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An Unusual Welcome HOme

Posted on Thu Apr 9th, 2015 @ 8:21pm by Jackson Banning V & Commander Oralia Zeferino

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Oz/Jackson's Quarters

* * * Oz & Jackson’s Quarters * * *

The Rhine had landed finally, in one piece, though the Dominion ships were still hot on their trail. That was for Tactical to deal with. Jackson was tired. He wanted a shower and a real meal, in that order. But first, he wanted Oz. Whatever shape he might be in, she was what mattered. It was for that reason that he went straight to their quarters. Stepping inside, he dropped his bag and called out immediately.

“Oz? I’m home!” And oh, it felt good to be back here where he wasn’t looking at a twenty-year-old promise and a part of his past he had packed away but couldn’t escape. “Oz?”

From the bedroom, Oralia came out to greet him. "Jackson!" She was out of uniform - indeed, she was out of most everything related to clothing.

“Now you are sight for sore eyes!” He crossed the room in two strides and scooped her up in his arms. “You have no idea how glad I am to be home.” His lips met hers and the kiss lingered. It felt like years since he’d been here, home….with her.

Glad to have him home with her, she melted in his arms. "And you have no idea how happy I am you're home, J. And that Iggy isn't here to make me share."

“I’ll send that one, darlin’.” He held her tight against him. “Fair warnin’, I need a shower. But if you don’t care…..” He gave her a wicked smile, letting the unfinished sentiment hang between them.

She didn't care.


Sliding a multi-pronged clip into her still-damp hair, Oralia called to Jackson, "Whenever you're done in the shower, we need to chat." Done with her hair, she gave her uniform tunic a tug.

“Sure, what about?” The water stopped and moments later, he stepped out, a towel wrapped around his waist. He ran his fingers through his longish hair, then fluffed it out a little. Moving over behind Oz at the dressing table, he planted a kiss on the top of her head.

She briefly smiled at him in the mirror. "Actually, maybe this had better wait till you're dressed."

Jackson raised his eyebrows in surprise. Something in her tone set off his little internal warning bell. “Umm..okay. Dressed as in ‘I’m stayin’ home and bein’ lazy’ dressed or ‘I’m about to go somewhere’ dressed?”

"Comfortable, but you are going somewhere," she answered.

“Okay, just a minute. And it better be to dinner. I’m starvin’.” He opened the closet, pulled out a hawaiian print shirt in soft green and blue, and a pair of khaki shorts. He dressed, then stepped back into the bathroom to do a quick-dry on his hair. Finally he emerged. “Okay, Oz.”

"Jackson Banning, you are under arrest for treason and other crimes against the Federation," Oralia announced and crossed to stand in front of him. "Anything you say, etc."

Jackson looked only briefly surprised and then a knowing smile lit his face. “Under arrest...ahh I get it. We are playin’ security officer and traitor now are we? Okay, I’m game.” He held out his hands. “Cuff me.”

She frowned at him, though she had to fight a laugh to do it. "Turn around," she ordered then slipped a restraint around both his wrists. "This isn't a game."

“It isn’t?” He turned to look at her over his shoulder as she secured his wrists. “If not it should be. Rawr!” He smiled, but seeing her serious look, the smile faded. “Then what is it?”

"My orders came from Admiral Hawke, so you tell me," she told him, an edge of anger coming into her voice. "I wasn't even allowed to delegate this to Darwin, J."

“Lucius? Really?” His brow furrowed, then he nodded. “I see. Oz, what do you know of this little trip I took? Did he tell you?”

"No, he didn't. As an admiral, he doesn't have to." She directed him toward the door.

Jackson took a few steps, then turned, leaning against the closed doors. “It’s not what it...what this looks like. You have my word on that.” Finally, he smiled again. “Remember the first time you arrested me?”

"Like I could forget," she replied. "That was on... suspicion of murder. Do you think I'd delay if I thought the Admiral had a case?"

“No. You certainly didn’t delay the first time. Did you really think I did it?” Jackson leaned close, close enough to brush her lips with his own. “I like to think that brought us closer together.”

She backed off a step; she needed to maintain. "I've delayed this time, as much as I could so that we could have a few minutes for ourselves. But we're just about out of time."

Jackson sighed aloud. So much for his plans for a night with the wonderful wizard that was Oz. “Alright. This shouldn’t take long. And I promise you one thing Oz, if I can tell you about it, I will. Want me to call when I’m done so we can get some dinner?”

"Of course, though I might still be at work, or at work again." She didn't think Jackson was going to be home as soon as he thought he would be. "Now, c'mon, let's get to the brig. Once you're booked, I can have dinner sent to you."

“In a sec. I know you have a job to do but don’t worry. I’ll be okay.” He hoped. “Come here.”

He couldn't hug her, so she simply leaned in against him. "I don't like being in the dark."

“I know. I can tell you it is related to that lab accident. Does that help?” Jackson pressed a kiss to her temple. His voice was soft at her ear. Suddenly he seemed wary of being overheard.

"Oh," she nodded. "Still don't like it."

“Let’s just say that a loose end has been woven back in.” He kissed her gently, then stepped back against the door once more. “Alright, Commander. Do yer job.”

She did.

Commander Oralia Zeferino

Jackson Banning V
Owner & Suspect
The Nexus Club


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