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Some Things Are Meant to be Private(s)

Posted on Sun May 31st, 2015 @ 2:13am by Lieutenant Bryce Kendrick & Ensign Six of Ten

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Lt. Kendrick's Quarters

* * * Bryce’s Quarters * * *

After Six and Jackson departed Lao’s, she’d had the dumplings boxed up. An idea had occurred to her, both to share the dumplings and to perhaps explain a few things to her. Now she stood outside Bryce’s door and rang the chime. It was only after she rang that she realized he might have company. This was Bryce, there was no way to know what he might be up to, but it was too late now.

“Oh, hey kid,” he said once the door had slid open. “What’s up? Ooh! Are those dumplings?”

“They are. Am I interrupting? I didn’t think to call before I rang so….” She looked a little uncertain as she held up the box.

“Nah,” he said, jerking his head toward the living room as an invite. “Besides, it’s always a good time for dumplings.”

He got a beer from the replicator for the both of them and sat at the table. “So? What’s up? I know you’re not here just for my stunning personality.”

“Maybe I am.” She smiled up at him as she moved past into the living room. She placed the box on his coffee table and opened it up. “I went out tonight.”

“I see that,” he said as he looked her up and down. “You look awfully nice. So by ‘went out’ you mean a date? Because that’s definitely date attire.”

“Well not in the beginning, no and thank you.” She smiled brightly at Bryce. “I decided I wanted to see the Nexus Club so, I dressed up and went. While I was in the bar, Reva arrived. Then I met Vic the bartender and some fellow in blue. Lieutenant but I didn’t catch his name. Vic’s very nice.We danced a few times, then he asked if I’d like to go to dinner when he finished work.”

“Vic, eh?” He sat a moment trying to put a face to the name. “The bartender? Damn, Six. He’s a good lookin’ fella’. How’d it go?”

“Well, that’s what I wanted to ask you about.” She took a drink of her beer, then lowered the glass. “We had a good time, well until Jackson arrived. He’s having some issues I gather, so I suggested that Vic go help him. Jackson was very stressed.”

“So what is your question? If sending Vic off to maybe help his friend was a good thing? If so, yeah.”

“It’s not that, exactly. You have the ability to sense things in people, don’t you? Is it thoughts or emotions for you Bryce?” Six pushed the box closer to Bryce.She’d eaten all she could hold for the night.

“Sorry, slick,” he said. “My race’s abilities are more toward noticing time and space abnormalities, not empathic abilities. However, I’ve been around long enough that I can get a feel for someone, kind of like those old police detectives would do--you know, a gut feeling.”

“For me, it’s emotions. Vic is...a mix. He seems very attracted to me but careful. Why is that do you think?” She looked over at him curiously. “Reva said that when you go out, if you get along well enough then you can have sex.”

A funny thing can happen when you’re talking and eating at the same time and suddenly...something shocks you. It’s called aspirating. You suck in food and air at the same time and the food goes down the ol’ windpipe, not to your stomach. This can happen if you inhale your food too quickly or, as in this case, something a little disturbing that you weren’t prepared for comes up. After coughing hard for what seemed like ten minutes, alternating with drinks of beer to try and help--it didn’t--Bryce was finally able to compose himself, wipe his mouth with a napkin and clear his throat to speak.

“Sex,” he said, clearing his throat. “Uh, well, yeah. She’s not wrong.” He rubbed the back of his head uncomfortably. Surely she had enough knowledge about this sort of thing that he wasn’t going to have to have ‘the talk’ with her? There was only one real thing left to do: fall back and regroup.

“I’m sure he’s attracted to you, Six,” he said, hoping to talk about anything but sex. “You’re gorgeous, smart and fun. What’s not to like? As for his being careful, maybe he’s actually a good person and knows what you’ve been through, and are catching up on, and doesn’t want to shove you straight into the deep end of dating without using some kid gloves. Know what I mean?”

“That makes sense, though Jackson referred to him as ‘old man’. That seemed to dampen his fire a little.” Six shrugged. “He doesn’t look old to me.”

