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Making Connections

Posted on Mon Jun 22nd, 2015 @ 7:15pm by Commander Dae Nalas & Lieutenant Commander Gaelan Tor

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: VIP Office

* VIP Office *

Dae entered the VIP office he often used when he needed to meet with someone who did not have access to the Intel decks. He laid his padd on the conference table as he waited for the arrival of Lt. Commander Tor and crossed to the portal looking out. It seemed a long time coming but the colony was finally going to be a reality. It was an exciting time to be here, he reflected. Tor, the Chief Diplomat assigned to the new colony, was going to have her hands full.

A noise behind him made him turn. A woman stood in the door, dressed in diplomatic purple. The pips on her collar told him that this must be Tor. He wasn't sure what he had expected but this woman was a surprise. She was a knockout. He sensed a complex swirl of emotion coming from her as she smiled back at him.

"Commander Nalas?"

"I am, and welcome to 900, Commander Tor."

He crossed the room and offered his hand, though neither of them was Terran. It was a habit he'd picked up from dealing with so many humans. She took his hand in hers, giving it a firm shake.

"My pleasure. Please, call me Tor, most do."

"Of course, and I am Dae." He motioned to the table. "If you're ready?"

Tor nodded and took the seat closest to the door. Dae reached for the panel to close the door, but an immediate sense of unease coming from Tor stayed his hand. So, he sat and passed the padd to her.

"There you will find the latest reports on the Pre-Warp Cradle civilizations along with everything I have on the Dendrian Order and Ozum. While they are on the perimeter of the Cradle, the Tynusian Empire is throughout."

Tor glanced at the padd and scanned through the list of reports only a moment. "Thank you. I had plenty of time on the trip out to read up on the trade agreements made with the Federation and the gift of the planet. I am meeting with Ambassador Chordata soon, but I wanted to get together with you so I know what's happening out there."

Dae nodded. "Forewarned is forearmed, as the old saying goes. The rebel activity level has not appreciably increased, but it has been consistent. No discernible pattern as to the targets either. Normally you would expect strategic areas to be hit but there seems to be no real rhyme or reason out there."

"Which means, to you, that they are interested in stirring up the locals and making the Empire appear unable to fend them off," Tor replied.

"Exactly." Dae was impressed with her quick assessment. "Ever considered switching to Intel?" Tor laughed and he joined her. "You're right, however. Such strikes to make the Empire look ineffectual, which then opens up the population to their message. At least in theory. So far, results have been mixed."

"And the Order is sometimes caught in the middle," she summed up. "Which puts the Federation in an interesting position, especially considering their request to begin the process of joining the Federation and the promise of humanitarian aid established in the negotiations with Commander Kh'ali."

"That is it in a nutshell." Dae studied Tor for a few moments. She knew her stuff, that was certain, but beyond that, she seemed to be a bit of a mystery. The conflicting emotions he'd sensed initially were still there, though she seemed a little more comfortable with him than she had upon arriving. "What you have there should fill in all the details and I'll send anything new along to you. However, since you are going to be living out that way, perhaps you should see it."

Tor looked up from the padd, meeting Dae's gaze. "Meaning?"

"It's three days out to that area. If you wish, we can take a shuttle out and let you get the lay of the land. There's nothing on Charu yet, other than the early stages of construction, but we will start at Ruined Station, the Order's point of entry and cruise through the near parts of the empire. I have some friends in the area that should be of help to you as well."

Tor considered the offer and finally nodded. "The station CO has arrived; I'm sure she would like to accompany us."

"Very good idea," Dae answered. "I've been wanting to meet her but I've been swamped since she arrived. Will you pass along the invitation? And plan on early next week if that is convenient for you."

"I will." Tor smiled and since the initial business seemed to be done, she took a moment to study Dae. He had an interesting face, she decided, but impossible to read as was the usual with Intel officers. He seemed very forthright and she appreciated that. "Thank you Dae. I have no doubt this is going to be an adventure."

"You have a gift for understatement, Tor. Even so, you are making history - the first colony in the DQ and you will be there." Dae relaxed back in his seat. "Until then, I am at your disposal. Have you had time to see much of the station?"

"I've explored a little, yes, but it would take weeks to see everything." Tor laughed and shook her head. "I've been using my daily runs as a means to see more of it, to tell the truth. And you can bet I'll be stocking up on the Promenade before we make the move, once the colony is done."

"Good idea. Three days' travel is quite a jump when you run out of something." He laughed as well. "Later this week, if you have time, round up Commander Gunnar and come to dinner. We can discuss the trip and I know Marla would love to meet her dog."

Tor was touched by the invitation. "Thank you, that sounds lovely. We will." Tor checked the time and realized that Tobin's ship would be docking soon. A rush of anxiety hit but she pushed it aside. "I need to get going, I am actually meeting Commander Gunnar for dinner so I will pass along your invitation." She stood and offered her hand once more. "Thank you Dae."

"My pleasure." He stood and shook her hand, remaining standing as she departed. Once she was gone, he reached up to rub his temples. Her sudden anxiety had hit him but he knew it wasn't related to him. That was good at least. He suspected they would work well together and he was looking forward to meeting the colony CO. Finally, he departed and took the lift back to his own office. He needed to inform Marla about dinner before he forgot.

Lt. Commander Dae Nalas
Lt. Commander Gaelan Tor
Making Plans


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