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Family Planning

Posted on Sat Jun 13th, 2015 @ 12:13am by Commander Ehlana Winter & Lieutenant Commander Earl Crane

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Earl & Ehlana's Quarters

"Dad! Two calls in as many days! What's going on? Is Mom okay?" A young-looking man with blonde hair that didn't quite want to hold a style was on the viewscreen.

Earl quickly assured him, "No, no, your mother's fine, Jules." He was hit, not for the first time, by the similarities and differences between his Jules, Julian, and Solis' Jules, Julisa. "I just..., oh, and here's your mother now. Dear, Julian is on the comm," Earl pulled Ehlana into the call.

“Hello sweetheart. Twice in two days. What’s the occasion?” Ehlana perched on the arm of Earl’s chair so she could see the screen, then leaned over to kiss Earl.

"Come on, you two, hang up and get a room if you're going to do that. But, Mom, that's what I was just asking Dad. What's with the call?"

"Ah, well, I was calling Julian to see about inviting him...," he looked at Ehlana as if asking for permission. " come visit us."

“About damned time I think.” Ehlana laughed. “I know people, I can pull some strings, son, if they give you a hassle, but it would be wonderful to see you.” She exchanged a look with Earl, wondering how much he was going to share.

He caught a whiff of what Ehlana was thinkTag and nodded. "Okay, so there's a small issue here, Jules. Remember what you told me yesterday? Because I told you Nikki Gold showed up here?"

"Ah... Okay, wait a minute, are we talking about the same Nikki Gold? The one I knew... Gods, that was back in, 2200s? Dad...?"

"No, this isn't that Nikki; this is her daughter, or granddaughter. Maybe great-granddaughter." Earl flapped a hand, waving that away as unimportant. "You said she had a kid; this might be your granddaughter."

“It’s rather important that we get to the bottom of this Jules,” Ehlana added. “There’s a….a problem here that involves her. Well, two problems actually, one arising from the other. Earl’s trying to track down her parents but it’s taking some time.”

"Oh...." Julian frowned and looked guilty. His face was as expressive as his dad's. "I've kept in touch..., well, track of, really, Nikki, so I should be able to reach them. What's up with this Nikki? And, Gods! Couldn't they name their daughters something unique!"

Earl's mouth was hanging open and it took him a second to hinge it closed. "Ah... What? You know where her parents are? Well, get them here!"

“And yourself too. If they can’t, you may have some decisions to make my son.” Ehlana sighed. “Your father can give you all the medical parts but she showed up here just yesterday swearing she was married to our Chief Surgeon. You remember Solis?”

"Sollie?! Yeah! I ...didn't he marry some crazy super warrior and then have an affair with an attorney? That Julisa you don't like, Dad. I thought he really liked her, but he married Nikki? That's a little fuc--- ah, messed up." All of his information had come second hand through Earl and Ehlana; he'd met Solis a few times while on DS-15, during a time when he was lamenting Julisa's absence.

"He and that ‘super warrior' split long ago and he and Julisa have been together ever since. He is certain this marriage record is faked. When he initially tried to transfer out here, she got into his files and changed the orders to keep him on 15.” Ehlana looked at Earl. “That about right?”

"Yup," Earl rubbed Ehlana's back, drawing a frown from Julian, "Nikki seems to be unable to separate reality from her fantasies about Solis. I'm not sure if her brain is mutated in a negative way or what. Her medical scans don't show a chemical imbalance." He knew he was revealing confidential patient information and added, "and, obviously, I'm retaining both of you as medical consultants."

“So that’s the story, Jules.” Ehlana shrugged slightly. “At first they thought she was just being obsessive but Ophelia has read her and says that she truly believes all this. It’s really rather sad and it’s all getting a trifle complicated. Solis can’t be part of her treatment for obvious reasons and that’s why she needs some family here.”

"Then I'll make some arrangements and be there as soon as I can," Julian ran a hand through his hair and nodded. "Sounds like it's time for a family reunion."


Lt. Commander Earl Crane, M.D.
Commander Ehlana Winter
Julian Crane, M.D.
Soon To Be Together Again


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