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Last Chance Gas Station - Part II

Posted on Sun May 10th, 2015 @ 11:36pm by Captain Li Hawke & Suresh & Commander Oralia Zeferino & Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Nelvana III - The Neutral Zone

* * * Nelvana III * * *

“So that’s the short version of the story and why this man ended up in Elba II,” Li said to Jake. “You see why we need to find him. Before he finds us.”

Jake nodded. “He could be here, we’re sort of a last-chance gas station on the way to Romulan space. I have a friend checking the incoming ships.” He looked to Oz, then reached over to touch her hair. “Glad he didn’t screw that up. Too pretty to waste. What an asshole.” Jake grinned at Oz, then reached for his drink.

"He did, for awhile. But it grew back," Oz grinned back at him, hiding how creeped out she was. "How soon till you have information for us?"

“We’re on the lookout but so far nothing. The docking ring is also watching for any that match that description but you have to understand, it’s like looking for a needle in a haystack. Do you have any idea how many Orions pass through here?”

A waitress approached them and Jake looked up. “Anything?”

She placed the orchid on the table by Li and Oz. “Some priest was here with a big Orion. He sent this to you two ladies and said to tell you he’ll see you in Eden. That was it and they just left.”

Li’s eyes widened and she looked to Oz. “Oz….”

Oz was already out of her chair, nearly knocking the waitress on her ass, and weaving her way through the bar's tables. Once outside, she paused, searching the milling crowds for the big Orion. She spied someone - tall, broad, blacked haired - and started after him.

Li grabbed the pot with the orchid. “Jake, call the ship!” Then she dashed out after Oz. They weaved their way through the crowds, elbowing space as needed. Just ahead, they could see the Orion but those around him blended into a blur.

"Hey!" Oz shouted, drawing the attention of more than just the Orion ahead of them. The Orion glanced back, but the crowd closed in for a moment and she lost sight of him for a moment.

“The docking ring transporter Oz!” Li yelled to be heard over the noise. “Let me….” She fell silent as they pushed forward and reached out with her mind, searching…..and moments later she yelped aloud. “He’s here!”

Oz shot a glance at Li, then redoubled her effort to catch up to the Orion. Half a second later, though, a fist to her sternum knocked the wind out her. She hadn't seen it coming and didn't see who did it. She went down, sucking in air.

The choice was clear and Li stopped instantly, bending over to check on Oz. She tapped her comm badge and called the ship, ordering two to beam aboard. They stood a better chance of spotting them with a scan from the ship and would be set to go.

* * * The cha’Do’ * * *

"Serious? Oz isn't going to be happy."

A throaty laugh came across the comm, "I'm glad you've pulled this particular duty, Darwin."

"Oh, thanks," Darwin snarled back at Gilroy. "I'll fill her in as soon as she comes back."

"Better you than me," Gilroy laughed as he signed off.

Darwin sighed. Telling Oz her husband had been tossed in the Brig - without her having been the one to order it - was going to be interesting.

“What happened Darwin?” Suresh returned from cleaning up the galley and settled in the seat beside Darwin. “I heard the growling all the way down below.”

"Eh. Issues back on the SB. Seems that Jackson has been put in the brig."

“Jackson? What for? Who would arrest a nightclub owner?” Suresh frowned. “Or is this something I am not supposed to know? She isn’t going to like this.”

"No, she isn't. Apparently the Admirals have been removed from their offices and are under investigation. It gets worse: I get to break the news." He laughed lightly.

“I’m sorry, really.” The rest of what Darwin said sunk in and his frown deepened. “What is going on back there? And you said admirals, plural. That mean you have to inform Li too?”

"Oh." Darwin grimaced. "Yeah." The comm chirped: Li ordering a transport for them. Quickly, he set to work and within a minute, the two women stood on the transporter platform. "What the hell! Oz?"

Oz waved him off, still catching her breath.

“Begin a scan.” Li ordered. “I want any Orion and Romulan life signs in close proximity, especially on departing ships. We were this close,” she held up two fingers close together. “They were coming this way and thanks to a message sent to us, I think they’re leaving here.”

Suresh stood and offered Oz his seat. “You, sit down.”

Oz sat, Darwin started the scans. "I have other news. Gilroy called. Admirals Wegener and Hawke were suspended from office after we left. There's an investigation pending involving them and some charges of things like treason. AndJacksonisintheBrig."

Oz huffed and croaked out, "What?!"

“Sakkath said they had been temporarily removed from duty.” Then Li’s attention was riveted on Darwin. “Come again?”

"Ah, the scans are returning lots of hits - this is Romulan territory, pretty much. And Orion territory. Fifteen ships just departed; another ten are set to go in the next twenty minutes. Shall I request a departure from Central Control?"

"Yes," Oz told him. "And then tell me why Jackson is in the Brig."

"Mmhmm...," Darwin acknowledged that with a nod as he sent a message to the tower.

“Set a course for Eden,” Li requested. She looked up as Suresh took the orchid from her hands and dashed towards the back. “And let’s hear it.”

He told them all he knew, all while setting course and getting clearance from the tower to depart.

"That bit-- Admiral! She has no right to toss Jackson in the Brig!" Oz was hot under the collar about that and torn between carrying on to Eden or heading back to SB900 to protect her husband.

Li reached over to take Oz’s hand, sensing her thoughts about returning home. “Ray’s doing his best, Oz and he won’t let this go. Sakkath is home now and he’s looking into it also. We all know it’s not true and Dad and Admiral Wegener will pull in every favor they can to get to the bottom of this.” She paused a moment, pursing her lips. “Jackson is not without resources as well. They will get to the bottom of it.”

"I know," Oz nodded. "Still, I'd like to kick that Admiral." She winced and put a hand on her sternum. "I'm going to go spend a few quality minutes with a regenerator and get rid of this bruise."

“And I’m going to go see why Suresh ran off with that flower. Call when you want one of us to relieve you Darwin.” She rose and followed Oz back through the ship, then went down the stairs.


Commander Oralia Zeferino
Sucker Punched

Lt. M. Darwin

Captain Li Hawke
Within Reach

Suresh I
Leaving A Trail...To Eden

Suresh II
Out To Prove Himself


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