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A Change Of Venue

Posted on Sun May 10th, 2015 @ 1:22pm by Lieutenant Raymond Benson & Jackson Banning V & Admiral Ricky Wegener

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Oz & Jackson's Quarters

* * * Oz & Jackson’s Quarters - Deck 13 * * *

“I swear I am going to kill that woman and no jury will convict me. In fact, they’ll probably give me a medal and a fucking ticker-tape parade. And the keys to the quadrant. Then they’ll ask me why I didn’t do it sooner.” Ray’s diatribe was non-stop as he stomped down the corridor to see Jackson. “And as soon as I get done here, I am gonna find her and...hello Eric...and tell her just what I think of her and …” he continued to mutter as Eric unlocked the doors for him, then stomped inside.

He held up a hand to warn Jackson to be silent, then spoke. “Computer, as per order of Admiral Azoulay, this visit is to be recorded, both audio and visual. I, Lt. Raymond Benson, am present in the capacity of defense counsel and as such, this recording is to be encrypted, JAG authorization 9904, and only to be opened by me.” The computer beeped an acknowledgment and Ray dropped into a chair by the sofa. “And if Azoulay doesn’t like it, she can kiss my redneck ass.”

“That expression, or a version of it, is what landed me here in lockup - well, here till she finds out I am here and not in the brig. Drink?” Jackson asked. “It is after hours. Sorry for callin’ ya out at this hour.”

Ray nodded to Jackson. “I’ll have whatever you’re having. And yes, hello. What the hell have you done, Jack?”

Jackson filled a glass and gave it to Ray before returning to his place on the sofa. “Nothin’ really, aside from refusing to have words put in my mouth and pointing out the error in her logic. Sadly, that will likely bite me in the ass, at least short term.” He filled Ray in on his interview with Azoulay and by the end of it, Ray was muttering again.

“You know she is going to jump on that like a starving cheetah,” Ray observed. “Not that she has any proof but she can make your life miserable for a little while till we unravel this mess. I’ll have a better soapbox to preach from once I get the recording of your little tea party. Having more to add to my complaint would make my day.” He smiled at Jackson. “In the meantime, don’t expect your lock-up here to last. You know she will check and when you’re not down in the brig, she’ll blow in like the wicked witch of the west and carry you off in her basket, Toto.”

Jackson had to laugh in spite of present circumstances. “I just wanted you to be aware of what’s up, Ray. If things change, I’ll send word. There’s somethin’ you need to check on though. Jim came to see me earlier and he found a small transmitter attached to a bottle of whiskey on my desk. It’s there in a cabinet across from the door in a small black box. Get it and see what you can make of it.”

Ray sat up straighter and frowned. “A bug?” His frown deepened. “Be careful Jackson, I think you’re playing with fire here. And as strange as this may sound? I think the brig might be the safest place for you at the moment. Oz’s crew won’t put up with any irregularities, it doesn’t matter who’s trying to throw his or her weight around.”

“So noted. An’ check up on Jim. I have a bad feelin’ about all of this. He’s supposed to be goin’ vacation.” Jackson rubbed his eyes, then drained his glass.

“Will do.” Ray stood and moved back to the door, knocking to let Eric know he was ready to go. “Computer, end recording.” When the beep came, he spoke once more. “Let me know when you end up downstairs.”

“Will do.”

Jackson watched as the doors re-sealed behind Ray, then leaned back and closed his eyes. Following Ray’s departure, the living room was suddenly quiet. Jackson refilled his glass, sent a note to Vic regarding his whereabouts, then paced over to the portal. He’d taken Eric’s advice and packed a bag just in case. He needed to call Oz, just as soon as he figured out what to say. It would be tricky, given the Admiral’s order regarding contact and he didn’t want to worry her. Hopefully, all this would be straightened out by the time she got back. Now, he stood, looking out at the planet below and a thought occurred to him, something from his ‘interview’ with Eria.

“Computer, locate Lt. Commander Nicolao.”

=^= Lt. Commander Nicolao is in Piper Medical Center =^=

“Huh. That’s interestin’.” He decided to follow up that little thread once he got out of here, assuming things went better than they had so far. The chime at his door pulled him back to the here and now and he waited for the door to be unsealed and opened.

There had been what sounded like arguing outside the door and, once opened, he realized why.

Admiral Azoulay stepped into his quarters, pointing an accusatory finger at him. “I knew your relationship with the chief of security would wind up having something like this happen! I ordered you to be placed in the brig!”

