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Last Minute Advice

Posted on Tue Jul 7th, 2015 @ 6:34pm by Lieutenant Commander Antos Lev

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Lev's Quarters

Following an exploratory walk around the station, Lev entered his quarters. He still held a jumja stick in his hand, now half gone. He'd been thrilled to find the shop on the promenade - it was his one real weakness where sweets were concerned. He kicked off his shoes, then shed his uniform jacket, leaving him in a short sleeved shirt and pants. Picking the jumja stick back up, he took a few licks, then noticed he had a call waiting. He decided to let it wait till after his shower. He had a date tonight and not too long to get ready.

Several minutes later, he stepped out of the shower and after drying off, wrapped the towel around his waist and ran a brush through his short hair. He brushed his teeth and satisfied, turned to leave the bathroom, then stopped. He was going out to dinner, which wasn’t unusual, but this time it was with a woman. That wasn’t unusual either, he had dined with lots of them in the course of his investigations. It was always business. This time it was a young lady he hadn't seen in a few years but who had impressed him at the time they met. He'd been surprised to see her on the Promenade during his walk and the invitation had just popped out of his mouth. So here he was.

He reached for the small bottle of scented after-shave, picked it up, put it down, picked it up again. Prophets help him, he was worse than a teenage boy. They’d at least know whether to wear cologne or not. Life had gotten way too damned complicated when a one ounce bottle of liquid caused such consternation. He didn’t want to give the wrong impression, either way. With a sigh bordering on melancholy, he put the bottle down and left the bathroom to get dressed.

Sitting down at his terminal to get to the waiting call, he discovered it was his ex-wife, Nirali. He opened the channel and moments later, she appeared on the screen, a smile lighting her dark eyes, her black hair pulled up in a ponytail. Lev was struck, as always, by her exotic beauty. Despite the divorce many years ago, they had remained close - neither of them resentful. They’d been pragmatic about their parting. Starfleet sometimes makes relationships impossible and that was the case here. He’d been gone more than he was home and he was sensible enough to know that was no sort of life for her.

“Lev! How are you?” She lifted the end of the towel that hung around her neck, wiping her forehead. “I just got out of the gym, I must look a mess. I heard you’d taken a position on SB900, does this mean you can finally unpack your suitcase?”

“As the XO of a new colony out here not the station.” He was somewhat surprised that she had heard, but at the moment he had more pressing concerns. “I see good news travels fast. But it will still be several weeks before the senior officers quarters are done, so it looks like I am unpacking for now. It’s a little dismaying to see just how little I actually have been living with over the past years.”

“Congratulations, and I wish you the best. The Delta Quadrant is a bit far out but as long as you’re happy. Do you want me to go over to your house and pack up anything to send out?”

“Thanks, Nirali, that would be wonderful. I’ll send you a list in the morning. This means a lot to me.” It was true, her offer touched him deeply. He took a moment to be grateful they’d remained on such good terms. “I called about something else, however.”

“Oh? What’s that?”

“I...” Lev hesitated a moment, then carried on in a rush. “I have a dinner date in a half hour and no idea what to wear. And that sounds lame, even to me. I wouldn’t worry about it normally, but this dinner is with someone I haven't seen in a while and she's one of those women who always has herself and everything else perfectly together.”

Nirali looked curious now. "Who?"

“Lani. It's been four years, but we met her on 942, remember? Niall's new assistant - well she was new at the time. ” Lev smiled for a moment. “They are here because he's the designer for the new colony and we’re having dinner tonight. I doubt it means anything besides dinner and catching up, but at least I should dress appropriately.”

“Lev, when was the last time you called me for dating advice?” Nirali looked amused now.

“It was --”

“Never. You always know just what to do in any situation. It looks like this one may have hung you up a little. You like her. Admit it.”

“I don't know, it's been a long time. So spill it. What should I wear?” He shook his head at her. “I’m getting short on time.”

“Okay. No uniform. She’s a civvie, so that is way too stuffy. No suit either. That will look like you’re trying too hard, too formal, too nervous. Nice trousers, a shirt that’s more your native style. That will show confidence, give a hint of your heritage. Oh, and wear your earring. Women love those. Trust me.”

“Pants, shirt, earring. Got it. Thanks, I owe you one. And look for the list tomorrow.”

“Sure, I’ll get it all shipped out this week. And Lev?”


“Take care, okay? You're out on the real frontier now."

Lev nodded. “I will.”

Nirali smiled. “Follow my advice and I suspect your hands will be full....of a lovely blonde. Finally, maybe you'll have someone who can keep up with you mentally. Have fun Lev and let me know how it goes.”

“I will, thanks. Talk to you soon.”

He closed the channel and ran a hand over his face. The chronometer told him he had twenty minutes. He hopped to his feet and moved off to get ready.

Lt. Commander Antos Lev

Antos Nirali
Still Looking Out For The Ex


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