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Meet The In-Law, Part II

Posted on Fri Jun 19th, 2015 @ 9:43pm by Commander Sakkath & Admiral Lucius Hawke

Mission: Further Challenges

VIP Quarters

The dinner with Lucius and Rick had been nothing short of interesting. Rick had actually apologized and made the effort to be civil. Marianna appreciated it, though she knew it really wasn’t easy. Perhaps there was something worthwhile in the man after all. The thought immediately made her feel bad. ‘That man’ had been like a second father to her children all their lives and while she had no details, she knew that he and Lucius has pulled each other out of the fire more than once. And he was still the CO of both Li and her husband - a man Marianna had yet to meet. But now, with the investigation over and that son-in-law back on the station, she had called to invite him to visit. It was high time she met the man who had managed to get Li to settle down….at least she assumed Li had settled down, though as classified as Li’s life was in general, Marianna would never know for sure.

Now she was back in her quarters and was expecting the young man any moment. Jackson had been kind enough to provide her with a bottle of what he said was Sakkath’s favorite and now the bottle containing the vivid blue Romulan ale stood on the coffee table along with two glasses. She approved of his taste. Moments later the chime sounded, interrupting her thoughts.

Sakkath, who had been expecting this since Lucius’s warning so many nights ago, now strolled the VIP deck. His robes were violet, the golden Vulcan script that ran down the left side of his chest the only adornment. He took a moment to consider how different his father’s sense of ornament was from his own, a thing he had not spared a thought for in many years, but he supposed diplomacy did occasionally call for a bit of grandstanding.

He suddenly wondered if he was underdressed, but he buried the thought. Nerves did not suit him. He exhaled slowly, centering himself, and sounded the chime with his free hand.

The doors opened and Mariana stood there, still wearing the ivory silk dress from dinner. Her long hair was down but swept back on the sides. She looked Sakkath up and down, then smiled warmly.

“Sakkath. Please, come in. I’ve been anxious to meet you.” She stood aside to let him enter.

“She who is my mother,” Sakkath inclined his head in a deep bow before entering, “it has been my desire to meet you as well,” he intoned emotionlessly. “It is my hope that your life is both long and prosperous.” At this moment, perhaps more than ever, the habit of greeting served him.

“And to you, peace and long life, especially since it is apparent that you make Li so happy. Make yourself comfortable.” She indicated the sofa. “I have what I was assured is your favorite.” She led the way back into the living room and settled in one of the chairs.

Sakkath inclined his head once more and took a seat as instructed, placing the red velvet box he carried in front of Marianna on the coffee table. “A gift,” he said, “to commemorate our meeting.” Curiosity getting the better of him, he inspected the bottle that his mother-in-law had displayed, lifting it from its resting place. “2378,” he said appraisingly, sounding almost impressed, and very nearly smiling. Instead, he lifted a single eyebrow. “You are well informed, Lady Hawke; it is an excellent year,” and, he thought, a personally meaningful year. She had done her research, he thought, or else consulted the station’s consummate bartender. Either way, it was appreciated. “Shall I pour for us both?” he questioned as he uncorked the bottle.

“Please.” She nodded. “I’m glad we finally have some time to sit down and get acquainted. I understand you were away recently investigating the new colony site? That is an amazing thing to consider don’t you think? From an accidental voyage by a ship to this station and now a colony. It’s exciting.”

“Exploration and discovery are ever the hallmarks of our Federation,” Sakkath intoned as he poured two glasses half full of the electric blue liquor. “I was honored to lay the groundwork of Valhalla, but there are others who shall make it great.” He passed a glass to Marianna before lifting his own to hers with a delicate crystal chime. “To trailblazers,” he offered in toast, “and to family.”

“To family.” She sipped the ale and then rested the glass on her knee. “Your toast is most appropriate, my son. As I’m sure you are aware, this family is a little on the unusual side. Lucius and I have been apart a long time and yet remain close. His wife and his daughter now are as much a part of the family as are the rest and now that includes you. Li has had an ..unusual life, to put it mildly. Even so, you seem to have been wonderful for her and for that I am grateful.”

Sakkath, being Vulcan, did not reference the unopened gift. He was difficult to offend. He set down his glass and regarded Marianna a moment, then opted for the truth over control.

“Your daughter is precious to me,” he admitted honestly. “Our meeting was not what one might expect, but we have a bond that the galaxy has tried, and failed, more than once to tear asunder. I do not believe it shall ever succeed. And for that, I am grateful.”

Marianna’s smile widened. “Then you are a very lucky man, I must say.” She set her glass aside and reached for the box. “Now then, let’s see what you have brought.” She untied the ribbon, then lifted the lid. Seeing the contents, she squealed with pleasure. “I see I am not the only one who did their research. How did you know?” She lifted one of the Betazoid chocolates from the box, then offered it to him.

The Commander accepted the offering and sampled it, nodding his head with approval. “It is satisfactory,” he concluded, sipping again from his glass of ale. “As for how I knew, let me simply say that Li has many friends, most of whom are astutely aware of detail.”

“So I am finding out and am glad to hear. Li can be a little...secretive at times.” Marianna smiled as she reached for another chocolate. “Make that most times. A product of her career path I suppose. All three of the children followed Lucius down the Intel path.” She waved that aside. “But enough shop talk. I understand Li is on her way home and I am glad to hear it. You miss her.”

"I do," he admitted with a nod and another sip. "It is often difficult not to feel her presence. As a Betazoid, I am sure you can relate. It is fortunate that my father was nearby, and able to intervene on her behalf."

Marianna reached over, resting her hand over Sakkath’s free one. “I owe your father a great debt and please, when you speak with him again, give him my deepest gratitude. I don’t like to think of what might have happened had he not been there to intervene.”

Sakkath offered a nod of both acknowledgement and appreciation. "If I am certain of anything, it is that she who is my wife can take care of herself. We merely spared her the need to do so."

And, he thought, spared Lucius and Rick from sending the cavalry into the Neutral Zone, guns blazing, to the detriment of all.. Given Marianna's physical contact, it was likely that the sentiment passed easily to her, even unbidden by Sakkath. It was not something he would have desired, but he knew the Admirals would risk war for the woman who was, and was regarded as, their daughter.

The thought did get a laugh from Marianna. “You are more right than you know, my son,” she said. “They would and not think twice about it. They may be very smart men but they share the same soft spot you do where she is concerned and --”

The chirp of Sakkath’s comm badge interrupted her.

=^= Flight Control to Commander Sakkath. We’ve just received the cha’Do’s request for docking. =^=

Sakkath lifted an eyebrow at the interruption, and then gave the slightest of nods as he grasped why Flight Control would reach out to him. Disentangling his hand from Marianna's, he activated his communicator.

"You may clear them, Control. And please tell Captain Hawke that her family," he said with a glance towards Marianna, "finds it agreeable to have her home."

=^= I will, sir. They will he on the ground in twenty minutes. Flight Control out. =^=

Marianna smiled at the message. “And there you are, my dear. Go and get your wife. We’ll all get together in a few days once she has caught up with you and everything else.”

Sakkath set down his glass and stood, straightening his robes ever so slightly. "This has been most satisfactory," the Vulcan remarked with a bow of his head. He lifted his hand in the traditional fashion, and reiterated his earlier greeting as he once more regarded her. "May you live long and prosper."

“Peace and long life,” she answered with a smile. “I am pleased, Sakkath, she chose very well.”

"She is of good stock," he replied, as if to justify Li's choices before departing without any additional words. He would never run through 900 in the absence of a true emergency, but his steps were most assuredly quickened as he headed for the docking bays.

Commander Sakkath

Marianna Hawke


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