“Welcome, Admiral. Do come in.” Jackson’s voice dripped sarcasm. “Actually, what you said was, and I quote, ‘remanded into custody until further notice.’ You never mentioned the brig and since my door is sealed and guarded, I’m obviously not goin’ anywhere. And to clear up your other point, none of us have spoken ta Oz because she is off the station and a little out of reach at the moment. But to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?”

“To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit,” she mockingly repeated. “You know damn well why I’m here! Let me make myself perfectly clear,” she said through gritted teeth. “You are to be locked in the brig, a small cell--the smallest they have, if possible, until you comply with answering questions instead of side-stepping everything with your positing of Wegener and Hawke’s innocence.”

She took a moment to herself, knowing that she couldn’t lose it now. If she kept on this way, she may give up too much and had to compose herself. “Now, Commander Banning, I have the option of allowing you your freedom if you would simply answer the questions I asked earlier, and any further questions I might have for you. Maybe you should take a moment to consider your options.”

“I have to confess ta bein’ a little confused. You asked me what I thought an’ I told ya. Sounds ta me like yer sayin’ that as long as I answer the questions the way you want ‘em answered, it’s all good. Or if I come up with somethin’ I have no way to know. Surely, Admiral, that’s not what you’re askin’ is it? An’ remember, this visit is bein’ recorded at your order.” Jackson leaned back against the window seat, watching her carefully. It was a gamble, and one he didn’t really expect to win right now.

“Need I remind you that I recorded that interview as well?” she sneered. “I never asked for your opinion of them, I asked specific questions which you avoided by telling me how much you thought of them, how they couldn’t have done it because of honor and all of that...stuff. And you as much as said that you were the one responsible for passing information to the enemy yourself.” Suddenly, a sly smile crept across her face. “As a matter of fact, I believe your statements to that end require further investigation. As of this point, you are now named as a co-conspirator along with Wegener and Hawke.” She took a step closer to him. “And because of your avoidance to my questioning, it seems that you’ll be in the brig for a very, very long time.”

Jackson regarded her silently for several seconds, then smiled back at her. “You do what you have to do Admiral, but answer a question for me if you don’t mind?”

She didn’t answer with anything more than the narrowing of her eyes.

“Why is one of the operatives in question suddenly in Piper? Between you an’ me, that seems a little odd, since we were just talkin’ about him earlier.” He didn’t expect an answer but hey, it never hurt to ask in his opinion. “Actually I have two questions. What do you know about a little listenin’ device that ended up on a bottle of whiskey in my office at the Nexus?”

“I’m sure you know as well as anyone else that a patient’s medical condition is protected under doctor/patient confidentiality, so I have no idea,” she lied. “As for a bottle of whiskey, I have no idea about that either. Maybe you should sic your wife on that one whenever she returns. Now, will there be anything else before I have you locked away?”

“Just a warnin’. Ray’s goin’ nuclear.” Jackson crossed to the bedroom to retrieve his bag. He returned and stopped at the terminal. “I should send Oz a message to let ‘er know I won’t be home.”

“Belay that,” she said. “I’ll have someone send her the message.” Walking to the door she opened it and motioned Eric inside. “Listen to me, Lieutenant,” she said. “Commander Banning is to be taken directly to the smallest brig cell that you have. He is not to have any personal effects allowed inside with him and all visitations are still to be recorded, both audio and visual. Am I clear, or do I need to walk him there myself to ensure that you don’t mess this order up as well?”

“Clear,” was the only reply she needed to hear from him.

“Go, now,” she said to Banning.

With a snappy salute, he lifted his bag and crossed to the door. “Ladies first.” In truth, he didn’t trust her to be in there alone even for a second.

And she didn’t trust him behind her. “I don’t need to remind you that you are in custody.” She looked to the security officer. “Take him, now, or I will have you in the brig beside him.”

There was a tense moment between the trio, but finally, Jackson was escorted into the corridor, followed by Eria. “I fully expect to find your name in the list of those currently incarcerated when I check the list in a few moments,” she said. “If not, there will be hell to pay for you and you,” the last she said to Lieutenant Edwards.

“Don’t worry. I’ll be good,” Jackson replied, then turned to follow Eric.

She watched them go and muttered, “Not bloody likely.”

Jackson Banning V
Owner & Jailbird
The Nexus Club

Lt. Ray Benson
Ready To Blow

Admiral Eria Azoulay
Tired of the Shenanigans


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