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Of Honor And Tradition

Posted on Wed May 20th, 2015 @ 6:25pm by Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Commander Patrick Leroy

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Diplomatic Offices

***** SB900 Transporter Room 14 *****

Pacing back and forth as a caged tiger Q’vahn’s eyes shifted numerous times in turn glaring to the closed doors of the transporter room, to the ensign operating the console and finally to Roctan and her guards waiting on the pads.

“Anger can be a bad counselor Q’Vahn. I would advise you to regain the warrior’s coolness for delicate matters are to be discussed soon.” Roctan said stepping down from the transporter pad, carefully avoiding to point out that the origin of this anger could be recognized as simple animosity towards the Chief Diplomatic officer of the starbase.

“She’s doing that on purpose! I know her.” Q’vahn replied with a scowl “The more she frustrates me the more she’s pleased.” Then turning a sharp look to the ensign she snarled an order “Do something. Now!”

The young officer stepped back, intimidated, casting a nervous look at the D’k tahg at her belt, whose handle she was clenching. Gulping down a lump he tapped his badge

“Er… Commander Kh’ali?... This is transporter room fourteen. I… I confirm that the guests have arrived and they are… Ah...Eagerly waiting for your arrival.”

=^= I am on my way ensign. Please inform the guests that a slight emergency delayed me but I will be there in just a few minutes. Kh’ali out. =^=

“You heard?” He looked to Q’Vahn. He assumed her glare to be a yes and fell silent. Contemplating the longest fifteen minutes of his life so far, the young ensign sighed in relief when finally the doors to the transporter room swished open to let Kh’ali enter.

“It was about time.” Q’Vahn snapped to her “Has the goodwill of Federation towards Klingons dwindled to this point? To make reputable envoys wait like lowly servants?”

Kh’ali looked from Q’Vahn to Roctan, a little surprised at his presence but she didn’t show it. “The Federation’s regard for Klingons has little to do with personal opinions towards family,” Kh’ali answered. “Welcome aboard Q’Vahn. And to you Roctan, it has been a long time.”

“Indeed.” The old warrior responded with a slight nod “Last time we met you were a skinny young girl. With a strong spirit though.”

“Well I think we can get over with the pleasant memories and get straight to the matter we came for.” Q’Vahn intervened silencing Roctan with a sharp gesture.

The Old klingon’s eyes narrowed while his jaw clenched visibly but he remained otherwise quiet.

“Where are you taking us now to have this talk started?” Q’Vahn asked of Kh’ali.

“This way. We can use my office.” She looked from Q’Vahn to the guards. “Or a conference room might be better.” She turned and led the way out.

Diplomatic Conference Room

Kh’ali entered the room, taking her usual seat at the head of the table. “Please, have a seat all of you.” She didn’t miss the fact that the guards took up positions at the door. Her attention was then drawn to Roctan, and she wondered at his odd submission to her cousin.

Q’vahn didn’t lose time and nodded to Roctan with a slight wave of the hand.

The klingon inspired deeply and turned to Kh’ali “We have come here as a formal delegation invested by the high Council in Qo’Nos. The purpose of this visit is to assess the practical feasibility to install a klingon starbase in this quadrant. The Empire has an increasing interest in this region and in quality of allies of Federation a great need is felt to have liberty of conducting affairs without third parties in between.”

Roctan paused then to allow Kh’ali to consider his words especially the part regarding ‘third parties’ that essentially meant not having to pass through starbase 900 for each and any business undertaken.

“Last time I checked, Starfleet had no exclusive claim to this quadrant. I think if it tried to claim such, the millions of inhabitants here would take issue. You have to understand, Roctan. We are only a small presence here and this starbase is open to all of the fleet and the Federation which, as you can see from my position here, as well as other officers, includes Klingons. If you wish to build another installation, you will have to negotiate with those in the area you wish to inhabit.” Kh’ali leaned back in her chair, regarding Roctan. “But, as part of the Federation, you already knew this. Why the pretense?”

“The Council prefer to be cautious and avoid to alarm the ally. Moreover we are well aware that Federation’s position in this quadrant is still… Precarious. Yet you have already matured some influence here that could be useful to sway the ‘inhabitants’ into accepting a new installation here. Also the resulting possibility of a mutual defense should be considered as an added advantage.”

