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Klingon Ruse

Posted on Sat Jul 25th, 2015 @ 10:09am by Commander Patrick Leroy

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Qo'noS
Timeline: present
Tags: Q'Vahn, Qo'noS, klingon, Kh'ali

** Aboard the K’Nahr **

Q’Vahn stormed out of the transport room walking down the corridors of the K’Nahr in long furious strides, klingon curses flooding from her mouth. She reached the doors of a turbolift where a guard saluted her. Perhaps too slowly in her opinion as she shoved him into the wall as the doors opened and she walked in without even the flinch of an eye.

Her fist slammed with impatience on the turbolift wall as it ran down its way to reach the lounge deck. Sirella had treated her with disrespect shooing her away like a spoiled girl… And Kh’ali looking down on her with her self-assured attitude... The doors finally opened. Snorting, Q’Vahn walked the short way to the lounge where some soldiers were relaxing.

All fell silent as she entered the room except one who was sitting at a table with a comrade and laughing to some joke. Perhaps too much bloodwine was preventing him to regain a countenance or simply made him oblivious of the surroundings. In any case his laugh ended abruptly when the backhander from Q’Vahn sent him to the floor blood trickling from his mouth.

“Where is Khang?” She growled at the audience as the still dazed soldier regained his feet massaging his jaw and bloodied mouth.

None answered.

“KHANG!” She bellowed looking around the lounge, her eyes feverish, while the klingons discreetly kept out of her reach as the commander seemed to be in one of her famous fits of rage.

“I’m here.” a deep voice came from outside the other door of the lounge. A shadow then appeared in the corridor, crouched slightly to let his large mass through the doorframe and came into the light of the room.

“What is required of me?” Khang asked nodding to the commander.

Q’Vahn’s snarl turned into a satisfied smile then she looked around again to the other klingons in the room. She did not speak but her stare was telling stories and, one by one, the soldiers exited the lounge. Most of them in silence while a few with muttered curses, leaving her and Khang alone in the end.

Khang stepped forward and took hold of one of the bloodwine bottles left on the tables to pour himself some.

“I need you sober for starting.” Q’Vahn reprimanded him, watching as he gulped down the mug.

“A glass of bloodwine has never been a problem for me, Commander.” he replied calmly “Which are your orders?” Far from being a diplomat, in his time aboard the K’Nahr Khang still had learned the words that most likely would have appeased the Commander when she was in one of her fits. Words that implied prompt obedience mostly. Not that this worked every time but, as he gauged her reaction, the storm at the moment seemed to be kept at bay.

“Q’Vahn smiled and crossed her arms “My cousin is preventing me to see the child. She’s all-in in this wedding matter and already convinced to have staved me off with this maneuver… Oh, I hate her so much… She will suffer.” She had started pacing back and forth as her mind grinded a grisly plan after another to reach her ends. She stopped then and turned to look at Khang who was pouring himself the second glass.

“She gave away an information though. Tonight her human groom and my cousin Kalim will be around the Old Quarter, probably also the other half-klingon will be with them the one acting as Tawi’Yan. If I know Kalim well he will bring them to a nightclub and have something of a bachelor night and such stupid things you males do in such occasions…”

“What then?” Khang said sullenly.

“I want you to go there with a couple of the best from the crew. Provoke a fight. That should be easy if you act on the human, he’s inexperienced in our ways, make it seem a slight on his part. Even if Kalim will be watching closely.”

“Have they to end up dead?” Khang asked wondering on Q’Vahn’s long pause.

“No. Don’t touch the human, I’ve other plans for him, and don’t hurt too much Kalim… It is the other one the target of the operation. He’s the grandson of General Mo’Kha, Marcinko should be his name. The one I deem dangerous. If Kh’ali wants him close must be for a reason and if he’s not joining the Kal’Hyah then he’s going to turn out a thorn in my side in another way…”

She paused again as her mind focused on details and assumptions, then she looked again at Khang “Do as I say. Go to the Old Quarter and seek them out. When you’ve found them provoke a fight and break Marcinko.”

Khang smiled, a murderous gleam in his eyes reflecting that in Q’Vahn’s ones.

Evil Mind Issuing Orders

Evil Minion Carrying Them Out

(As played by Patrick Leroy)


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