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A Little Diversion

Posted on Sun Apr 5th, 2015 @ 11:50pm by Lieutenant Commander Ophelia Payne & Suresh

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Lao's Chinese Restaurant

* * * Lao's Chinese Restaurant * * *

Suresh had watched as Ophelia and Falasin departed the coffee shop. They were close enough that he heard Ophelia mention Lao's and it occurred to him that dumplings might just hit the spot. He'd winked at the young and oh-so-colorful Andorian and it had amused him when her dusky blue skin and blushed a deeper sapphire. Andorians interested him. There had been one once, back on his own 900, that had been quite the amusement for a time. Perhaps this one might serve as well, but he was in no rush. Besides, if she always dressed in such vivid tones, he would have to wear sunglasses. He wondered briefly how Ophelia could look at her without shielding her eyes.

Once an appropriate amount of time had passed so that he wouldn't appear to be following them, he stood and made his way to Lao's. A discreet inquiry at the door earned him a seat by the oversized aquarium and only two tables away from Ophelia and Falasin. Apparently, the original Suresh was a regular here. So much the better. Once his sake was in hand, and he had taken a few sips, he casually observed the two young women. They continued their animated conversation, apparently close friends. Their laughter washed over him, a pleasant, happy sound. Besides, he had nothing much else to do today, so indulging his curiosity for a bit seemed a good diversion.

Once he'd refilled his cup, his attention drifted to Ophelia. Betazoid, which was obvious form her black eyes. Telepaths had, in general, made him nervous, which is why he couldn't understand the original Suresh from this universe's obsession with the Betazoid First Officer. She had used her talents to end his reign of terror on this station in a big way. He should have known better. Still, Ophelia was attractive. She'd even been nice to him when he was first discovered here and checked over in Sickbay, despite the fact that he was an alternate version of a man almost universally despised.

HIs musing was interrupted by the beep of Ophelia's comm badge. Since it was coming over a public channel, she pressed the badge to answer.

=^= Kiere to Ophelia. We need you back at Piper stat. They've found Petty Officer Dupree. =^=

"Acknowledged. I'm on my way." Ophelia spoke to Falasin as she stood and prepared to go. "Sorry to run out on you but this is great news. I'll see you soon." She turned and left Lao's at a brisk trot and was soon out the door.

Overhearing the call, Suresh lifted his menu to cover his face and smiled. So, the Counselor's Aide had been found and was apparently alive. Good. Not that Suresh was surprised. His other version may have been a anathema to the station personnel, but this one had no intentions of being so. In fact, he'd chosen an opposite path. The Counselor had no idea, but he had this Suresh to thank for taking that filthy Cardassian out of the game. Suresh considered it a small repayment for taking him away from the other universe's 900 and its destructive war and letting him stay here. The great and powerful Oz might not approve of his methods, but the end result was at least desirable.
Miss Dupree was safe and there was one less Cardassian stinking up the Delta Quadrant. It was a win for all of them, but all the same, he intended to remain anonymous where his good deed was concerned.

What he wanted now, and now that he knew Drusilla was safe, was lunch. Suresh stood and strolled over to Falasin's table.

"Excuse me. I couldn't help noticing that Lt. Payne had to leave suddenly and lunch alone is not always fun. Perhaps you'll join me?" He motioned to his table by the aquarium.

Falasin's eyes widened as she saw the table so close to the fish, and when she looked up at Suresh, she seemed momentarily spellbound. It was him. Ophelia had seemed uncertain about this fellow but she hadn't said why and what harm could lunch do?

"Oh, thank you. That would be lovely." She stood and almost skipped as she followed Suresh back to his table.

Robin Hood?

Lt. Ophelia Payne
Back To Work

Lunching With The Wolf


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