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Game, Set & Match

Posted on Wed Jul 8th, 2015 @ 11:56pm by Captain Li Hawke & Ensign Six of Ten & Commander Oralia Zeferino & Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin & Lieutenant Commander Gilroy
Edited on on Thu Jul 9th, 2015 @ 12:21am

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Security / XO's Office

"...the status of Suresh's and Seyla's involvement," Darwin had verbally recapped the past few days' activities for both Oralia and Gilroy. Gilroy had already known some of the information, but Oz had been buried in her sheets with Jackson, so had no clue till now.

"She had Ensign Madhava running around the Station with pheromones on her?" That bit had stuck with Oz. She looked at Gilroy, "And you didn't toss her in the brig?"

He grunted, frowning, "Darwin said he'd handle it."

"Ah, yeah, I did." Darwin was quick to change the subject. The less talk about Reva, the better off he was. "But, anyway, the whole thing with Suresh dating Ensign Six of Ten? That has the potential to be a problem for us. She's told a few people that Suresh is the new one and is a super sweet, awesome, kitten-loving, non-violent, puppy-hugging all-around-good guy." He saw Oz raise a brow and he shrugged, "Okay, maybe that's an overstatement, but it's an issue. Suresh suggested that we get Six switched to Security or Intel."

"A department change for an Ensign who, by all accounts, has the brain for science?" Oralia sighed. "I'll run that past Li."

"There's more: Ensign Six was told by her XO that she either has to drop Suresh or face being sent off towards the edge of Tholian space."

"Not our problem, Mike," Oz said, surprisingly heartless.

Gilroy shook his head and spoke:

Love is merely a madness: and, I tell you, deserves as
as well a dark house and a whip, as madmen do: and the
reason why they are not so punished and cured, is, that
the lunacy is so ordinary, that the whippers are in love too.

Both Darwin and Oralia stared at him until Oz finally said, "Well, okay, I'm off to talk to Li. Anything else I should apprise her of?"

Darwin offered, "How much we adore her?" Gilroy shook his head.

*Li's Office*

After her return, Li had spent the better part of the days playing catch up on everything that had happened. As was typical for 900, that was a lot.

“That’s an understatement,” she mumbled as she lifted the next padd. It was a summary of the security calls from the previous day. She held it a moment, then rubbed her eyes. “Why can’t something fun and interesting come through my door instead of more reports??”

"Something like me?" Oz came in just in time to hear Li's lament. "Granted, I have reports, but they're more fun than the written reports. Wanna hear 'em?" She took a seat opposite Li.

“Yes! I could kiss you but that is probably one of Jackson’s fantasies,” Li laughed. “Where have you been all day? Or do I not want to know?”

"Actually, I think he's harbored fantasies about me and a certain green woman, ever since she cornered me in her quarters," Oz laughed. "I've been getting briefed by Darwin and Gilroy. Really, reports are much more fun when they're verbal. They told me about Seyla perfuming one of our own Ensigns with pheromones and sending her down to the Promenade and Arboretum. In the written report, it isn't mentioned that a restaurant lost a half day of sales due to barbecue sauce being splattered all over the interior. And the Arboretum lost a flower bed to a fight between a few men, none of whom recall why they were so angry with each other."

Li leaned over and gently banged her head on her desk. “Seems we missed the party. Did Seyla say why she did this? And which Ensign?”

"The only one who could handle having Orion pheromones on her: Madhava. Part-Betazoid, part-Orion. Seyla claims she didn't do it," Oz shrugged. "The Ensign didn't complain, either."

“I see. So, you think something is going on there. I feel for whoever you have investigating this one, Oz. Do you think Seyla will grow tired of the games before long?” Li asked. “Or is she up to something that warrants concern?”

"Darwin is the investigator," Oz grinned lopsidedly, believing that Darwin was likely getting some side benefits along the way. "Seyla is up to something, but Darwin believes she's not out to harm Madhava, so we currently have no concerns beyond making sure Seyla keeps the pheromones limited to her quarters or her clients."

"She is, at least, holding up her end of the bargain with Suresh. The one thing we've run into there is that Suresh has himself a girlfriend. Another Ensign, the former Borg, Six of Ten." Oz went on to outline the issue with Six and Suresh's suggested solution. "Essentially, Six would be Suresh's Isha."

Li’s eyes widened for a moment and she let out a slow breath. “At least he’s not insane and obsessive and completely cut off from reality.” Li picked up the pad that she’d been holding when Oz arrived. “The report on that restaurant. You’re right, you are much more entertaining.” Li smiled for a moment as Oz’s suggestion simmered in her thoughts. “So, we want to make sure that Suresh is believed in order to avoid a disaster below. In order to do that, it’s important that everyone believe he is who he appears to be, which so far seems to be working. He’s putting himself in danger for our plans, do we really have the right to keep him from having a personal life? And if we don’t, we are faced with a young woman who knows the truth, can’t tell anyone, and is faced with loss of position if she protects our secret. That about sum it up?”

