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Uncharted Territory Part I

Posted on Mon Apr 27th, 2015 @ 10:35am by Commander Worth Maxwell VIII & Ensign Aria Natinde
Edited on on Tue May 19th, 2015 @ 1:44pm

Mission: Beyond The Wormhole
Location: Holodeck 1
Timeline: After Post Briefing Brief

* * * USS Ptolemy - XO’s Quarters * * *

After some teasing from Warrington regarding the upcoming dinner date, Worth had gone by Holodeck 1 to set things up and then returned to his quarters to get ready. Now, fresh from the shower, he stood looking into his closet, trying to decide just what would be suitable. It was after shift and he didn’t want to show up for dinner, and what was essentially a date, in uniform. Which meant regular clothes and that raised the big question: what did one wear to dinner with someone whose ideas of fashion were likely vastly different? The age difference between them was considerable and that suddenly concerned him.

He ran a hand through his hair as he examined his wardrobe, considering and rejecting several options.

“Was I this bad when I was twenty?” he mused aloud.

Finally, he decided on a nice middle-of-the road option - dark trousers in navy with a silk v-necked shirt in a soft cream color. He dried his hair and once dressed, examined himself in the mirror. It would do, he supposed, then laughed aloud. He’d faced danger too many times to count and not much left him uncertain but this? This would be an interesting night. He hadn’t been involved with anyone at all since his career had ended a relationship he had intended to make permanent. The thought of Sharna stopped him in his tracks. Had it really been seven years? Seven years and the Fleet had become his whole life. Now he was entering uncharted territory and had no idea what to expect. Knowing Aria, he suspected it might be, like her flying, full of loops and rolls, all executed at dizzying speed. The analogy amused him.

He took one last look in the mirror, then departed.

**********Aria’s Quarter’s**********

Aria stood in her towel and looked at her limited wardrobe. She didn’t expect to be going to dinner on this mission, so the only clothes she had with her other than her uniform, were her comfort clothes.

With a sigh she made her way to the replicator and ordered up a pale mint green tea dress that cut just below the knee - enough to cover the bruise she’d acquired earlier in the day. Opting to go for a pair of nude flats and a matching purse, Aria began to style her hair into loose curls before applying minimal natural make -up.

Pulling on her dress, and giving herself a final nod of approval, Aria was about to pull on her shoes when she heard the chime to her door. A strange feeling that she could only presume was what people described as ‘butterflies in your tummy’ washed over Aria as she made her way to open the door.

Opening the door with a smile, Aria greeted Worth, forgetting they weren’t on duty. “Si... I mean, Worth,” she quickly corrected herself. “You look very smart,” she said flashing another smile.

Worth stood at the door, one hand behind his back. He smiled as she greeted him. “Thank you.” He looked her up and down out of habit, then mentally kicked himself. She was not on duty and needing her uniform checked. She was definitely out of uniform and deserved checking for other reasons. “You look lovely.” His usual on duty voice had softened. Finally he held out his hand. In it was a rose with a gold stem and leaves, the large blossom a swirl of colors. “For you.”

Letting out a slight gasp at the beauty of the flower, Aria took it off him. “It’s lovely Worth, do come in whilst I put this in water and grab my purse,” she said as it turned a mix of purple, pink and blue. “Oh!” She exclaimed in a high pitch squeak. Turning to Worth she asked “It changes colour?”

“It does, based on the emotions of the one holding it.” He looked at the flower and raised an eyebrow. “Interesting. Bring it along, we can see to it where we’re having dinner.” He stood aside to let her through the door.

Grabbing her purse in the other hand, Aria stepped out into the corridor and went to begin walking, but stopped and turned back to face Worth. “Where exactly are we going? Not exactly like there’s a Nexus Club on the ship,” she joked.

“Holodeck 1. Right this way.” He stepped up beside her and they began to walk.

* * * Holodeck 1 * * *

They reached the holodeck and Worth entered his code, one that would keep it private once they entered. The doors opened and he led the way in. Before them was a lush oasis that surrounded a breathtaking waterfall. Off to the side was a table set for dinner. An empty vase of water stood in the center of it.

“Jenaran Falls,” he told Aria. “One of the most beautiful places on Betazed.” He pulled his attention from the falls to Aria, hoping she would like it.

“I’ve read about it and seen pictures of it, and hoped one to day to be able to visit it,” she said looking around. “Worth, this is beautiful.”

At her words, he felt the muscles between his shoulders relax and he took a deep breath. So far so good. He took the rose from her and now it turned a deep purple as he carried it to the table.

“I’m glad you like it. Come closer.” He held out his hand to her.

Taking his hand, she let him guide her. “Worth...” she still couldn’t get used to saying his name when thinking consciously about it. “The flower, it’s completely purple this time. What does that mean?” she asked curiously, not knowing what to make of the situation.

They stopped at the edge of the lake where the azure water lapped at the large rocks that rimmed it. He stood looking at the falls for a long moment before he answered.

