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Assistant Chief Engineer

Posted on Tue Aug 9th, 2011 @ 1:14pm by Lieutenant Jason McIntyre

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Starbase 900

Antares Shipyards - Bajor Sector
Officers Quarters - Level 7.

He felt her nibbling at his ear, her body coiled into him. He could smell her, feel her. Her warmth enveloped him.



"Wake Up."

"Easy tiger."


"Five minutes."

"Jason you have 25 minutes before your ship leaves."

Jason jumped out of the bed.

"Where are my pants??"

He scurried around looking for his uniform and getting himself dressed as quickly as possible. Thankfully he had his duffel bag already packed the day before. He always travelled light. After putting on his tunic he turned to the naked woman who lay on his bed.

"Guess is goodbye."

"Guess so."

"It's been fun."

He kissed her before running out the door. After sprinting towards Airlock Five the Security Officer looked and him. Between gulps of air he presented his Transfer Order to him and he stepped aboard.

Two Weeks Later
Starbase 900

The USS Baton Rouge docked briefly with Starbase 900 to resupply which meant Jason had reached his new assignment.

Starbase Engineering
Jason looked around as he stepped out of the Turbolift and spotted a Lieutenant at a nearby workstation.

"Hi I'm Lieutenant Jason McIntyre, I'm looking for Commander Frost?"

"You're our new Assistant CEO. Welcome to Starbase 900 Lieutenant. I'm Lieutenant Janus Heyederdal, Computer Systems Specialist. I'm afraid Commander Frost is on an Away Mission to Divitia Prime."

"Lovely I guess I'm in at the deep end. Well first thing first. Where can I get a decent coffee around here..."
Lieutenant Jason Mc Intyre,
Assistant Chief Engineer,
Starbase 900.


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