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The Plot Thickens

Posted on Sun Apr 26th, 2015 @ 7:10pm by Camille Ross & Commander Dae Nalas & Jackson Banning V & Vic

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: The Nexus Club

* * * The Nexus Club * * *

Dae had packed what gear he would need for the trip to Bajor and Betazed as soon as he’d left Ray’s office. Then he made a stop by Intel to see to a few things and inform Lt. Chaelt of his impending absence and preparations for their transportation. Once business was done, there was a personal matter to attend to. It was early enough in the afternoon that he was sure Marla wouldn’t be up and around yet and so, he made his way to the Nexus Club.

They hadn’t opened for the evening, but he knew Camille would be there getting ready for the early dinner and show seating. He slipped inside and made his way through the quiet club room and over to the main bar to wait for her. Vic appeared from one of the back rooms and smiled.

“Afternoon, Dae.” Without asking, Vic whipped up one of the lemonades that had become a house favorite, thanks to a healthy dollop of Jackson’s family’s bourbon and pushed it across the bar. “This business or social?”

“Thanks.” Dae smiled and sipped the lemonade. “Enough of this and it will become a social call. Actually, I’m looking for Camille. Is she in yet?”

Vic nodded. “Just a few minutes ago actually, but she said she was on her way out front.”

“I promise not to keep her long, thanks Vic.” Dae spoke aloud but the rest of his words were silently passed to Vic. Check in with Lt. Chaelt when you finish up tonight.

“No worries.” Vic tapped the bar, then turned to go back to the supply room. Will do, and be careful on this trip. I don’t like what i’m hearing…

Left alone, Dae returned his attention to the lemonade and waited.

Camille was making her way towards her terminal to get an idea of how many people were booked in for the evening, when she nearly missed who was sitting at the bar.

“Dae!” She nearly exclaimed not expecting to see him. “What are ye doin’ here at this time’a day?”

“Looking for you, actually.” Dae smiled, seeing her. “How have things been? I promise I wasn’t ignoring you, it’s just been an interesting couple of weeks.”

“Awk you’re grand Dae,” she smiled at him. “Things have been busy here, but the distraction was welcome whilst Pat was away. But he’s back, as is Jackson so things are the up. An’ what can I be doin’ fer ye?”

“Have a seat for just a minute?” he asked. “It’s important.”

As she sat down, a look of concern came across her face. “Is everythin’ alright Dae?” The concern also evident in her voice.

“They are. But I am shipping out tonight, in about an hour actually. And no, don’t ask. I am not sure how long either. I need you to get a message to Marla.”

Having been around Fleet officers long enough now, Camille understood that this was as much information that Dae could give her. “Sure thing. I’ve a wee while until the crowd’ll get bigger in here and I’m sure Vic will lemme out for half an hour.”

“I can make it easy on you.” Dae finished off his lemonade and set the glass aside. “Make a reservation for later tonight for Warrant Officer Vance Park, for two. Send the standard confirmation with the time to Marla with both their names on it. He’ll pick her up and bring her here for dinner. Then, you can let her know I’m...out and about and not to worry.”

“Will do. Dae, I know she’ll want me to say this, so whatever you’re away doing, be safe as she’ll worry about ye.”

“I know.” He frowned a moment, then it faded. “I won’t be calling home either, fair warning. And thank you Camille. I owe you one...again.”

“Dunnae mention it. Just make it up to Marla when yer back home.”

“Oh she can count on that.” He reached over to pat her on the shoulder. “Thanks again. I’ll see you when I get back home.” He slid off the stool and hurried out without looking back.

“Everything okay?” Vic asked as he returned behind the bar.

“Aye. Dae’s bein’ sent off by the sounds’a things and wants me tae let Marla know he’ll be away fer a while an’ outta contact.”

“Ahh yeah.” Vic nodded. “So the green witch is still an issue is she?”

“Unfortunately so. And will continue tae be until Marla can leave her job, or Seyla kicks the bucket. However I suspect she’d still make her life a nightmare after either of those scenarios happen.”

That got a laugh from Vic. “The devil in a red dress.”

“We talkin’ about Seyla?” Jackson stepped out from the hall leading to his office and came to sit by Camille. “What’s she done this time?”

“Breathe.” Was Camille’s first response. “And continue to have a hold over poor Marla,” was her second response.

“Ahhh, I see.” A wicked smile spread over Jackson’s face then. “Maybe I can do somethin’ about that. We’ll just have to see, won’t we?”

“Hmmm,” Camille contemplated Jackson’s thought. “Wouldnae be a half bad idea, except there’d be some people who’d come after ye. Anyway, must go make this reservation before I forget,” she said getting up from her seat and making her way to her terminal.

“Okay, Vic, I need to go get changed before the doors open. And I gotta message to send. I wanna see if Sey’s open for dinner.” He grinned and departed, leaving Vic shaking his head.

“Oh boy…”

Lt. Commander Dae Nalas
Hitting The Road

Watching Out For The Gang

Camille Ross
Chief Messenger Pigeon

Jackson Banning V
Owner & Co-conspirator
The Nexus Club


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