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Time's Right

Posted on Sun Jul 24th, 2011 @ 5:10am by Commander Patrick Leroy
Edited on on Sun Jul 24th, 2011 @ 5:12am

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: SB900 - Docks Trading Sector

The alarm sounded insistently.

It seemed to Raleg that he and peaceful sleep had been parted a long time ago. Too much time indeed.
He could not remember the last time he had a full night's sleep. That was before the anguish settled firmly inside his chest, he was a child maybe... A long time ago. Life had never been easy to him. Life is never easy to a Benkaran anywhere in the Delta Quadrant.
Escaping from the Nygean grip, running low, seeking out hiding places in forgotten starports time and again, and having to move from one place to another without notice... Striving to find money for him and... For them.

Generally eking out a meager existence.

Grunting a curse he rose from the bed hitting the darn alarm and quickly started his normal procedures shower, shaving, dressing...
Another 'less than wonderful' day in his life had started.

The run to the shop had gone smoothly considering how he was late. He had been lucky to find a place on this forsaken stranger starbase. Life seemed so different here than on his homeplanet... but he had no time to linger on thoughts. Sky knows how many customers he had already lost he thought as he fumbled with controls to open his assigned shop near the docks.

"Hello Raleg."

He freezed recognizing the voice, sweat starting to pearl his forehead. Raleg slowly turned to face the newcomer.

"tis' been a long time." The broadshouldered man said smiling. "How are you my friend?"

Raleg watched in silence the man towering over him his smile a shark's one. ""It... It's been good. Didn't expect you so early."

"Early you say? No it's the right time. C'mon let's enter your shop." The big man said slowly eyeing around "We do not want people eavesdropping our talk. Do we?".

"No. Of course not." Raleg replied lowering his eyes. "C'mon..." He said then leading the way into the shop.

***** Inside the shop *****

"You've built yourself something worthy of respect, friend." Index said watching the shelves full of merchandise "How do you fare with normal people's life?" The mocking tone quite evident in his voice.

"It's been fine!... until today." Raleg responded a bit too stiffly considering the situation.

"You're feeling uneasy aren't you? Just give me what I came for and I'll leave you alone. That precious thing that has been entrusted to you. You do have it. Right?"

Raleg met his eyes to find an emotionless stare deeply in contrast with the mocking grin of his mouth. "Y-yes. I have it."

"Oh... Good." Said the man as the grin vanished and in that moment Raleg was sure he was somewhat disappointed, as if he would have liked more a negative response from him.
A shiver ran down his spine.

"Show it then."

Following the man's urge Raleg opened a hidden safe compart and retrieved a small box putting it on the counter. "here it is. Take it and leave. I don't know why I've accepted this deal."

"Tsk...Tsk... You know why you've accepted the deal, friend. The money were good when the 'deal''s been proposed to you and you had only to act as custodian till the right time." The big man said as his hands lined the lid of the box opening it.

"Ok... Ok whatever. Leave me alone now." Raleg responded rather nervously.

"We are happy." The man said closing the lid then leaning over the counter to bring his face closer to Raleg's

"You're not having regrets. Are you?" He teased him. "You know... I've seen you brother and his family no more than twenty days ago." The sadistic grin of the man had reappeared. "He's living a quiet life with the money you gave him. How a nice picture, his wife was washing the dishes in the kitchen and the children... They were playing in the garden..."

"Y-you can trust me."

"I'm sure." The man replied standing back with the box in hand. "Take heed to a friend's advice. Take a long vacation, leave this place. Before it's too late."

Casting him another of his disquieting glances the man turned and exited the shop.
Raleg sat down wiping sweat from his forehead with a trembling hand.

****** Somewhere on SB900 ******

A soft smile lined Thumb's lips as Index's light turned green on his small display along with Pinky's.

Pieces are coming together. He thought with satisfaction.

"Now where was I?" he spoke to himself looking at his notes on the Padd "Ah yes... The Klingon diplomat nuisance."


Repentant blackmailed


Mean Hand Of Fate's member
Eager for a kill


Thumb's Cameo
Hand Of Fate Leader


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