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A Secret Revealed

Posted on Fri Apr 17th, 2015 @ 10:54pm by Commander Dae Nalas & Lieutenant Raymond Benson & Lieutenant Bajun Julisa

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: JAG Offices

* * * Jag Offices * * *

“Five minutes Julisa!” Ray called out. He turned to Chelsea as she stood before the desk. “Everything all ready?”

Chelsea nodded. “I’ve cleared yours and Julisa’s schedules for the next two hours, just in case.”

“Thanks.” Ray checked the padd on his desk, making sure it was set to record whatever it was that was about to take place in this office. It wasn’t everyday that Starfleet HQ sent not one but two Admirals to visit.

Hustling into his office, Julisa frowned at her boss and grumpily asked, "What's this about?"

“That’s the question of the day, Jules. I wish to hell I knew,” Ray answered with his usual forthrightness. “From what I gathered, no one knew they were coming till they showed up. I’m glad I’m not in the Admiral’s office right now. I kinda pity Hope.”

The other attorney stared at Ray for a moment. Jules? "My name is Julisa." She was her usual prickly self, Admirals or not.

“My apologies, ..Julisa.” Ray smiled, then shook his head. “Whatever it is, I find it strange they are coming to see us so soon after landing. But I’ve got nothing. All I know is that Dae’s on his way down too. When the head spook is coming, that doesn’t bode well. Especially as the admirals won’t be at this meeting.”

"Wait, the Admirals aren't coming to this meeting? Do I really need to be here, then?"

“I meant our admirals, Wegener and Hawke. The visiting ones are. Now you see why I’m so curious.” Ray scowled. “I’ve got a weird feeling about this.”

"I know," Julisa complained. She wasn't trying to read him, but sometimes not reading someone was difficult.

The outer doors slid open and Ray whispered, “Showtime.” He stood and came out from behind his desk as Chelsea showed in the two admirals. “Admiral Azoulay, Admiral Cruzado. Welcome. It’s an honor to have you here. And this is my associate, Lt. Bajun Julisa.”

"Admirals," Julisa acknowledged both.

They greeted Julisa, then took a seat. Moments later, the doors opened once more and Dae hurried in. “Good morning Admirals, Lt. Bajun, Lt. Benson. He took a seat as well.

Admiral Azoulay nodded to Admiral Cruzado and he cleared his throat. “Computer seal this room.” There was a beep of acknowledgment and he continued. “There will also be one recording made of this meeting, and it will remain in the possession of Admiral Azoulay.” He produced a small recording device and placed it on Ray’s desk.

Wryly, Julisa eyed the recorder. It brought back a memory of another meeting, one that included a Commander who had threatened to harm Julisa for doing her job. She glanced at Ray and knew that his padd was set to record. "Of course, Admiral. What is the cause of this meeting?"

Ray’s weird feeling had gotten stronger along with his suspicions, the fact of which he was sure Julisa and Dae were aware. “I have to admit, especially with sealing the room, we are all most curious.”

“Then I’ll cut to the chase,” Azoulay answered. The three of you will be conducting an investigation.” She produced three padds from her bag and passed them to the Ray, Julisa, and Dae. “Of Admirals Wegener and Hawke.”

Dae’s eyebrows shot up. “Seriously?”

“What the hell?” Ray asked. “I mean no disrespect but what could you possibly think they could have done that would need investigating?”

Admiral Cruzado sighed aloud.“All the information is on your padds. To be frank, Lieutenant, we aren’t happy about this and we have our suspicions as to the source of these claims. Which is where you come in, Lt. Bajun.”

"I do, do I?" She glanced at Cruzado then back to the padd Azoulay had handed her.

“You and Commander Nalas, to be exact.” Admiral Azoulay looked intently at Julisa now. “You two will be conducting the investigation, first on Betazed, then on Bajor. Lt. Benson will see to things on this end along with us.”

Her first thought was of Solis and being separated from him again. Hiding her disappointment, she met the Admiral's gaze evenly. "Both my home world's. Should be a trip down memory lane."

Azoulay nodded. “If all goes well, you two shouldn’t be gone very long. But time is of the essence. I want you gone by morning. Commander Nalas can make the preparations. More in-depth information will be sent to you once you are underway. Dae, whatever else you need, let us know.”

Admiral Cruzado spoke up then. “Ray, we will convene tomorrow morning. Until then, good luck you two.”

He and Admiral Azoulay rose and made their way out.

Finally Dae spoke. “Why don’t you go home and get packed up.” He smiled, then sent a thought directly to her. We could use a medical type with us, in case things get bad. Know anyone?

My husband, Solis, she sent back even as she stood. "Sure, packing, that's what I'll go do." Her rough edges showed again.

“Good. I’ll get things rolling and send you the departure point later tonight.

“Alrighty then,” Ray commented. “Like they said, good luck. I am glad I’m not on your shoes but stay in contact. I need to know how it’s going.” He rubbed his face and muttered. “Fuck me...why is this happening now?” He then waved them out of his office.

Julisa waggled her fingers at him as she left his office. by the way, there's a hearing on the Summit summary judgment tomorrow at 8am.

Ray groaned aloud. “It’s a good thing I like you Julisa. Now cut that out and go pack.” But Ray was smiling as he called after her. “Stay safe. You’re the first one they’ve sent out in a year that I can stand. I don’t wanna have to get used to someone new.”

“You are such a softie, Ray.” Dae laughed and with a mock salute, left the office.

“Chelsea, get your ass in here!” Ray bellowed from his empty office.

Bajun Julisa
Heading Out!

Commander Dae Nalas
Back Undercover

Lt. Ray Benson
Not Happy

Admiral Tomas Cruzado
Admiral Eria Azoulay
Dropping A Bomb


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