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Dropping Hints

Posted on Sat Jun 27th, 2015 @ 9:43pm by Lieutenant Isi Nighthawk & Commander Adara Gunnar

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Adara's Quarters

* Adara’s Quarters *

Isi’s transport had docked after what seemed an eternity. He arranged for his things to be sent to his quarters, then hurried to get off the ship and onto the station. He made his way through check-in and was finally in a turbo lift going up. When it opened on Adara’s deck, he was soon moving along the corridor at a brisk pace. It was only now that he began to get a real impression of how massive this station truly was. Finally, he reached her area and stepped up his pace until he was at her door. He could sense her within, and Cody too. With a smile plastered on his face, he pressed the chime.

He hadn't really needed to press the door chime. Inside, Cody had been running between Adara and the door for a minute now. Each time he'd gone to Adara, he had mouthed her hand, trying to pull her toward the door. Now he stood, nearly bouncing in place, by the door, whining. His whine ramped up till he yipped in frustration: Adara just was not listening to him! She was slow-moving and unaware that The Man was here!

In reality, Adara was moving at a fine pace and had the door open only a moment after Isi had rung the chime. "Isi," she smiled and started to hug him, but Cody pushed between the two and stood, trying to tell Isi all about his time since they'd last seen each other. Adara laughed, "Seems that I'm going to have to wait a moment."

Isi reached up, brushing her cheek gently. “So it seems.” He stepped around Cody and into the quarters, then knelt down and held his hands out, murmuring softly in his native tongue.

Cody pushed his head against Isi's chest. Adara chuckled and leaned in to kiss Isi's forehead. "Yes, he's had a terrible time without. Slept the whole way here"

“He didn’t think much of that, apparently,” Isi laughed. He fell silent, then murmured once more and rubbed Cody’s ears. Moments later, Cody obediently trotted off down the hall and Isi stood. “Now then, where were we?”

"About here," she stepped into him and hugged him, "It's good to touch you, love."

He held her tight and sighed contentedly. “And you,” he whispered. “Cody said you’ve been busy since you got here though. Makes the time pass perhaps?” He tilted her head up for a long, deep kiss. “That was my kiss, by the way, not Greg’s.”

"Mmm... I was going to say, I don't recall Greg kissing that way," she murmured, "How about we shelve any talk of Greg or anyone else until after we have sex?"

“I thought you’d never ask,” he murmured against her lips. He called out to Cody, who left Adara’s bedroom and returned to the living room. “No audience.” He took her hand and dragged her off down the hall.

* * *

Hooking her leg over his, Adara sighed with contentment. Then she laughed as Cody joined them on the bed, lying against her back. "It's good we're all together again. And soon, we'll have our own little house on a planet."

“We will.” Isi settled her in closer against him, then rubbed Cody’s head. “It’s exciting and a little ...what’s the word? Scary? Maybe just a little. I understand we’ll be out there all by ourselves, which means I may be busy. Even so, I’m anxious for it to be done and get there. Is all of the senior staff here?”

"Yeah. You were the last to arrive. I've called a staff meeting, so we'll need to get moving again in just a bit." She kissed his cheek.

“No rest for the wicked.” Isi laughed, then turned his head to kiss her. “I’ve missed you beyond all reason Adara. Everyone sends their best wishes for your new position too. I think you’ll do very well.” He stopped speaking aloud and touched her thoughts with his own. Being so intimately connected sent fire racing through him and in moments, he had caught up with her days on the station. “I’m glad that situation with Tor didn’t explode.”

"You and me both, Isi. That could have turned out so much worse. Hopefully she can heal and move on." She traced a pattern on his bare stomach, wishing now that she hadn't scheduled the meeting for today.

“Me too,” he said, answering her thought. “But no big thing. Then we can have dinner after and I can stretch my legs a little. Which reminds me...I have a box for you.”

"The box can wait...." Her touch on his skin grew heated and Cody was relegated to the living room again for a time.

Some time later, Isi returned to the bedroom with two glasses of water. “Drink up, my darling Adara.” He passed her the glass, then sat on the edge of the bed beside her. “Can’t have you getting dehydrated after all.” He winked at her, then took a long drink from his glass.

"Yes, Doctor," she sat up and took a drink. "You're funny, love."

“Oh? How so?” He drained his glass and set it aside. “Habit. Besides, I want to make sure you can keep up.” He gave her an ear-to-ear smile. “After all, I’ve been sitting on my ass on a ship the past three weeks resting up.”

"Oh, and I've just been jogging at least five miles a day with Cody. I think it'll be you who can't keep up." She teased him. "We could just work towards mutual exhaustion. But... It'll have to wait. Meeting's in an hour."

“Which gives me time for a shower.” He leaned down to kiss her, his long hair tickling her shoulders. “And a hint. The box Greg sent is related to something I have for you.”

Before he could straighten up, she caught hold of his hair and pulled him in for a long kiss. "Hmm, is it a chastity belt?" She laughed.

Isi laughed aloud and finally shook his head. “Not on your life. He’s actually resigned himself to the inevitable. It hasn’t been easy but I’m so likeable he couldn’t help himself.” He nudged Adara. “And so humble too.”

"Mmm, well, you have so much to be humble about. Let's get a shower and get going. Otherwise, I'll pull you back into bed and make us late. We'll have time for Greg's gift after the meeting."

“And dinner. Don’t forget dinner.” Isi hopped off the bed and and pulled her to her feet. He wrapped her in his arms and leaned in for a kiss designed to curl her toes. He slipped into her thoughts as well, sharing the desire that raged through him. To tide you over till after the meeting, and maybe to distract you during.

Jerk, she thought at him as he broke the kiss and headed to the shower. He left her with a reinforced wish that she hadn't scheduled that meeting today.

I heard that… coming?

Oh yes, she hurried to join him in the shower. In more ways than one.

Lt. Isi Nighthawk
The Dog Whisperer

Commander Adara Gunnar


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