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Owain's Debt

Posted on Sun Aug 2nd, 2015 @ 3:56pm by Niro & Seyla

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Well House - The Cherry Pit

* The Cherry Pit, Well House *

Having ditched Marcus, who was off shopping for a new suit to impress his clients with, Owain sat at a small table in the Well House, sipping from a large ceramic mug half-filled with a lukewarm sludge the barista claimed was coffee. With each sip, he frowned into the mug and debated whether the stuff was moving on its own or simply reacting to his movement of the mug. Or, perhaps, it was his nerves: he was waiting on Niro to show up. He set the mug down and watched the sludge for signs of movement. Perhaps it was the vibration of the Station.

Several minutes later, Niro entered the place. The barista looked his way and smiled but he ignored her. A quick scan of the room revealed Owain and he sensed that the man was a little on edge. Just the way Niro liked them. He approached the table and slipped into the seat across from Owain.

“So, O, how’s your morning going so far?” He looked around a moment, then back. “Where’s your buddy?”

Startled, Owain nearly knocked his sludge off the table. Fortunately, he caught the mug and the sludge managed to stay in the mug. He looked up at Niro. "Ah, Marcus? He's off, buying clothes," he answered. "You know what they say about a sharp dressed man."

“It’s true. I doubt he would be very popular if he looked like that fellow.” Niro pointed to a scruffy-looking man a few tables over. “Though looking good comes easier for some than others I think.” He studied Owain a moment and smiled. “You have no issues in that department.”

Wondering if Niro was flirting with him, Owain smiled. "Thanks. I've always been one of Seyla's more popular males. Does this have to do with my debt? What I offered at Seyla's still stands." In a place like the Well House, even though it was in the Pit and at the moment rather empty, he was hesitant to make the offers verbally, since a few were very sordid.

A smile lit Niro’s face. “Do you know just what I’ve done for you, Owain?” he asked. “And what it truly means?”

Frowning, he sat back. "Seyla asked you to fix the Six situation, didn't she?"

Niro nodded. “I made a deal with Marat so you are protected. He won’t trouble you and your part in that little incident will remain unknown. Though I have to ask, what ever possessed you to do something so stupid?"

He clenched his jaw and looked away a moment. "She's a damned Borg. Marat's right on that note: we should wipe 'em out, detached from the hive mind or not. Plus, that blood brought me a nice profit."

“Was the profit worth playing with fire? You were between security on one hand, who wouldn’t hesitate to mop the floor with you, and Suresh on the other. I’ve killed men for less than what you did. I understand the sentiment, really, but sometimes you have to choose carefully.” Niro shook his head. “But that’s life. What matters now is that you owe me your life.”

"Isn't Seyla the one in debt to you? She asked you to do something, not me."

“She’s agreed to do a favor for me in return, yes, but she isn’t the one in danger if Marat decides to open his mouth.” Niro leaned closer to Owain. “Don’t worry though, I won’t put you in danger. I just want you to help me out with a few things here and there. You might even enjoy it.”

"Really?" Owain perked up. "Like what? Or who?"

“We’ll get to the details when and as needed,” Niro answered. “What I need at the moment is to be assured of where your loyalties lie.” The images that had passed in Owain’s thoughts regarding Niro now began to replay in Owain’s head, but seemed far more if they were memories, not fantasies.

Shifting in his seat, Owain flushed hotly. "Ah... My loyalty?" He smiled, weakly, at Niro. "To myself first. Seyla next."

Instantly the images ceased, along with the physical sensations. “I see.” Niro rose and looked down at Owain. “I don’t want you to leave Seyla’s business but you might want to reconsider that list and your priorities.” He stepped away from the table. “I’ll see you later...maybe.”

"Wait... Wait!" Owain didn't - couldn't - get up to stop Niro; he could only stage whisper at him. "Come back. I get it. Loyalty to you before Seyla. Fine. Just... don't tell her."

Niro laughed softly before he turned and came back to the table. “I have no intentions of telling her. That would defeat the purpose, wouldn’t it?” He reached out to take Owain’s chin in his hand and looked into his eyes. “Very good. Let’s go, shall we? I have some time before I meet Reva and we have a few things to do first.”

"Happily," Owain beamed, thinking they were off to make those images a reality. "Maybe I could go with you to see Reva?"

“Not today, I have something very specific to accomplish, and I don’t want her distracted,” Niro answered. He waited until Owain rose, then started towards the door. As they passed the front counter he looked at the barista who’d smiled at him earlier, then continued on, noting her shiver as they passed.

Following Niro like a calf follows its mother, Owain missed the woman's shiver. He was more focused on Niro's ass. "What are we off to do?"

“You’ll see, but first I’m taking you to my ship. We have some plans to make...among other things.” The pair stepped out and began the walk to the turbolift. “It’s what’s going to keep you alive.”

"Uh-huh." Owain followed along and when they approached the ship, he recalled Niro's thoughts about having Reva onboard it. "When are you taking Reva on this thing?"

“We’ll have to see how that goes. Our first priority is taking care of your friend Marat.” Niro unlocked the hatch of the Karenna and then locked it again behind them. “The crew is on the station so it’s just us. Come. I’ve something to show you.” They stepped into the lift and it was a quick trip up to the top deck. “I’m sure you’ll feel right at home soon.”

Owain's head was swimming with tension: general tension and, now as Niro restarted the images and sensations from before - sexual. Niro led him into the Captain's quarters and it was all he could do to not strip his pants off and declare himself ready. Instead, he tried to be casual. "Nice digs."

“I think you’ll enjoy them. I intend for you to spend a lot of time here.” Niro crossed to Owain and leaned in closer. “As much as you want.” Niro wrapped an arm around Owain and suddenly, there was a faint hiss. A look of surprise appeared on Owain’s face, then his body sagged into Niro’s arms. “And as much as I want, too.” He laughed for a moment, then lifted Owain, carried him through to the bedroom and secured him to the bed. He made sure the man’s position was comfortable, then hurried out. He had an appointment to keep with a young Orion.

Not Using His Brain

Inspiring Loyalty Of All Sorts


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