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Preparing For A Klingon Road Trip

Posted on Fri Jun 12th, 2015 @ 4:05pm by Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Aros & Commander Patrick Leroy
Edited on on Sat Oct 3rd, 2015 @ 12:18am

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Patrick & Kh'ali's Quarters

Patrick & Kh’ali’s Quarters

Kh’ali sat on the sofa surrounded by several open travel cases. In her hand was a padd that displayed one of several lists of things that absolutely had to be done before she and Patrick (and the baby and Nick and the temporary assistant) left for Qo’noS. This particular list contained what needed to be packed and taken along with them. Adding a very young baby to the mix certainly changed packing for a trip. Gone were the days of throwing a few things in a small duffel bag and jumping on a shuttle. She uttered a curse in Klingon as she studied the list.

“How can one tiny person need so much stuff?”

“What’s that?” The face of a young man appeared in the doorway of the second bedroom where D’veidh had taken up residence. This particular face had dark hair and stormy grey eyes and was attached to the young man who was filling in for Iggy while she was on her trip to Enara Prime. His name was Aros and he was Brenari. Kh’ali had specifically sought out someone telepathic,given the baby had become used to that. The thought of Iggy brought back the concern that nagged at Kh’ali. She hoped the trip to Enara wouldn’t turn out to be dangerous for her.

“Kh’ali?” Aros prompted her, bringing her back to the here and now.

“What? Oh. Look at this.” She motioned to all the bags. “He’s shorter than my arm, why are four of these five bags his?” When Aros laughed she joined in. “I know, silly question. How are you boys doing in there?”

“Good. He’s asleep now but he kept insisting he wanted something called Iggs?” Aros looked puzzled. “The image he showed me was rather disturbing.”

Kh’ali began to laugh again. “It’s a long story but it starts with the Chief of Security’s pet being affected by a strange crystal that caused her to become sentient, grow to an amazing size, go on an away mission with us to scope out the new colony site. D’veidh was born while I was away and Iggy, well formally Ignatius J. Reilly, was with me when he was born. She decided to take up the nanny job. They’ve become quite attached but she’s on her way to Enara Prime, which you knew. You just didn’t know she was an arachnid.”

Aros blinked and began to laugh again. “That explains it.”

“Explains what?” Kh’ali asked.

“Oh, he was curious as to why I only had two eyes,” Aros answered.

Kh’ali blinked back at him and shook her head. “I have no idea what to say to that.”

“How about I help you finish this?” he offered. “I’ll take care of his things so you can finish packing for you and the Commander.”

“Thanks so much.” Kh’ali checked the time and stood. “He should be home any minute now. Just introduce yourself when he comes in and send him on to me.” She hurried off to the bedroom where more travel cases awaited her.

After a while the doors swished open to let Commander Leroy enter the room.

Patrick stopped in his tracks giving a cursory look around the room, his eyes lingering on the bags strewn about and on the young man busy with them.

“Good day, uhm… Mr.?”

“Aros,” he responded and got to his feet. “A pleasure to meet you Commander Leroy. I am filling in for one rather large arachnid it seems, while she is on Enara Prime.”

“Ah, yes. Welcome then.” Patrick replied offering his hand to the young man. He avoided to point out that he was somewhat relieved as an atavistic fear of arachnids made him quite uneasy in Ignatius presence.

Looking again around he stated loudly, “Do we really need all this luggage?”

“Yes,” came Kh’ali’s voice from the bedroom. “Most of it belongs to the elf, not us.” She hurried from the bedroom and stopped to kiss Patrick. “Plus a few things you will need once we get there. And three bat’leths on top of the rest of it. How was your meeting with the Admiral?” She stopped then, reaching up to run a finger over his collar. “Keeping it I see?”

Patrick frowned at the mentioning of the bat’leths but he was straightaway distracted by Kh’ali’s other question.

“Yes I’m keeping it.” he said trying to watch down to the collar. “I was ready to give it back, already packed in its box. But the admiral didn’t want to hear about that and stated a number of reasons for which I should retain it. In short he made this a permanent promotion.” He ended with a hint of pride evident in his tone.

Then his expression changed as he met Kh’ali’s eyes “So, we’re almost ready.”

“Congratulations.” Her smile was warm and she hugged him tight. “And yes, we are almost ready. Another hour or so and we’ll have all this ready to be picked up. Nick’s already packed. I think it took him five minutes. I also think Aros has done more in a half hour that I’ve accomplished all morning. I keep stopping to send last minute things in to my staff.”

“I hope he’s not too pissed off about this thing… Wegener said that he would have made an order out of accompanying us there so that he couldn’t refuse.”

Patrick’s look changed again to one of worry now .“This is a big occasion for you to see home again… I would have liked it to be in more pleasant circumstances.”

“We’ll make it pleasant, my darling. After all, it is our wedding, yes? To hell with jealous cousins and rules and traditions. We’ll get through it and enjoy the occasion. She can kiss my ass,” Kh’ali said with uncharacteristic bluntness. She leaned in for a long kiss, then smiled once more. “I really should help Aros….” She looked past Patrick, noticing that Aros has made himself scarce so as not to intrude on the moment. “I have to say...I love telepaths.”

“Not so I.” He replied as he buried his face in her neck “There are things in my mind right now that should be kept to ourselves.” He ended, kissing his way to her earlobe which he found quickly enough.

“Well, it is someone’s nap time, and we are going to be in a shuttle surrounded by other people for the next few days, and once on Qo’noS we won’t be….” She paused to give him a wicked smile. “Perhaps we should make good use of our time before we depart.”

“Aye Aye, Sir.” He grumbled holding her tighter without letting go of the earlobe.

She gave a low growl herself, then whispered in his ear. “Let’s get out of the living room. I don’t want to wake the baby or scare the new nanny.”

She didn’t have to tell him twice. Scooping her up he walked to their bedroom “I’m afraid that the nanny is going to be scared anyway.” he said with a mischievous grin.

“We’ll talk to engineering about soundproofing….later. Computer, close the door,” she ordered.

Lt. Commander Kh’ali
Scaring The Locals

Commander Patrick Leroy
Instrumental In Scaring

The New Telepath On The Block


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