"Yeah. Sounds about right," Oz nodded. "A move to Security puts her under me and Darwin; we can watch over her without drawing in another department or more people. Of course, Intel has more resources of the secret kind."

“Either way, Suresh is right. She could be most useful to you in all this and if she is working directly with those who know, she won’t have her officers panicking that she’s turning to the dark side and threatening to demote her. They have a point but this would avoid all that.” Li tapped her console and pulled up Six’s file. “Her specialty is listed as computer systems but given her past, I suspect she has a lot more talents that would be handy. What’s your opinion, Oz?”

"That we need to talk to the Ensign to see if she's willing to give up, for outward appearances, her Starfleet career." Oz answered.

Li nodded. “And send her undercover. Do you have a preference as to placing her in Security or Intel?” Li tapped a message into her panel, one to summon Six to the XO’s office.

"I don't." Oz shook her head.

Li considered the options for a moment. “Either will take some training for her. It might be easier if she has access to the intel decks and we can assign Leto to work with her. Darwin has a good handle on things down there, could he be pressed into assisting them now and again?”

"We'd be hard-pressed to keep Darwin out of it. He's none too happy about Suresh corrupting the Ensign," Oz laughed.

Li laughed as well. “Do you think it might be the other way around? I’m sure that she could teach him a thing or two.” Li stopped her laughter as the doors opened to admit Six, who was in off-duty clothing.

“Ensign Six?” When Six nodded, Li motioned her to a seat. “I’m Captain Hawke, the XO, and this is Commander Zeferino, the Chief of Security. We were off-station when you arrived. I’m pleased to meet you.”

“And both of you, Sirs,” Six answered. She sat in the seat Li indicated. “My apologies for being out of uniform, I am off shift and the call seemed urgent so I came immediately.”

“No worries,” Li answered. “The Commander and I have become aware of a situation that concerns you. To be specific, the conflict between your position and the outward appearance of your association with Suresh. Commander Zeferino came to me with a proposition to present to you.” She nodded to Oz.

Oz blinked at having the responsibility for making the offer. Then again, she was a department head involved. "As you've recently been made aware, your association with Suresh is going to cause problems with your Fleet career. Instead of fighting that, we're offering to let you switch departments and career paths, Ensign. You'll be reassigned to Security and liaise with Intel. Effectively, you'll be working under Lieutenant Darwin as a secondary contact and information source for Suresh. By outward appearances, you'll have quit or been removed from your Starfleet position because of your ...relationship with Suresh. You can say no, Ensign; it's your decision."

Six looked from Oz to Li and back. “So, I’d effectively be undercover, yes? I want to make sure I am perfectly clear in all this. It’s become something of a sticky situation.”

"Yes, you'd be undercover. You'll be exposed to experiences and situations you normally wouldn't be exposed to, Ensign. It might not be fun and games, particularly when you'll be hanging out with Suresh most of the day most days," Oz said. Some of her dislike for Suresh was lingering.

“Understood. Will I still be able to move about the station freely? There are places up above that I like to go,” Six asked.

Li nodded. “I don’t see an issue with that, given that everyone will think you are now a civilian. If you agree, we will be assigning Lt. Leto, a member of Intel to work with you and get you up to speed on some things you will need to know, especially regarding passing along things you may learn and need to get to Commander Zeferino, Lt. Darwin, or Commander Nalas. It’s a big step but we believe you are more than capable.” She looked to Oz now. “Can you spare her a few hours to consider it?”

"Of course," Oz nodded, watching the Ensign. "Think about it. This was Suresh's suggestion, by the way. Talking to him about this would likely be one-sided. Because of the nature of this offer, though, you cannot talk about it to anyone other than Suresh, Darwin or...," Oz looked at Li, "anyone one else, Captain?"

“Us. Intel will know but you will have a specific contact in order to limit chances of discovery. Therefore, once this begins, you will be, according to everyone you know, a resigned officer. Speak to Suresh and Darwin if you wish, and contact me in four hours,” Li answered.

Six nodded. “I will. And I want you both to know, that while this may be a difficult assignment, I appreciate what you are doing.”

"Just be careful what you wish for," Oz warned. "Old Earth saying."

“Understood.” Six rose finally. “I will send word to you both in four hours.” When Li nodded, Six turned and hurried out.

“Gods help that kid,” Li commented. “At least it will go better for her than it did for me.”

"We hope it will," Oz said, unsure about tossing a young Ensign to the wolves.

Li stood. “We have four hours. Let’s get to the Wormhole.”

"Game of darts? Winner buys the second round." Oz rose and together, the two headed out.

Captain Li Hawke
Watching History Repeat Itself

Commander Oralia Zeferino
Playing a Fate

Lt. Gilroy
Quoth the Raven

Lt. M. Darwin
Not Discussing Reva

Ensign Six of Ten
Contemplating A Huge Leap


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