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Separated By Light Years

Posted on Sun Aug 7th, 2011 @ 3:18pm by Captain Li Hawke & Commander Sakkath

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Sakkath Quarters

* * Sakkath Quarters * *

It had been a long day for Li, spent on alert, moving through the station, in constant contact with Nenita, always watching. Everything was business as usual, no thing turned as yet but they were expecting it. Dinner with Norval had been relaxing and enjoyable. She was glad to have his company, but she missed Sakkath deeply.

She was moving slow by the time she arrived home and dropped to the sofa. The thought of Norval brought to mind the encounter as they were leaving the restaurant. Something about it bothered her and as she thought about it, it hit her. And the realization brought her back to Sakkath. She needed him. Moving over to the desk, she opened a channel, set the encryption protocol, and waited.

* * U.S.S. Takei * *

Sakkath was seated on the bridge, signing off on the latest set of duty logs when the Ensign at the CONN announced an incoming transmission.

"It's encrypted, sir," she reported. "From Commander Hawke."

Sakkath set down the PADD in his hand as he rose from the center seat, straightening his uniform in the process. "Thank you, Ensign. I will take it in my Ready Room. You have the bridge."

The Vulcan strode to his small adjoining office, taking a seat and spinning the monitor to face him before activating it. The UFP logo greeted him, taking a moment to process the encryption protocols before displaying Li's face.

"Imzadi," he said by way of greeting, folding his hands in front of him.

She took a moment to look back at him, the lack of his presence washing over her. She missed him terribly, missed his constant presence in her mind. Even so, she kept it to business for now.

"Good evening, my love. I know you are busy so I won't keep you long. First, any troubles? Anything I should know about?"

For a moment, Sakkath considered telling her about Captain Lorenz, but as of yet there was nothing to indicate a connection to the crystal on 900... it was, after all, a preexisting medical condition that the Marine had dealt with all his life. Better, he thought, not to worry her with so much riding on the Divitian delegation.

"We have our work cut out for us," the Vulcan stated, knowing full well it was an understatement, "but nothing unexpected thus far. Is there reason for you to suspect trouble? How fare things on the station?"

"Quietly. Kh'ali has done very well and reports that the Speaker seems very willing to work with her, despite her being a female. He even seems to enjoy her company, and the alliance documents are drawn up and being reviewed s we speak. The Speaker's guards are, of course, trying to throw their weight around and Oz has them well in hand." She paused, considering how to bring up the next subject. "I had dinner with Norval two night ago and something happened." Her tone had grown more serious now.

"What has transpired?" he prompted.

"Well not that." She smiled but it quickly faded. "We went to dinner and as we were leaving the restaurant, a man rushed out and bumped into us. He was moving fast enough to knock me down. He stopped long enough to help me up and inquire if I was alright. The odd thing is that I got the distinct impression that he was surprised to see Norval and was I have no idea who the man is, but he's a local to this quadrant."

The Vulcan blinked. "Unusual," he admitted, moreso for the physical altercation. "Perhaps he is simply aware of our union," Sakkath suggested. "I imagine there are several who might be surprised to see you with another, not knowing the context. You say you do not know him?"

"I've never seen him before. Whoever he is, he blocked his thoughts immediately after my first impression. He knew I'd picked that up and closed himself. He's a telepath. And the meeting was not random, it was planned. I don't know any more than that but I'm going to be looking for him."

"That seems the most prudent course of action, given all that rides on the Speaker's safety," Sakkath agreed. "There should not be unanswered questions while he is on the station." The fact that he was a telepath was also concerning... one did not actively conceal their surface thoughts unless there was something to hide.

"I'll find Oz and let her know what's happened and see what I can find out. If he doesn't see me, he won't be shielded and perhaps I can pick him up. A little boost might be useful in that regard." She braced herself, knowing he was not going to like where this idea was going.

Sakkath's face betrayed nothing, but were he human he might have frowned. Deeply.

"You intend to use the crystal," he said, more statement than question. "That is a double-edged sword, Imzadi. You may gain increased perception, but you may also be crippled by those unbidden sensations. It may also assist your quarry, being a telepath himself."

"All I need is a second or two. Just long enough to see if he is up to something and if so, in what direction his intentions lie. I promise I'll be careful. There is a Vulcan, Aure'l, on Kh'ali's staff. I'll take her along so that if there is trouble, she can break the connection. Will that make you feel better?"

Strangely, it did. The idea of a Vulcan with Li would ensure that she took no unnecessary risks... until, of course, she inevitably slipped away from Aure'l. There were few people, places or things that could hold Li Hawke. Sakkath had learned that after the sickbay ... incident.

He gave a simple nod in reply. There was no way to fault her logic. A risk was necessary to determine whether or not there was a threat on 900.

Li watched his face as she sat in their silent quarters. The constant quiet, and the absence of him in her thoughts, was getting oppressive. "I miss you," she blurted out. She hadn't intended to say that, knowing he was busy and had a big load on his mind.

Sakkath raised a brow. "I will also find it agreeable to be in your company once more, but this mission is an important one. As will be the missions that no doubt take you away from the starbase."

"Yes." She considered her next words for a few moments and decided to leave it at that. They both knew what her life was like, even if she'd had a reprieve from the undercover activities of late. He also knew exactly what she felt for him, in ways most people would never experience or understand. Finally, she nodded. "I should let you get back to it then. If anything develops here, I will inform you."

Sakkath gave a nod. "I am expected on the planet's surface." He lifted his hand in the ta'al. "Peace and long life, Imzadi. I hope for prosperity in your endeavor."

Li mirrored the hand gesture. "Come home safely to me."

As the screen went dark, the Vulcan took a moment to compose himself. It was easier to control his feelings for his mate when their bond was separated by light years... indeed, there was little logic in hiding the feelings when they could feel one another as easily as themselves. But now he had a command to see to. Standing, he made his way to the transporter room.

A joint post by:

Lieutenant Commander Li Hawke
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase 900


Lieutenant Commander Sakkath
Commanding Officer - USS Takei
Chief of Operations - SB 900


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