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A Few Kind Words & A Dance - Part II

Posted on Tue May 26th, 2015 @ 6:26pm by Lieutenant Raj Amani & Ensign Six of Ten & Vic & Ensign Reva Madhava

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: The Nexus Club

* * * The Nexus Club ***

Vic had returned to the bar where Raj joined him, the two now deep in discussion as Vic sent out the drinks. Six had grabbed a table and reached for her new drink.

“That was...entertaining? Amusing? No, that’s not right. It was…” She shrugged. “Pleasant?”

Laughing, Reva shook her head. "Just pleasant? Not moving? Or sexy...?" She glanced over at Vic behind the bar. Sexy would be her word.

“That would apply, yes. He is...interesting. The sensations coming from him were...intimate.” Six took another sip of her Jackson-style lemonade. “I am uncertain why though. He doesn’t know me.”

"Why does it matter if he knows you? He can see you, Six, that's enough for him to...," she shrugged a shoulder and sipped her drink. "He must like what he sees, since he jumped to dance with you." She wondered whether she was encouraging something she shouldn't. "What about you and Bryce?"

“Bryce? What about him?” Six lowered her glass and then it hit her. “Oh.’s not like that, despite what Riley thinks. I think it’s that whole issue of being a hundred years older, you know? But he took me under his wing on our previous posting and he’s been a big help navigating things. He stepped into a bit of a conflict in the Wormhole a few nights ago too, before I had to get rough.”

“A hundred? What? And you were in a fight? Six! That's not good!"

“Some local loudmouth with a bad opinion of me. He didn’t know me either by the way. He started to get rough till someone handed me a knife.” Six shrugged and stole another glance at Raj and Vic. “I just scared him a little and Bryce played the Security card. Bryce’s size didn’t hurt either.” She grinned at Reva. “No trouble from that fellow since.”

"Funny how there are still people who do that," Reva shook her head. She knew the type of attention Six might attract; though the attention Reva usually drew was more sexual, she knew Six would draw anger and hatred. She had followed Six's glance. "Let's go back to why it matters that Vic doesn't know you. Maybe he wants to get to know you."

“And if he does? What then?” Six set the drink down and leaned closer to Reva. “I am not too familiar with what to do then. You and Riley are so comfortable it seems. You know just what to do and say to him and he adores you. But how did you get there?”

"He's Betazoid and I'm half-Betazoid, so we can read each other. Plus, I was raised on Betazed; we share a common culture, one that is open about sex. Of course, Riley," she chuckled, "he's so nervous around women. It just takes time, though. You go out and talk or do something like a game on the holodeck, and, if you like each other enough, you have sex."

“You make it sound so simple.” Six looked thoughtful for a moment. “I can sense emotions but not really read his thoughts. Perhaps you could.” It seemed a reasonable request to her.

"Vic's? Sorry, Six, I can't do that. I mean, I could, but I'd need his permission and to touch him, by which point you'd be better off just asking him outright. He's a nice guy; I'll bet he's good in bed," Reva was watching Vic move behind the bar. Yup, she'd wager money he was.

“Just like that.” Six was not so sure she was ready to be that bold, especially in such foreign territory. “I will think on it.” She had to admit though that the idea stirred her greatly as she, too, watched Vic. “I’ll get us another round.”

"Ah... okay, sweetie," Reva smiled and settled back to watch the coming show. It should be good: Six was approaching a telepath and an empath.

“Another round please, Vic?”


His smile as he met her gaze was warm and, she sensed, inviting. It made her seriously nervous and at the same time sent a jolt of warmth through her that was a new thing. She didn’t recall ever being looked at in that fashion by a man since she’d been taken from the Collective. She had no idea what to do next. Beside her, Raj lifted his drink, but suddenly caught the emotions that radiated from Six. They were sudden and unexpected and this close, a little overwhelming. He tried not to swallow and succeeded in choking on his drink.

“Oh! Are you alright?” She patted him on the back to assist but it was quite a bit harder than she realized and Raj faceplanted on the bar. Now Six was completely mortified and dashed away from the bar and back to the table. She was sure her face would burst into flame any moment as she slipped into her chair and tried to shrink out of sight.

Okay, perhaps not as funny as Reva had thought that might be, although seeing Raj go face-first into the bar... Reva held in her laughter. "Hey, Six," she took her hand in hers and got a good hit of what Six was feeling. "Lesson number one, watch your strength. Both of us are stronger than we look and, I promise, men like light touches. So, lesson number two: nobody ever died of awkward. Go back up there and apologize. And bring our drinks back!"

Six sighed, stood, squared her shoulders and walked back to the bar. She looked to Raj first, who was rubbing his forehead. She was relieved to see that his nose hadn’t taken the hit since he had such a nice one.

“I’m sorry, lieutenant.” She managed a smile. “I was afraid something had gone down the wrong way.”

