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Everybody Comes To Jackson

Posted on Mon Aug 1st, 2011 @ 7:09pm by Jackson Banning V & Laura Stout
Edited on on Mon Aug 1st, 2011 @ 7:14pm

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: The Nexus Club

* * The Nexus Club * *

"Hello," she said.

The familiar voice from the past caught Jackson's attention as he reached for a glass. He stopped and looked up, catching sight of the too-thin blonde in the mirror behind the bar. Their eyes met in the mirror and he smiled, slow and easy.

"Well, well, look who we have here." He filled the glass with water and a lime and set it before Laura. He spoke again, his voice a conspiratorial whisper. "What name is it this time?"

It took her a second, a blink between heartbeats, but she recognised the hair, the smile but mostly she recognised the good cheer; it disrupted the edges of her bad mood as much now as it had then. Good cheer was like that, inconsiderate and inconvenient.

Laura took the glass with the tips of her fingers and idly swirled it on the bar-top. "Same as it was the last time." She lifted the glass to her lips and was as glad as she was disappointed that it wasn't vodka sliding down her throat. "What's yours?"

"Same as always," Jackson drawled. He picked up his cup of coffee from behind the bar and had a sip, watching her over the rim. "The two circles of my life never meet, 'cept in rare circumstances. Like our Intell staff...and you. I guess it's true, everybody comes to the Nexus eventually." He gave her an intent once-over. "And pardon my manners, darlin', but you look like hell. What gives?"

Something akin to a smile hooked the corner of her mouth. "I think you tried that line last time. Tell me, is it a job requirement for bar-tenders to be nosey or is it an Intell thing?"

"Let's call it a concerned thing. I've got a broom in back that outweighs you. And we have some friends in common that wonldn't look too kindly on my not watchin' out for ya since you're here."

She laughed, a sharp bark of sound. "You know that's probably why Merc insisted on coming out this way; the sneaky, no-good Bajoran wanted to ditch me but couldn't just leave me anywhere so he found somewhere with a nanny. Check your comm, he probably left care instructions."

"Will do. And since you know I'm here, things start getting rough for you, you will call me." It was clearly not a question. "You have quarters yet?"

Laura considered Jackson for several long moments, a frown creasing her brow. She didn't want help, didn't like the notion that she couldn't watch out for herself, but gods knew that she needed it. "Not yet," she said.

"Okay, go to Ops and find Norval Tigan. He's a Trill, you can't miss him. He's runnign Ops while the COO is away and he'll get you fixed up. I'll call and let him know you're comin'. And once you get settled in, come find me." Norval was not the only call Jackson intended to make but he felt no need to get that specific.

"Ops," she said with a distinct lack of enthusiasm and a barely suppressed shiver. The thought of being surrounded by all those uniforms made her skin itch. She downed the remaining contents of her glass in a single gulp before landing it with a thud on the bar.

Sliding off the seat she grabbed the duffel by her feet. She paused for a moment with the strap over her shoulder and caught Jackson's gaze. "Thanks," she said, quietly, before walking out the club.

Laura Stout

Jackson Banning
Owner & Watchdog
The Nexus Club


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