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Plans For Sudden Departure

Posted on Sun Mar 9th, 2014 @ 6:23pm by Admiral Lucius Hawke & Captain Li Hawke & Admiral Ricky Wegener

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Admiral Wegener's Office

* * * Admiral Wegener’s Office * * *

It was not often that Li’s temper reared its head, but this was one of those times. The conversation with Kieran had done it in short order. Now, after a call to Lucius, she entered Rick’s outer office. Hope looked up and immediately read the black cloud over Li’s head. She pointed to the inner office doors.

“Your father is already inside.”

“Thank you.” Li breezed on past and stepped inside. “Admiral...Admiral,” she greeted them formally.

“Li,” Rick replied. “Have a seat, please. From the look on your face I can tell that something’s wrong. Let’s hear it,” he said as he reclined in his chair.

“Li.” Lucius was curious as well. Her message has been short and to the point and he didn’t need his telepathy to agree with Rick.

Li moved further into the office, but she was far too agitated to sit. Instead she paced as she briefed the two men on Lorenz’s message.

“I did some checking and it seems that Kieran has detained both Holbridge and Harrison.” She paused, then delivered the ‘big’ thing. “Also, he has locked up an Archadian citizen without cause and has defied a direct order from me to release them.”

“And just exactly on what grounds does he do this?” Rick demanded. “Holbridge and Harrison I could see, if he actually had grounds to do so, but he has no right to lock up an Archadian citizen without going through me and then I through their consulate!”

“Exactly. His charges for Holbridge claim he has illegal equipment, despite the fact that his company has owned this stuff for years.” She leaned on the desk and crossed her arms. “We all know it’s just his means of getting even because Jim basically gave him the finger. Pardon my crudeness.”

Lucius nodded slowly. “I may be of some insight here, but as Holbridge was Rick’s crew, it falls to him first.” He wanted to hear Rick’s take on it, though it was easy enough to sense the man’s mood.

Despite Rick’s quick flare of anger he was now coolly calculating how to ruin the career, and maybe the life, of Commander Kieran. Never mind the fact that Jim had been a good part of his crew for many years and that he was doing nothing illegal. The fact that Kieran was purposely using his position to try and ruin someone else’s life was what angered him. But maybe this Kieran didn’t realize exactly who he was dealing with.

Rick, an Admiral in charge of the entire Delta Quadrant, with connections spanning hundreds of years and a former intelligence agent himself, could easily deal this idiot a blow that would obliterate him. Add to the mix Admiral Hawke, himself directly in charge of all of Starfleet’s Intelligence operations. Then there was Li, in Rick’s mind one of the most intelligent and cunning intelligence officers he’d ever met as well as being the XO of the Delta Quadrant operations. To put it bluntly, the deck was stacked against Kieran. And you didn’t fuck with Rick’s people.

“It seems to me that it would be just too simple to make a call to HQ and squash this,” Rick said. “This Kieran fellow seems to be someone who thinks he’s just too smart for his own good. It may be low of me, and quite possibly against my oath as a Starfleet officer, but I want to burn him. Permanently.

“My crew, my former crew, it doesn’t matter. Unless they’ve actually done something illegal, he has no right. But to potentially threaten relations with the Archadian government over some ridiculous vendetta he has for Jim?” He shook his head. “That won’t happen and he will pay for it.”

Li smiled finally, and it was a definite ‘cat who ate the canary’ smile. “I’m glad you agree. I want to handle this one personally. No one defies an order from me and blows me off. Besides, my mother has been prodding me to visit, I can kill two birds with one stone. Well, one bad bird, that is.”

“Take whatever steps you think are necessary,” Rick said, then looked to Lucius, “unless you disagree. She’s my XO but, technically, you’re the big muckety-muck here. But I’ll tell you this, I want him taken out.” Rick was referring to the fact that, despite both being Admirals in rank, Lucius’ posting was with Starfleet Command, therefore, Lucius was senior to Rick due to his position within the fleet.

Lucius nodded his agreement. “It’s unfortunate that a Starfleet officer is so blinded by his thirst for revenge that he makes such a tragic decision. But he made his choice. I did some checking after I received Li’s message and I made contact with an associate. He recalls Kieran very well, along with many thousands of Bajorans he led to slaughter. He had protection somewhere, and I suspect I know who, but that someone is no longer in place. There’s your ammunition Li. Do what needs to be done.”

“And I’m very sure you won’t need it, but if you are to be questioned at all by anyone...refer them directly to me. I will take care of any problems,” Rick said. “And they will be sorry for wasting your time and mine.”

It was well known throughout the base, and most of Starfleet, that Admiral Ricky Wegener could damn near make anyone piss their pants when he got his ire up. Sometimes he enjoyed that reputation.

“I will. This comes at a good time, however, with you back and Sakkath away. I don’t expect it to take long and I’ll be home before you know it.” She looked from Rick to Lucius. “I’ll bring you something back.”

Lucius laughed at that and shook his head. “We’ll hold down the fort while you’re gone.”

“Two things, Li,” Rick said. “Do you not mind, I have a short list of things I’m in need of, would you mind picking them up? Shouldn’t be too hard to locate.”

“Of course.”

“And with your absence, do you think Oz will be able to handle more double duty as acting XO?” he asked. “Because I can probably take care of both of our duties while you’re gone. I just don’t want to put any undue pressure on her than she’s already had to bear.”

Li shrugged. “Up to you, but if you need her, just call. She’s just added another security officer while you were on vacation, so they are not so short-handed anymore.” She pushed away from the desk. “Send your list along, I need to get a few things ready. I’ll be leaving in two hours.”

Rick stood. “I’ll have it to you soon. And take whatever you need with you. It’s approved, whatever it is.” He paused before adding. “Be careful and be successful.”

“Oh I will, and I’m looking forward to this, I’ll keep you posted.” She gave Rick a wink, then a quick hug for Lucius. “See you two in a few days.” She turned and hurried out, leaving the two admirals alone.

“Well,” was Lucius’ response.

Rick turned to him as he sat back at his desk. “Something the matter, Lucius?”

“Never a dull moment, is there?” Lucius pursed his lips a moment. “A shame, really. Kieran had a lot of potential. He’ll face the music however, and I almost feel sorry for him. I think I’d rather face me than Li.”

Rick grunted with a smile. “I agree. And Kieran will definitely rue the day he messed with that spitfire daughter of yours. And with my people.”

There was a moment of silence between them two, but Rick’s stomach broke it when it grumbled.


“Oh absolutely. I’ve been craving that Bajoran place.” Lucius rose. “And this time, I’m buying.”

“Damn right,” Rick said as he happily sprung from his desk.

Captain Li Hawke
Getting Serious

Admiral Ricky Wegener
Menoetius, Titan God of Violent Anger

Admiral Lucius Hawke
Provider Of Secret Weapons


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