Raj waved the apology aside. “No harm done, and thank you. I think the bartender is ready for you.”

Six started to reach for the drinks and stopped as what Raj said registered. “Umm..thanks.” Surely he had been speaking in general. Hadn’t he? She reached out to take the drinks.

Vic added a slice of lemon to each glass, and slipped them into her hands. Relax, it’s okay.

The words rose in her mind and she immediately felt better. As Reva said, no one ever died of awkward. “Delicious.”

Why thank you.

There was no mistaking the emotions she sensed from Vic now. “Sure,” she said softly and took the drinks back to the table. “Was that better Reva?”

"Yup," Reva grinned. "We've all had moments like that." It dawned on her that she was playing romance guru here - it wasn't a role she'd ever had before. "Before we leave, you should ask him what he's doing tomorrow."

“Tomorrow. Got it.” Six reached for her drink. “This is so complicated.”

Nothing… The word rose in her mind and she coughed, setting the drink down quickly. “Then again I could be wrong.”

Raj stood now and approached the table. He held his hand out to Reva. “Another dance Miss Madhava?”

"Yes, I'd love to," Reva took his hand and they went off to the dance floor. She'd caught Six's surprise, though not the reason.

“I think he’s working his way up to something,” he whispered to Reva as they reached the dance floor. He took her in his arms and they began to glide over the floor.

"Hmm, well she's working up some nerve, so they're on the same page it seems," Reva said. She was enjoying this night out immensely. It helped that Raj was a good dancer and kept his hands in appropriate places. "And you're helping by getting the friend out of the way?"

“Not exactly, I just hate to see a lady sitting when there is such good music. Do you think he’ll make progress?” Raj smiled for a moment. “Or will she accidentally break his hand or crack a rib? And yes, I am kidding.”

"I'd be more concerned about her breaking something nearer and dearer to him," she laughed. "He'll make progress; she's open to the idea, just scared is all."

“She’s young and in an unusual position, Reva.” His voice had taken on that ‘counselor’ vibe.

"Oh, Raj," Reva purred now, doing a fair imitation of the madame she currently resembled, "I don't find her position unusual. Difficult, yes."

“You are one person who definitely knows what she is going through. I’m glad to see you reaching out to her.” He twirled Reva under his arm and drew her back in. “I am sure it means a lot to her.”

"She's awesome - she gave me the schematics for her eye implant! I've been going over them in my free time," she enthused, clearly an engineering geek. "That talking spider? I'm playing around to see if I can develop a way for her to talk to the computer."

Raj laughed, enjoying Reva’s happy mood. “I am sure the three of you will be very happy on this project.” He glanced over towards the bar to see Vic standing by Six’s table. “Take a look.”

"Sweet!" She smiled. "Boy, I'd love to be able to eavesdrop."

“Now, now Reva.” Raj grinned at her. “Besides, won’t she tell you?”

"Probably," she agreed. "Somehow, I'm giving her advice... but I think we're about the same age. Funny, isn't it?"

“Often it’s a matter of experience, not age. When you’ve blazed a trail, as you and she have, I suspect that experience will trump age every time.” The song ended and he tucked her hand in his arm as they started back towards the table where Six now sat alone.

"Do you want to join us or are you heading to the bar?"

“I need to go soon, early appointments in the morning. But I have thoroughly enjoyed it.” Raj pulled out Reva’s chair for her to sit. “Six, nice to meet you. Have a good night ladies.”

“Goodnight.” Six gave him a wave and turned back to Reva. “I’m glad you showed up.”

"Goodnight, Raj," Reva, too, waved as he left. Then she turned to Six, "Just now? Why? What did Vic say?"

“Oh I meant tonight.” Six smiled. “It’s been great. I was afraid I’d end up sitting here nursing a drink all evening and getting stared at. And Vic? Dinner later. But...don’t go nuts. It’s just dinner, okay?”

"Just dinner is fantastic!" Reva touched Six's arm. "I've had fun tonight. We should do this again. And I want to hear all about dinner!"

“We will. As for dinner, yes, you’ll get the details. I suggested the French restaurant. I know the chef there. We met when I was having coffee yesterday and he’s offered to teach me how to cook.” Six pushed her empty glass away. “So he told me whenever I want a table to let him know.”

"You make friends easily, Six," Reva pointed out what the woman might not have realized yet.

“Some don’t care where I came from. Little by little, yes? Some, like Vic are fine with it. Then there’s the men who delivered my alcove today. They couldn’t get out fast enough.” Six plucked the lemon from her empty glass. “I got the drinks tonight. Want to go back into the ballroom for a little while?”

"Okay, let's go!" Reva took her by the arm and led her to the ballroom.

Ensign Reva Madhava
Not Feeling the Awkward

Lt. Raj Amani
Amused By The Awkward

Enjoying The Awkward

Ensign Six
The Awkward


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