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Girls' Night Out Part 2

Posted on Sun Jul 5th, 2015 @ 5:04pm by Ensign Reva Madhava & Ensign Six of Ten & Marabeth

Mission: Further Challenges

Six hurried along beside Reva as they moved through the main ballroom and towards the bar. “We have to talk, Reva. About Owain.”

"Yeah, what happened there? You were so relieved when I came back. Did he insult you?" Reva slowed their pace so they had a moment to talk before catching Vic's attention.

“No, nothing like that,” Six answered. “He asked me out actually. It’s just...he said some really bad things about Suresh - who he is and what he does. He seems unsure which Suresh this is even. I wasn’t sure what to think.”

Stopping to face Six, Reva shook her head. "I'm so sorry, Six. I know it's terrible to hear bad things about someone you like... I can't imagine how I'd feel if someone told me Riley was actually ...hmm... Actually, I can't see him being bad in any way, so I'd have a hard time believing it. Do you believe what Owain said? Or think there's a possibility he's right?"

“I think he may be mixing up the two but I didn’t bother to correct him. He said that Suresh is back into his old, depraved businesses. I intend to find out before I decide anything. I said I would go out with him but I don’t know. Would it bother you if your date spent all his nights having sex with a lot of people?” Six finally wound down with a sigh.

"They don't just have sex. They talk, they go out, they help the lonely find companionship. Sometimes that means sex, but not always." Reva paused, looking sheepish. "Sorry, I went to Seyla's again yesterday and she was telling Marcus about the job. But... Would it bother me? At least I'd be certain he wasn't just looking for sex from me," she smiled.

“Maybe,” Six admitted. “Marcus likes you, you know.” She smiled as they began walking again. As they passed a table, a blonde woman in a low cut dress waved to Six. She smiled and returned the greeting. “I don’t know her name but she was in Suresh’s living room that first night we went out. She left when I got there.”

"I don't recognize her," Reva commented. "Maybe she works for him?"

“I don’t think so. He barely spoke to her after I got there and she said she had a busy night ahead.” Six shrugged and now they entered the main bar area. Sam was down at the end, lifting a tray of drinks and Vic seemed to have a moment to catch his breath. “I may be in trouble by the time this night is over.”

"I doubt it!" Reva laughed and called out to Vic, "Hey! Spider-man!"

Vic laughed at the greeting and moved down the bar. “Good evening, ladies,” he greeted them. His gaze lingered on Six. “How are you? Enjoying your evening here?”

“I am, thank you.” Six returned his smile. “We ran into some friends of Reva’s who have been most interesting.”

"They are. And Marcus, at least, definitely knows his moves. Um... Six, would you mind if I went back and made Owain dance with me?" Reva arched a brow; she was trying to make herself scarce so she and Vic could chat.

“Sure, go ahead, have fun. I’ll be back soon.” Six shooed her off then turned back to the bar.

Vic motioned her closer. “I’m glad you came in tonight, there’s something I’d like to ask you…..”

Back at the table, Owain watched the two women move away from them. Finally he looked back to Marcus. “Well? How are you getting along?”

"Great. But whatever was up with you and Miss Borg just tossed a wet blanket on Reva. Did you see how she reacted? Warn a guy if you're going to ruin the mood," Marcus griped.

Owain began to laugh and shook his head. “You are new, you’ll get the hang of this. I’ve done exactly as ordered. It was no wet blanket, Marcus. It was planting the seeds of doubt. Seyla has no idea how attached Six is to Suresh and I’ve taken a step in loosening that grip. Reva doesn’t like the man and unless Six is ‘on her side’, Seyla will have a tough time pulling Reva in. Do you see?”

"That's ambitious: trying to recruit a Fleetie? Though, really, an Orion as an engineer? That's ridiculous," Marcus opined. "And a waste of natural talent. Talents I'm going to do my best to explore," he said, rubbing his hands together and grinning.

“I suspected. I’d say you’re off to a good start.” Owain smiled. “I’m taking Six out soon and I’ll dig a little deeper. All this will be much easier if her watchdog Suresh is the one she is uncertain of.” He drained his glass of wine. “Here comes Reva now.”

Marcus turned and smiled at Reva, "Couldn't stay away, could you? I'm told I can be addictive."

