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New Year, New Resolutions

Posted on Thu Jun 4th, 2015 @ 11:47am by Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad & Jackson Banning V & Vic

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: The Nexus Club

* * * The Nexus Club * * *

"Thanks, Vic." Jackson took the spiked lemonade from the bartender and had a sip. "A helluva party, huh?"

Vic leaned on the bar across from Jackson as the two men looked out towards the crowded ballroom. "Great turn out as usual," Vic commented. He scanned the crowd but didn't see a particular face he'd hoped to see. "Hey, check that out."

He pointed to a table near the dance floor and Jackson turned to look....and his mouth dropped open. Ray was at the table, along with a woman who resembled Carter from Security. Jackson recalled her from the hunt for Drusilla but this....was a far different Carter.

"" he said and Vic nodded.

"Who knew all that was hidden in her uniform?" Vic shook his head.

Jackson nudged him. "Vic, that's crude."

"What?" Vic protested. "You were thinking it too and don't tell me you weren't. I know."

"Damn telepaths," Jackson muttered, but he smiled. "But with Ray? Damn."

"Yeah." Vic poured two glasses of champagne and handed one to Jackson. "Cheers my friend."

"Cheers." Jackson sipped the champagne. "I haven't seen her, by the way."


"Six. You've been watchin' the crowd." Jackson smiled. "Sorry for screwin' up your dinner the other night."

Vic paused as Jan took to the stage for the second set and the applause and cheers filled the place. She began to sing and soon the audience was enthralled.

"It's alright, J. I'm kinda torn about that situation. She's awfully young. I mean, she's only a year older than Eli. Isn't that weird?"

Jackson honestly considered the question. "So...what? Ten years between you? There's that much between Oz and me. What's the big deal?"

"Well, I...I don't know," Vic admitted. "I'll think about it."

"And still you watch the crowd." Jackson laughed out loud. "Well here's to figurin' it out." He clinked his glass to Vic's.

"Figuring out what?" Eli appeared from the back. "How to get all these people out of here when we want to go home? This is my third clean shirt tonight, fellows. Champagne baths are not pleasant."

"No, Vic's tryin' to figure out if he's bein' a dirty old man or not." Jackson set his glass on the bar and reached over to straighten Eli's bow tie. "Better."

"Thanks Dad." Eli grinned at Jackson, then turned to look at Vic. "Oh? This sounds interesting. Who's the object of the old man's attention?"

"Hey! I'm not old!" Vic glared at them both, then laughed. "And it's noth--"

"Six," Jackson informed Eli. "They had dinner the other night and Vic was all --"

"That's enough." Vic rolled his eyes. "It was just dinner."

Eli gave a low whistle. "Wow. I'd go there...well...I know." He waved that comment aside. "You're not too old, Vic. I mean, look at the Admiral and El'Shar. He's got what? Six hundred years on her? Now there's a....lucky man." Eli decided calling Admiral Wegener a dirty old man wasn't a good idea.

"He does make a valid point." Jackson draped his arm around Eli's shoulders. "You should listen to him."

"Huh...well, when you put it like that," Vic mused. "We'll see." He moved on down the bar to attend to one of the servers.

"A man of true indecision," Eli commented. "What's his holdup?"

"He's always been cautious about romance, kiddo." Jackson smiled, then reached for the champagne and poured a glass for Eli. "He'll get there."

"Thanks." Eli drink from his glass. "Happy new year."

"You too, son." Jackson smiled and settled on the barstool behind him. "So when are you and Chance leavin'? And Gil says he is sendin' Eric along? I think that's a good idea."

"We have one exam to do then we'll take off after that." Eli sat as well and sipped more of his champagne. "We'll likely be gone just a little over a week. I don't really want to stay there more than a couple of days. I'm not going to have Chance being under that much scrutiny and disapproval. My parents...well, my father is trying, barely, and my mother would turn us into a set of bookends, given half a chance."

"I know, and I am sorry about that." Jackson frowned a moment. "I wish I could fix it."

Eli sat silent for a few seconds, then refilled their glasses. He was obviously delaying, working his way up to something.

"Maybe you can."

"Let's hear it."

"The asylum order is complete and I am now considered a citizen of the Federation." Eli slowly twirled the champagne glass between his fingers, his gaze riveted on it, finding it easier to say what he needed to say this way. "When I got here, you and Jan stepped up and took me in, became the parents I lost when I had a whole government against me. When they came to visit and found out about Chance, they were horrified. My mother still hasn't spoken to me directly. I wanted their much...and then? I realized that maybe it isn't going to happen. I don't need to beat myself up trying to get it, nor will I put Chance through that. I already have that love and acceptance here, no matter what happens." He swallowed and finally raised his eyes to face Jackson. "I'll keep in contact with them, depending on how this trip goes, but what I'm saying, I guess, is that I consider you my family now."

Jackson was silent as he looked back at Eli. Around them the party roared on but here, a bubble of quiet seemed to surround them, keeping everything at bay. The Enaran effect, Jackson realized, and smiled. What the young man before him had endured - from being declared a public enemy to having his lover killed and resurrected - was enough to break anyone. And yet here he was, still smiling and now making a very tough decision. Jackson wondered for a moment what Eli's parents would think, then realized he didn't give a rat's ass about them or what they thought. What was important was the young man before him. He reached out to take Eli's hand.

"You've got it. We've been through a helluva lot together and that is what binds a family." Jackson slipped off the stool and swept Eli into his arms.

Relief and joy bubbled up in Eli and spread to Jackson in an instant. Happy new year, J.

Happy new year, son.

Not The Dirty Old Man

Cadet Junior Grade Eli Ziyad
Jackson Banning V


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