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Unwelcome Guests

Posted on Sat May 16th, 2015 @ 4:33pm by Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Commander Patrick Leroy

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Kh'ali & Patrick's Quarters / Aboard The K'Nahr

****** SB900 Leroy/Kh’ali’s quarters ******

With Patrick gone early for the CO’s office, Kh’ali had taken her time to feed the baby and take care of a couple of other things. She was almost finished donning her uniform when the comm beeped loudly.

“I wonder who that could be,” she mused. Crossing to the terminal, she opened the channel. “Kh’ali here.”

=^= Commander Kh’ali?... Incoming transmission for you. =^=

Something in the officer’s voice caught her attention. “Ensign Cameron, is there a problem? You don’t sound like your usual chipper self.”

=^= It’s coming from the Klingon Bird of Prey K’nahr. I informed them of the procedures to be followed into contacting base personnel especially after what they did… Their ship de-cloaked inside the perimeter almost colliding with the freighter Danube and sending one of our fighter patrols scrambling to avoid similar collision… Yellow alert was about to be called when they decided to open a channel. I insisted on the necessary acknowledgement of the procedure but their commander would have none of it. She wants to talk with you only… She qualified herself as Q’Vahn of House Martok. =^=

Q’Vahn? Here? The tingle of apprehension that had visited Kh’ali earlier returned and with is a flash of anger. “She always did act first and think after.”

=^= Excuse me ma’am? =^=

“Nothing, ensign. Put that….her...through.”

Q’Vahn face appeared on the monitor her mouth already posed as a scornful grin.

“Qaplà! Kh’ali. It’s been a long time.”

Not long enough, Kh’ali thought then answered. “I suppose that depends on your frame of reference, Q’Vahn. What brings you out this way?” Unlike her usual, smooth manner of speaking on duty, Kh’ali’s voice now left little doubt as to her heritage.

“The Empire is starting to show interest in the Delta Quadrant. Federation has taken the first step with a starbase here. Now the Klingon Council want to have a foothold here as well in quality of allies this can hardly be denied. A delegation has been sent to the Federation to pose the matter while I have been sent here for the same purpose and to assess practical feasibility.” She paused then to allow her cousin to take in the load.

“And you do this by decloaking in a shipping lane and nearly taking out a freighter and one of our fighters?” Kh’ali frowned at the image on her screen. “You are slipping, cousin. Do you know how many Klingons are on this base? The Empire has had an interest out here for several years. I find it hard to believe you are here to see me in a diplomatic capacity.”

“Whatever…” Q’Vahn responded with a hint of anger in her tone “Klingons want their own base and facilities here now. To conduct business without having to resort to other races or the weaklings you call comrades.”

“And they should have it. There are several key areas where I think the Empire would be well-suited. The delegation has already asked for my opinion, actually.” Kh’ali paused a moment. “Are you coming aboard the station or just flying by?” She had to bite back a smile as an image from an old Earth story floated into her thoughts - that of a witch on a broomstick. It was rather fitting, she decided.

“Make arrangements for me and my retinue. We’re transporting aboard within the hour.” Q’Vahn replied curtly. Then after an instant she added with a mocking smile: “With your permission, that is.”

“If you must,” Kh’ali answered. “I will send information on your accommodations as soon as the quartermaster has them ready. My office will contact you later for a suitable time to meet.” Begrudgingly, Kh’ali added, “Welcome to 900.”

Q’Vahn nodded “I’ll be waiting.”

The face of Q’Vahn vanished as the communication was abruptly cut leaving Kh’ali to her own thoughts. The room remained silent for no more than a half second before Kh’ali let loose a string of Klingon curses. She was immediately glad that the baby was both asleep and unable to understand such language yet. That good old Klingon blood in her veins was near the boiling point and she began to pace, wondering what Q’Vahn’s real reason was for being here. She decided to call her father and get his opinion on all this, but it would have to wait. She was due with the little one at Piper for his check-up and then the two of them, and Iggy, were off to her office.

****** On board the K’Nahr - Bridge ******

Q’vahn’s fist slammed on the armrest of the seat as soon as the communication was closed while she worded a couple of remarks about her cousin to be deemed colorful even by klingon standards.

“She’s always acting with that air of superiority…” She muttered to herself before a voice coming from behind interrupted her flurry of thoughts.

“When are we going to transfer to the base?”

Q’Vahn half-turned to look at Roctan who stood there stern as always “Prepare now. And select six warriors for protection.” She ordered turning again to the screen which now showed part of the starbase and the blackness of space dotted by stars.

“Six warriors?” He asked without a change in his tone “We are going aboard a Federation starbase there should be no danger.”

“Six warriors, I said.” Q’Vahn replied with a growl.

Lt. Commander Khali
The Family Ties That Bind….And Gag

After Family Blood…Ties


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