She laughed and leaned in to kiss his cheek, "Your ego certainly doesn't need anymore stroking! Which is why I'm going to bust it by asking Owain to dance with me." She held out a hand to him.

Marcus gave her a disappointed look. “Fine, as long as you come back soon.” He refilled his glass as Owain stood and offered his arm. Soon, they were out on the floor gliding along to the music.

“So where did you spirit Six off too?” Owain asked Reva.

"She's chatting with a friend of ours at the bar. She'll be right back." Reva paused as he turned her. "What did you tell her?"

“That I wanted to spend time with her and would appreciate her. She is definitely one that deserves it I think. I asked her to go out with me and she has agreed. I was also honest with her about what I do for Seyla,” Owain answered. “Is something wrong?”

Reva mulled that over for a few moments. Finally, she smiled and said, "Actually, I really like that! Those are some great lines, Owain." She laughed. "I think I can let whatever you said about Suresh just lie."

Owain frowned down at her. “I spoke the truth, I had to or she’d know I was lying. But what you said about Suresh...explain what you mean. And then maybe you can tell me how and why she’s tied up with that man.”

A wave of irritation washed over Reva and she knew Owain could feel it. "That arrogant, possessive...," she sputtered, "He 'rescued' us at Saturnalia and ever since then, Six has been head over heels with him. He's not good for her. So I hope whatever you told her about him is true - maybe it'll get her to reconsider dating him."

“I don’t know, Reva. Surely you’ve read her?” He danced them around a slower moving couple, then looked back down at Reva. “She doesn’t seem to understand, as you do, that there’s a lot more to life than what she has seen.”

"She's coming around, I think. It might just take a while." She followed his lead and turned in his arms then spun back to face him. "You and Vic are a good first step."

“Vic is a good first step. I’m not so sure about me. I don’t know that I’m the type she’ll ever feel comfortable with.” He changed the subject now. “What about Marcus? Surely he’s more entertaining for you than your science officer who is so often tongue-tied?”

"How do you know about Riley?" Reva asked, looking at him sharply. Then she softened, "Oh, you probably heard about him from Seyla. He's such a sweet guy. And not nearly as tongue-tied as he was now that we've had sex." She glanced at Marcus at the table. "Marcus does have a bit of a ...flair to him." That she was attracted to him was obvious.

“Then take your own advice.” Owain smiled, easily reading that he was speaking to a receptive audience. “You’ve told Six there’s no reason to tie herself down, you need to remember that too. Besides, Marcus likes you.”

"I'll try, but I should have a talk with Riley first," she said, smiling.

“You do that if you really think you need to but it’s your life, Reva.” Owain dipped her low as the song faded, then lifted her back up. “I’d better get you back to Marcus.”

Like Six, Reva now didn't know what to say, so she was quiet as she and Owain went back to the table. "Six isn't back?", she asked Marcus.

“There she comes now.” Marcus pointed in the direction of the main bar. They could see Six had stopped at the table of the blonde woman. They spoke for a minute, then Six continued on to the table.

“Sorry about that everyone.” She smiled at the group. “What did I miss?” The question was directed at Reva.

"Nothing. Owain is a good dancer and we cruelly left Marcus all alone," she answered, sitting next to Marcus.

"I ordered more wine, to ease my loneliness," he teased. As he spoke, both the wine and the girls' dinners appeared. "Perhaps Owain and I should leave you ladies to your dinner?"

“Of course,” Owain answered. “We’ll go refresh our drinks while you to enjoy your dinner. We’ll be back soon.” He reached for Six’s hand and kissed it gently. “Bon appetit.” Then he stood and waited for Marcus.

Marcus kissed Reva's cheek and promised, "We will certainly be back." He got up and went with Owain.

Owain led the way towards the main bar, moving casually through the tables. “I want to get a look at this Vic. Even Seyla thinks well of him,so I am curious.”

"Is there a male Seyla doesn't think well of?" Marcus glanced around curiously, taking in the clientele at the Nexus.

"Yes,” Owain answered. “One, and he’s part of the reason we’re here tonight. Strangely, Suresh and Seyla need each other. I know it sounds twisted, but welcome to your new world.”


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