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Time To Go!

Posted on Fri May 8th, 2015 @ 10:27pm by Marine Captain Quentin Harrison & Sergeant Sonia Garza-Loya
Edited on on Fri May 8th, 2015 @ 10:28pm

Mission: Breaking New Ground


Quentin Harrison stormed into Recon area, only to find that Sgt. Loya had anticipated an order to mobilize. The men were assembled, in full battle dress. Quentin went over to his locker and pulled out his equipment. He came back to the squad bay and Loya called for attention. "At ease, you guys!" she shouted, her voice sounding like a cross between Bonnie Tyler and the Wicked Witch Of The West.

"Thank you, sergeant. I'll keep it simple. We are performing an emergency deployment to an occupied structure, where we will secure it until ordered to return to base. On the ground, Agents Elliott and Collins are me go-to guys, so give 'em room and respect."

Quentin sighed. "Off the record, Jim Holbridge was attacked and nearly killed earlier this afternoon. He's in sickbay in grave condition at the moment. I dinnae have to tell none of ye that Jimmy-boy got us all our shiny new gear, and we all owe the man a debt o' gratitude. Let's keep his wee ones in the house safe, hm?"

Quentin was surprised when the entire group chorused "HOOAH, SIR!"

"All right, you heard the man, let's shag it people! Wheels up in ten minutes! Grab your gear and let's go!" Loya shouted.



Harrison walked up the boarding ladder, and sealed the hatch, then took his place in the mission advisor's seat. "Let 'er rip!" he called, and the pilot lifted off smoothly, signaling the other two gunabout to do the same. The three gunabouts exited the hangar easily, then turned for the planetary surface.

"ETA to LZ is two-six mikes, chief!" Garza called from the aft crew compartment.

"Very well! Squad leaders, we will be setting down inside the courtyard of the residence. Deployment patterns are uploaded to you, I want all weapons tight until otherwise directed. Acknowledge that order!"

=/\=Squad 1=/\=
=/\=Squad 2=/\=

"Excellent." Quentin hit a channel. "Starbase 900, this is Headbanger Flight, please clear us inbound hot, advice Archadia Control this is an exercise only with live ammo."

=/\=Roger, Headbanger, cleared in hot to primary LZ.=/\=

"Very well, Headbanger out."

=/\=Headbanger, Bulldog, go secure Alphga channel=/\=

Quentin made an adjustment to his radio. "Q-Ball up"

=/\=Okay, listen up,=/\= Lorenz ordered. =/\= Bouncer is out of surgery, but he is in grave condition still. There was anti-clotting agent on that blade that got him, and he was dosed in the War twice. Docs have him in a medical coma. They are gonna do a marrow transplant so he can make some new blood quicker.=/\=

"What are me orders?" Quentin demanded.

=/\=Primary objective is to keep the kids and house safe. Let Matt and Sam do the digging for clues to who got Jim; you are the guns as well as my eyes and ears down there. You get me? No funny business, or I will put you back in the fucking brig!=/\=

"The kids are me priority. I'll do some in-close detail and have Loya keep the perimeter. I think someone should tell Tricia to put a few aircraft up." Quentin suggested.

=/\=Negative. Low-visibility for all personnel. There is an ammo dump under the gardener's shed on the west lawn. Access code is alpha-alpha-alpha-one-one-one.=/\=

Quentin had to smile at that, Jim had a horrible time remembering codes. "Copy that. Davey, keep the lad safe up there. I got the wee ones down here. Out."



Quentin walked into the house and immediately took his gear off, handing it to the human butler, a stiff formal suit called Jarvis. "Will there be anymore cro-mags in the house, or just yourself, Master Harrison?" Jarvis asked.

"If yer wife couldnae cook, I'd have shot ye last summer!" Quentin retorted. "Where are the wee ones?"

Jarvis sniffed. "Master Jordan is in the conservatory and Miss Kimberly is asleep in her room. I will summon Master Jordan at once."

"Ye do that," Quentin said quietly. In less than a minute, Quentin saw the boy come running towards him, crashing into him and hugging him. "Uncle Quentin, what's happening with Dad? Where's Mom?"

"Lad, yer da' is out o' surgery and sleepin' like a babe. Your momma is still on station, staying with him in case he wakes up. Me and a few of me new friends will be staying here with ye until yer momma sends for you. Sergeant Loya!"

The Latina sergeant instantly materialized. "Yes, chief!"

"This is future midshipman JD Holbridge. He wants to be a Marine officer. Laddie, if ye canane give orders to this woman, dinnae join the Corps. Sergeant, I want ye to take the lad in hand and show him some basic Marine skills. Hand-to-hand, shootin' that kind o' thing."

"Aye, chief. JD, come with me, please!" the sergeant led JD outside, and now Quentin had the unenviable job of telling his niece that her daddy was hurt, but decided to wait until she woke up. He picked up his tricorder and studied the information that Sam Elliott and Matt Collins were collecting. Aye, Team One wants this one! Quentin thought darkly.

A post by:

CWO3 Quentin Harrison
Angry Uncle


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