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Pandora's Boxes

Posted on Thu Jul 9th, 2015 @ 10:53pm by Lieutenant Isi Nighthawk & Commander Adara Gunnar

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: The Arboretum

* The Arboretum *

Isi and Dara left their quarters and made their way to the Arboretum. Isi carried a box that he he’d brought along, the mysterious box from Adara’s ex-husband, and Cody trotted along with them. They arrived and Isi bent down to speak to the dog for a moment. Cody barked and began to rto stretch his legs and burn off some of the energy. Isi turned and smiled down at Adara.

“Let’s find a shady spot, shall we?”

"Under the tree over there?", she nodded towards a large, leafy tree that had a patch of mossy padding under its branches. "The gardeners around here certainly have done a great job here." They settled on the moss and Adara leaned over to kiss Isi.

Her kiss thoroughly distracted him and after a few moments he murmured softly. “You were saying something? Gardeners? I was busy kissing a beautiful woman. Who has time to worry about moss?”

"The gardeners here," she laughed. "I'm not going to kiss you again until you tell me what's in the box."

“Ohh, ouch. Really?” Isi laughed and shook his head. “You always do drive a hard bargain.” He reached for the box and pulled it into his lap. It was made of wood, with an ornate gold clasp. “Greg said this box is made of cypress wood and built by his grandfather. He thought it would be a nice container for the things within. It is lovely, don’t you think?” He was obviously drawing out the moment to tease Adara.

"Do you want to up the cost to no sex?", she teased right back. "Greg did show you what's inside, right? I mean, it's not one of those gag things, with the snake that jumps out when it's opened?"

“Oh no, not at all. Do you think he has that big a sense of humour?” Isi smiled back at her. “I’m not so sure about that.”

"Right. How could I forget that I'm talking about my ex-husband? He's an ass; he'd never think of a prank like that." She smiled at him. "So, come on, what's in the box?"

“Something from him and from me.” Isi opened the box as he spoke with agonizing slowness. “The two things are related. Care to make a guess?”

"No." She shook her head. "Security background, remember? I don't like guessing." She moved, rolling to all fours and advanced on him, grinning. "Do I need to tackle you and torture you till you show me?"

Isi raised his eyebrows and gave her a toothy grin. “No, but I like you in that position… yes..well...moving right along.” He raised the lid of the box and took out a thin, rectangular box which he held out to Adara. “From Greg.”

She took it, kissed him quickly then retreated to open the box. Once it was open, she looked at Isi quizzically. "Unless I'm way off the mark, these are the stones from my wedding rings. What did you say to him.”

“Say? I was just my usual charming self, sweetheart.” Isi met her gaze, his own revealing nothing. “Well, actually, he did take me out to dinner and ply me with wine and then we went to a baseball game on the holodeck and...never mind. What do you think of it?”

"It's beautiful. I'm sure what he means by it," she looked at him, hoping he might know. "Did he tell you?"

“Oh I know very well,” Isi answered. He pulled a smaller box from the big one, but held onto it. “That necklace is actually to wear with this...eventually. I felt that since you had given up your wedding rings along with Greg that I should replace them.” Finally he held out the small box.

She frowned and took the box from his hand. "This is from you?" She opened it and gasped. "Isi, this is gorgeous!" A ring glittered in the dark velvet. "Oh. Yes, Isi. I'll marry you," she grinned and hugged him.

He laughed as she tackled him and wrapped his arms around her. “About damn time,” he whispered at her ear. Suddenly, from out of nowhere, a four-legged body launched himself onto the pile.

Lt. Isi Adara
Bearing Gifts

Commander Adara Gunnar
Opening with Caution


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