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Making The Grade

Posted on Sun Apr 19th, 2015 @ 9:22pm by Ensign Aria Natinde & Commander Worth Maxwell VIII

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: USS Ptolemy
Timeline: Current

* * * USS Ptolemy - Observation Lounge * * *

Aria rubbed her leg for what had to be the hundredth time since she’d started reading in the lounge. She’d made her way up there after her meeting with Worth, choosing to study rather than go to see the new MO and get her leg checked out - a decision she was beginning to regret when she felt a bump forming on her leg.

Blasted man she thought as she remembered Worth had told her her results were due in. Looking at the time she realised they would be in by now and she contemplated going in search of Worth to find them out, but decided she would seek solace and continue to hide in the Lounge reading up on old missions her mother had sent over to her.

The grades were, in fact, in Worth’s hand. Or more specifically on the padd in his hand. He stepped into the turbolift and began the trip to the observation lounge. He’d already looked at them of course, and had decided not to delay them till after the briefing. Even so, that didn’t mean he couldn’t have a little fun making Aria sweat it out. Her annoyance always amused him - there was a slight twitch in her jaw and her eyes would narrow...he laughed aloud as the doors of the lift opened. Really, he shouldn’t have so much fun at her expense but since the first meeting after her fly-by...well the game was on as they say. He strolled down the hall, having had the computer locate her and reaching the lounge, he stepped inside.

Hearing footsteps Aria looked up from her padd, noticing who it was she addressed him. “Commander Maxwell, I was just thinking about coming to find you actually. About my results?”

“Funny you should mention that. I may have heard something, yes.” He strolled over to the wall of windows, looking out at 900. “Breathtaking sight is it not?”

She thought of several things to say in reply, all of which would get her ass on the next shuttle back home. So instead she settled for “indeed sir. I doubt I shall ever tire of that sight.”

“Aria, that bullshit’s so deep I need waders.” He smiled while he still had his back to her, but stifled it as he turned around. “Don’t forget my heritage.” His black eyes twinkled as he looked at her.

Shit was all she could think. “Well sir it was that or ask you a million questions about my results, which you seem so keen to keep from me,” she replied, deciding that honesty was the best policy.

“Better. I much prefer the honesty.” He crossed his arms and leaned back against the window brace. “But answer a question first.” It wasn’t a request. “What is it that you want to accomplish, Ensign?”

“Well sir, the main goal would be to one day run my own ship or ‘base. Back home on Starbase 52 there was a lot of stigma around women running the base, twas why mum only ever made it to aid of the Admiral there. I suppose that’s where my drive came from was to show them that women could run things just as well as the men could.”

“I see. And on behalf of my miserable, narrow-minded sex, I apologize.” He bit back another smile. “So they sent you to the Delta Quadrant. Interesting choice. There are safer places to be, but hardly any that might be more exciting. I’d say that suits you very well. From what I’ve seen, you don’t exactly tread the beaten path.”

“I wanted far away from there as possible and also wanted a challenge, and when they assigned me I didn’t argue.”

“And you ended up with me, which might be more of a challenge than you intended,” Worth commented. “Like you, I have never trod the beaten path. It can be exciting but sometimes the danger can almost be too much. But if I see something I want, I won’t be happy until I get it. You strike me as one of those people, too.”

“Similar yes. But also a case of once I achieve one thing there’s always something bigger and better to aim for, sir.”

“I’m glad to hear that, even if some things may not be so easy.” Finally he held out the padd. “Do you want to see?”

Feeling like a child on their birthday, dying to see what their parents had bought them, Aria fought the urge to snap the padd out of Worth’s hands.

“Question is sir, do you want me to see?”

“I’ve seen them already.” Finally, he smiled at her. “I debated making you wait till after the briefing but...I’m a nice guy and don’t you dare contradict me on that one.” He held out the padd. “See for yourself.”

Gingerly taking the padd from Worth, Aria cautiously looked at the screen. Four level 5’s and a Level 4. Get in there! she celebrated like her father used to when he was watching soccer matches from Earth.

“Looks like I didn’t do too shabby sir. Could have pulled my marks up on the last exam, but hopefully mother’s old mission logs,” she said indicating to the padd she had been reading “will help with the next assessments.”

“I’d say you did extremely well. One 4 is nothing to worry about and above the passing minimum.” Worth paused a moment, his smile remaining. “Well done Aria. I’m pleased.”
Aria was about to reply when she did a double take. Holy crap he used my name instead of my rank. Okay, play it cool and deep breaths.

“Uh, thanks sir,” was all she could manage when she eventually replied.

“At ease,” Worth instructed. “There’s something I want to ask you, between us, not officially.”

“Of course sir,” she added the sir without thinking and quickly put her hand over her mouth. “Sorry,” she apologized. “Yes of course, go on,” she urged him, expecting it to be a simple errand that he doing on the ‘base before the ship departed.

“There’s something I’d like you to do after the briefing. And we’re not at attention, it’s Worth. Please.” He remained in his spot by the window, watching her closely now.

Only ever being able to call someone in such a high position their first name once, her mother, Aria didn’t know quite how to feel, but she figured it was nothing to be worried about.

Starting to feel a bit more at ease, she replied “Okay, Worth,” she said it slowly, like a child learning to say a new person’s name for the first time. “What is it that you want me to do?”

“Have dinner with me.” He left it at that, wondering just what her response would be.

Feeling panic slowly rise within her, a million and one thought started to fly around her head. He’s your boss Aria, say no was the angel on one shoulder. But the devil on the other shoulder had other ideas. Aria, look at him! Do you know how many people would kill to be in this position, saying yes won’t hurt! Flipping a coin in her head, Aria finally came to a decision after making Worth wait for what felt like a lifetime.

“I suppose dinner wouldn’t hurt anybody,” she replied, flashing a smile at him to reassure him the situation had lost its awkwardness slightly.

He laughed softly as he watched her. “I see which one won. And I am honored.” He paused a moment. “I promise not to put glue in your seat too.”

“As if I would ever do that s.. I mean Worth,” she smiled remembering a prank she had once pulled on a not-so-lovable teacher. “I don’t think that I would need forced into staying for the entire meal. The company alone would make me stay,” she smile a more natural smile at him this time.

That gave Worth pause, but he nodded. “I suspect I’ll feel the same.” He moved away from the window, stopping before Aria. “Why don’t you call it a day with the studying and I’ll see you at the briefing?”

Wanting to argue, but knowing he was right, she nodded. “I suppose I’ll be learning more from the briefing and actually being out there than what I ever will by having my head stuck in a book as the old saying goes.”

“Anything is possible, Aria.” He crossed to the doors and departed without really clarifying what he meant by that.

Not really knowing what he meant by his parting words, Aria was left standing where the two of them were stood together just moments ago. Her mother had warned her that a life in the fleet would be exciting and confusing, but up until that moment, she had never fully understood how - but now she did.

Picking up her padd, she began to make her way to her quarters, hoping she would have enough time to recover from her “unofficial” chat with Worth.

Commander Worth Maxwell
Full Of Surprises

Ensign Aria Natinde
Making The Grade In More Ways Than One


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