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All Our Tomorrows (Part 5)

Posted on Wed Apr 8th, 2015 @ 5:49pm by Commander Patrick Leroy

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: USS Sybil - Alternate Universe
Timeline: Thirty years in the future

Sorry, this is long overdue. All old posts are on the site though.

In the previous episodes: Commander Leroy is invited by Ialnalyn government to attend an important scientific experiment destined to mark a breakthrough in the field of Physics, namely about stellar rejuvenation.
During the experiment execution something goes terribly wrong, an anomaly ensues thrusting him in the alternate universe and far in the future. Much to his own dismay Patrick find himself stranded on a deserted Ialnalyn Science Station and in a body prematurely aged beyond recognition, a condition worsening by the hour.
Luckily enough a Federation Nova-class present in that region of space comes to investigate the strange phenomenon and picks him up. Onboard a great surprise is waiting for him as the Captain is no one else than Faye Leroy daughter of his alter ego killed during the infamous Archadian attack on the alternate SB900...

****** USS Sibyl Engineering Deck ******

Biko had been Faye’s first choice. Chief Engineer, he had worked with her for the last three years and, if there was one in whose hands she would have blindly put safety and integrity of her own ship, that was the man. A good-natured one, ready to smile and always willing to lend a hand.

“Where should we start?” Biko asked, coming closer to the console Patrick was working on.

“I have a theory. There will be need to modify the main deflector to cover a different spectrum of radiation.” Patrick responded stepping aside to show him the screen.

“Well… Wow… This is big stuff. I think the engines can stand that drain with some modification but… For what I can recall this thing has never been tried in all of Federation so far”

“You’re right Mr. Biko. It has never been tried by Federation. Is a thing that the Ialnalyn tried here… Long ago”

Patrick paused inspiring deeply as he revised some equations in his mind while Biko scrolled down the data some more his brow furrowing slightly.

“And all this effort is to?…”

“To recreate the conditions that caused my appearance here and, hopefully, revert them to have me back to my own time, where I belong” Patrick ended for him carefully skipping the part about having to make also a little ‘jump’ to an alternate reality in the process.

“What I’m talking about here…” Patrick reprised “Is to create a modulated quantum distortion through means of a Trans-Warp energy inversion… This should open up the anomaly again, albeit for a limited time... Then I’ll have to be teleported inside following the continuum trail I traveled once. Only this time, backward”

Biko pursed his lips looking at the screen “I’m eager to start.” He said taking one of the numerous Padds strewn on the table to type some “All of this thing sounds incredibly fascinating.”

“I can assure you that it is not, at least as far as I’m concerned. And I’m eager to start too for the sand in my hourglass is running low”

The next few hours were ones of intense work until Patrick, worn out in body and mind, began to feel tiredness. Wiping his brow with the back of the hand he sat in the chair breathing heavily.

“Are you okay?” Biko asked with some concern.

“Yes, I am. I just needed a moment of rest.”

“I’ll get you something to drink.” Biko stated vanishing in the other room without waiting for an answer. In little time he was back with a mug of coffee. “Here. this will help you a bit”

Patrick nodded taking the mug from Biko “Thank you.”

A couple of sips were enough to make him feel better and, taking advantage of the relaxed moment, Patrick expressed a thought that was buzzing in his head from the first moment he’d set foot on the Sibyl

“Mr. Biko… May I ask you a question?”

“Name’s Steve and sure, ask away” He nodded.

“How is Captain Leroy? I mean... With the crew and commanding the ship. She reminds me of someone… Familiar”

Biko shrugged “She’s a good CO. Been serving with her for the last three years. Quiet years even if Federation situation in the quadrant is not one of the best, still a science ship assignments aren’t too much of the ‘Crisis’ kind. Until now…And for all things ‘Possible threat’ Captain Leroy trusts our Chief of Security, Mr. Steiner, that you’ve already known.”

Patrick involuntarily grimaced with the name.

“I know…” Biko reprised amused “He may not seem too friendly at first but he knows his job”

As if on cue the doors hissed open and Steiner sauntered forward a grim look on his face, halting right in front of Patrick.

“Now it’s time for some Q&A. I hope you’ll be more cooperative now”

Patrick stood leaving the mug on the table. “Cooperative about what? I’ve already answered your questions to the best of my current possibilities”

“I deem your current possibilities not satisfying, your lack of memory being very strange” Steiner pressed. “How can we know that you’re not a spy on Thanatoksin’s payroll or worse? I’m in charge of the security of the Captain and of the ship and the conditions that brought you here are quite suspect”

The fact of having put the Captain before the ship didn’t get lost on Patrick, the implications somewhat disturbing. dark clouds stirred inside him along with feelings of deep antipathy for that man.

“I’m not a spy nor agent to any nation in this quadrant whatsoever” He snapped “Do you think that any adversary sane of mind would send a dying old man as infiltrator?”

“Perhaps this is just what they want us to think… To lower our guard” Steiner responded threateningly taking hold of Patrick’s collar.

“Would you rise your hand on an old man?” Patrick sneered without flinching.

“You’re going to talk now or else…” Steiner growled drawing him closer.

“Enough!” Biko’s brown-skinned hand appearing over Steiner’s shoulder “Or there will be a report to be made.”

Steiner shrugged the hand off him and, reluctantly, let Patrick go. “This does not end here.” He spat before turning and leaving the room in long nervous strides.

“Well, you have my thanks” Patrick addressed Biko while fixing the collar of the coat.

“I’m sorry. This is not becoming of him, I think he’s a bit over-stressed” Biko responded looking pensively at the closed doors.

“Seems to be over-protective of the Captain, am I wrong?” Patrick remarked following up the thought occurred to him just before Steiner’s arrival.

The engineer shook slowly his head as wry smile lined his lips “Better get back to work now”

Patrick had hit his mark or so it seemed.

Patrick Leroy
SB900 CSO abroad


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