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Master Chief’s new assignment

Posted on Fri Jun 8th, 2012 @ 7:36am by Master Chief Petty Officer Alexander O'Carney

**While sitting at The Forge, a messenger brings me the orders to my next assignment.**

“Thank you Lieutenant” MCPO

(I wonder where this assignment will take me, Yosemite 3 station a harsh one. Officers lacked respect for a good non-commissioned officer.)

**unlocks the message pad. Reading the orders, MCPO is shocked.**

“Well Tony, they have finally done it!” MCPO

Tony relies, “what have they done Master Chief?”

“The council is sending me to Starbase 900.”

Tony, “Isn’t that out in the Delta Quadrant?”

“That is what I am told. Where exactly is yet to be discovered and not covered in my orders. I guess I better pay that tab off, since I might not be back for a little while.”

Tony, “Master Chief it isn’t that big, and let’s just say this time I got you covered. Just promise to bring me something from the Delta Quadrant when you return.”

“That’s a deal.”

**get up and walks to Star Fleet headquarters.**

(As I enter the headquarters, I wonder how I am going to get to this Delta Quadrant. Hope they aren’t attempting to send me via some Wormhole transporter.)

**a young Ensign walks up to me shortly after I walk through the doors of Star Fleet Headquarters.**

Ensign, “Master Chief Petty Officer O’Carney?”

I reply, “What can I do for you sir?”

Ensign “Master Chief, I am to escort you to the USS Hammond. They are here at headquarters and are your transport to Star Base 900. This way if you don’t mind Master Chief.” ** he points to the docking bays**

“Roger, let the adventure begin.”
**I follow the young Ensign, yet he looks terrified of me.**


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