards his son. "I'm okay, son! You just landed wrong."

JJ came over to his father and kissed his cheek. "Okay, I go play now!" and just like that he was out of the room, his sisters trailing after the boy lest he break more of their toys.

Tricia knelt next to her husband. "Need someone to kiss and make it better?"

"More like a voodoo witch doctor! I think the lil shit broke my nuts!" Jim winced in agony. "If I am rendered impotent you can thank your son," Jim smiled pulling his wife down next to him.

"There's something I need to tell you," Tricia said with a smile.

"Don't tell me; your mom is coming to visit!" Jim moaned. "That's all I need is her bitching about how I am still a teacher...."

Tricia shook her head. "Nope. Try again."

"The base strip club wants to hire you?" Jim grinned, knowing full well Jackson Banning would never hire her.

"I turned him down weeks ago," Tricia smiled back. "I'm pregnant!"

Jim reached up and hugged his wife to his chest, feeling her heartbeat against his. "What is it, boy or girl?"

"I go to see Dr. McKinney tomorrow. In the meantime, what say we celebrate as a family tonight?" Tricia said, lowering her lips to his.

When the kiss broke Jim smiled up at her. "Sure thing, Hun!"

A post by

Lt Jim Holbridge
New Dad and High Flier


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