“I don’t remember him looking that old either,” he said after another sip of the beer, “but then again, look at me. Compared to you I really am an old man. But that shouldn’t keep you from trying to connect to someone if you feel something there.”

Six considered this, then looked intently at Bryce and tilted her head. “Why haven't you? I mean you’re a nice fellow, handsome. Given your size, I assume you are well-endowed. So why not?”

This time, thankfully, he didn’t have food or drink in his mouth. “Okay, Six, we’re gonna’ have to talk about a few things, like boundaries. I like you quite a bit and enjoy talking to you, but let’s not refer to my endowment or my sex life. Other things are pretty much open to discuss, but I like my private life, and my privates, to remain private. Deal?” He had made sure not to sound cross or condescending, but bringing that sort of thing up with her made him uncomfortable.

“Can I still ask you about mine?” she asked. “Not that I have one of course. But maybe one of these days.” She finished her beer and set the glass aside. “I suspect you will give much different advice than Reva.”

“Uh...I don’t--you know, I’m not sure what that even really means. But it may be best if a female gives you advice about your, um, privates.”

“No, no,” she laughed. “Not those, I meant about sex in general. You have to understand, it’s not…,something I’ve really thought about. And there seem to be all sorts of rules and conditions and maybes on one hand and on the other...some just do it. I don’t want to mix it all up.”

“Oh. Well, in that case, as long as we’re not talking about specifics with you having sex, like graphic detail, I’m okay with it.” He was relieved at this point and finished the last of his beer. “But, yeah, I’m good. I’m fairly proficient in it myself, a benefit of having lived so long.”

“I see.” She thought about that one for a moment and decided not to dwell on it. “I suppose if they are a telepath, or like me you can sense what they feel, you will know what they want. Or if, I suppose. Is age so important, really?”

“No, not really, unless the person you have your sights on is on their deathbed or is way too young,” he said. “I remember a girl I met when I was eighty, or so, who was about your age. She knew how old I was and it didn’t bother her, or me, in the slightest. But I also don’t look like I’m one foot in the grave either. As long as they’re legal, and there are no other moral issues, I think people should be able to be with anyone they want. It’s just up to the people involved to make that decision.”

“That’s good news.” She smiled once more. “I suppose we will see what happens. The Nexus was fun and Vic promised I’d have no issues there.” Her expression shifted to a frown. “Well there was one slight issue.”

He frowned with her. “What issue was that?”

“This lieutenant. Very nice man. He was at the bar and when I went to get drinks for me and Reva, something seemed to amuse him. He choked on his drink so th be helpful I patted him on the back.” Six looked a little crestfallen now. “Except I pounded too hard and he smacked his forehead on the bar. He was nice about it though.”

Bryce was quiet for a moment or so before he burst out laughing. “I’m sorry, Six, but that’s funny! As long as he walked away I’m sure he’s fine.”

“He seemed rather amused by it, even if he did have a bump on his forehead.” Six shrugged. “As for Vic I suppose I will worry about that if it comes up again. I go on duty tomorrow. It should be interesting. Riley said Commander Leroy’s wife has come family visiting. I hope is it not stressful for them.”

“Hmm, Klingons,” Bryce replied at this news. “Can be a rowdy bunch. But I’m sure Lt. Cmdr. Kh’ali can handle it, as can the Commander. Just keep your head down and do your work well, as always. You’ll be fine.”

“I will. And i should go, it’s late.” She stood and rested a hand on his shoulder. “As always, thank you. You are always such a great help.”

“I’m not so sure about this time, but I’m happy to have had the company, and the dumplings.”

“More than you know, actually, and the company is always the best.” She opened the doors, then glanced back. “Goodnight. I’ll leave you and your privates alone.” With that she laughed and hurried away down the corridor.

As the door closed he grabbed one of only two decorative pillows he had and put it firmly on his crotch. “That girl is just awkward.”

Lt. Bryce Kendrick
Reluctant Dr. Ruth

Ensign Six
Getting Right To The Point


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