“It’s been too long since I was at these falls in person, Aria. As for the rose, purple means the holder is at peace.” He laughed softly. “I suppose that is true now, though it certainly wasn’t five minutes ago at your door. Hence, the swirl of confused colors.”

Relaxing knowing that it was nothing bad that Worth was feeling, she smiled at him. “Worth, I have a feeling both of us were feeling the same way. And I hope to one day visit the falls in person myself. Are they as majestic in real life as they are here?”

“Even better.” His smile returned and he took her hand once more, leading the way around the lake and closer to the waterfall. “It seemed like a good place to...start things off.” The moment the words were out of his mouth he tensed inwardly. That had sounded awfully presumptuous and he was glad not to be holding the chameleon rose right now.

Wanting to see him squirm, and pay him back for the earlier encounter of trying to keep her exam results from her, Aria decided to have a bit of fun with him. “Start what things off?” She asked, trying her best to sound like she didn’t have a clue what he was on about.

“This...dinner…” He stopped short of saying ‘us’. He was thinking like a 35-year-old man, not a younger woman. He looked down at her and it was then he saw the gleam in her eyes. He left it at that, but his meaning was clear.

Aria studied him for a minute, considering whether to keep toying with him or not. By the look of his face, he was starting to feel slightly out of his depth, which Aria decided to help keep him floundering a bit longer.

“You were going to finish that sentence Worth, weren’t you?” She asked him softly.

He looked out over the water, taking a second to consider just how he wanted to answer that, then nodded. “I was. Are you curious?” Two could play that game. The corners of his mouth twitched.

“If I wasn’t curious I wouldn’t be asking you,” she teased back at him, catching on that he was now playing the game too.

He knew in an instant that any relationship with Aria was not going to be a quiet, serene path and the thought pleased him. He could read the amusement coming from her but beneath it….He smiled and tossed caution to the wind.

“Us,” he answered.

Aria didn’t know how to reply in words to him, but simply reached out and grabbed his hand and smiled at him.

His fingers tightened around hers. It wasn’t often he’d seen Aria at a loss for words. “No comment? No objection? I’m surprised, Aria.”

“Don’t be getting to used to it,” she said sticking her tongue out at him. “This is a very rare occasion. But, in being honest with you Worth, no one has ever done anything like this for me before, so it’s a little overwhelming, but in a good way.”

“I read people pretty well,” he joked. “But it’s no more than you deserve Aria.” He raised her hand to his lips for a brief, polite kiss. “Ready for dinner?”

Aria appreciated the gesture, and she was suddenly aware of Worth’s age. Not because of his looks, but because of the way he seemed to know to take things slowly - something that could only come with the wisdom of experience over the years. Realising Worth was staring at her for a reply, she answered “Of course! What have you got ordered up for us?”

“French cuisine, but don’t you dare tell my family. My father would disown me.” He grinned at her as they began to walk back to the table. A holographic server was standing waiting for them. “And that’s the joy of holographic staff,” he whispered. “They serve dinner, then disappear.”

“Or y’know you could always make it yourself,” she teased as they got to the table. “Thank you,” she said in response to Worth pulling her chair out for her, and she sat down. Waiting for him to sit opposite her, she picked up the flower to put it into the glass vase on the table. A swirl of pink and blue.

“That’s next time.” He didn’t add ‘if’. There would be a next time, that he sensed from her loud and clear. He turned back to the table from talking to the server and seeing the flower, sucked in a breath before he could stop himself. His gaze went from the flower to Aria and lingered there.

Smiling at him being so confident at a next time, Aria couldn’t resist playing with him again. “And what makes you so cocky in that there’s going to be a next time?”

He nodded towards the flower. “That.”

“Must be broken,” she said, teasing him. “A lady has to be wined, dined and courted before she will even consider a second date,” she said giving him a cheeky smile whilst trying to sound like she knew what she was on about.

Worth motioned to the server to begin and the man stepped forward to pour the wine. Reaching out to gently touch Aria’s cheek, he smiled. “Are you curious about those colors?”

“I am. But I also know that you are going to tell as you won’t be able to keep yourself from telling me,” she replied leaning into his hand and kissing it.

“Pink reflects love and the blue, well that….” he stopped and tugged on her earlobe. “Perhaps I’ll tell you over dessert.”

Not wanting to sound whiney, but failing, she whined, “but why make me wait until then?”

“Very well. That color usually means deep love and bonding.” The waiter placed dinner on the table but Worth hadn’t moved from where he stood by Aria’s chair.

Once again Aria was lost for words. But noticing that Worth was still standing beside her, she turned round to look up at him. “Is everything alright Worth?”

“Wonderful. Unexpected, but wonderful.” He brushed his thumb lightly over her lips, then sat down across from her. “Let’s wine and dine, shall we?”

Aria smile as he said ‘wonderful’. “Wonderful,” she whispered aloud, then “yes please,” as she began to tuck into her meal.

********** To Be Continued **********


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