Q’Vahn snorted with Roctan reasoning making him look at her sidelong but then he turned his attention again to Kh’ali:

“What do you think of that?”

Kh’ali glanced at Q’Vahn a moment before she spoke. “Mutual defense is always a good idea. The real question is, what area has caught your attention? Everything will depend on that.”

Roctan suggested a list of possible sites in the quadrant where a future Klingon station could have been built. Some of them in places strategically important and by far preferred in the light of the usual militaristic vision of klingons, others of less strategical weight but more advantageous in regard to resources available. Kh’ali evaluated them all and gave her insight on any of them. The meeting went on for a couple of hours more ending in a ‘stalemate’ as any location carried in itself several obstacles be they of political rather than military origin.

“I think we have to dedicate more time to these aspects as, I see, the situation is more difficult than anyone could have thought. Can we decide another or several other meetings to proceed with our effort?”

“Of course. Aure’l can arrange them at your convenience. I’d like Lt. Dobry to sit in as well. His insight will be invaluable in this venture.” Now Kh’ali turned to Q’Vahn, who’d been silent for the last two hours. “This business is interesting but it does not explain your presence here. Let’s hear it.”

“They wanted me here overseeing this project because of family bonds we share. They thought that this would have garnered your help bringing the whole thing to a satisfactory and quick conclusion…” Q’Vahn smiled with the irony. “I couldn’t believe that myself. yet… I’m here.”

She glanced then to Roctan and the guards posted to the doors. “Leave us alone a few moments now.”

The guards without flinching turned on their heels and exited the room while Roctan stood slowly from his seat reserving a cold stare to Q’Vahn then he too walked to the doors and left the room.

Kh’ali watched them go, now curious as to what Q’Vahn really wanted. Where this particular cousin was involved, nothing would surprise her but whatever it was, it was something she didn’t want spread around.

“Alright,let’s hear it.”

“Rumour has it that you’re consorting with a weakling. Already you gave a blow to House of Martok by deciding to leave Qo’Nos and serve Federation, now this… Most inappropriate of you.”

Q’Vahn leaned back in her seat savouring the moment. “House of Martok has a long and respected tradition. You should have conducted your wedding before the Mistress of the house and show the due respect to your family. But you didn’t and are found wanting.”

Q’Vahn drummed a little on the table looking intently at Kh’ali before reprising, “I have proposal. No one will care of your whereabouts, if you publicly renounce your allegiance to the house.“

“Renounce??” Kh’ali slammed her fist on the table as she stared back at Q’Vahn. “Have you lost your mind?” She leaned closer, her voice taking on a sharp edge. “It seems to me that you are the one with the problem. My father has not found me wanting, nor does he seem to think I have dishonored our line. As for this weakling, he is more than capable of surviving mating with one of our kind and he is not a poor, helpless human as you may think. You know as well as I do what that takes. And now he is the father of the new heir to the House of Martok.” Kh’ali smiled a moment. “A male heir, Q’Vahn. I could go into further detail, but you get the point I think.”

Q’Vahn’s eyes widened in surprise at the mention of an heir but lasted only an instant with a growl she half-raised from her seat to bring her face a mere inch from Kh’ali’s.

“TaHqeq! Your father is not the Entire House of Martok!” she almost bellowed “He has a brother and many other relatives and they will care. I will make sure they do. Having conceived your litter only worsen your position! He will never be acknowledged legitimate because you have forsaken all of your family honour and tradition! I’ll make an outcast of you, better if you choose to vanish from the scene in silence.”

“I have forsaken nothing!” Kh’ali’s voice was little more than a hiss now. “The family already knows of this child but I see they didn’t bother to tell you. What does that say about you, Q’Vahn? You know as well as I do that blood ties bind. He is Martok, whether you like it or not.”

“Martok’s House is not just a house, it’s the Chancellor’s house. You’re not getting away with this. You say no one bothers with what you’ve done? And you think you could one day bring your bastard to Qo’Nos advancing some claims? Wait and see…” Q’Vahn’s voice had become a low growl now as she spat all her despise on Kh’ali.

“We will see…” Kh’ali pointed to the door. “Get out!”

Mouth distorted by rage into a snarl Q’Vahn stood from the seat and ungraciously left the room.

Klingon Rising...

Opportunist Prig

Restrained Counselor


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